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Fri, May 27, 2011 | Edited by Crethi Plethi

Prime Minister Stephen Harper differed from his allies on several key issues at this week's G8 meeting in France. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)


Canada insisted on “balanced approach” to Israel at G8 summit

Following G8 leaders’ call for resumption of Mideast talks, Canada’s PM Stephen Harper insists reference to “1967 borders” be removed from final statement.

Diplomats at the G8 summit in Deauville, France said that Canada’s [right-leaning Conservative] government had insisted that no mention of Israel’s pre-1967 borders be made in the G8 leaders’ final communique, even though most of the other leaders had sought to include the reference to 1967 borders, Reuters reported.

One European diplomat told Reuters News Agency, “The Canadians were really very adamant.”

In the final communique, the G8 leaders call for the immediate resumption of peace talks without reference to 1967,

“Negotiations are the only way toward a comprehensive and lasting resolution to the conflict … The framework for these negotiations is well known. We urge both parties to return to substantive talks with a view to concluding a framework agreement on all final status issues … To that effect, we express our strong support for the vision of Israeli-Palestinian peace outlined by President Obama on May 19, 2011.”

Mr. Harper judged that the draft other G8 leaders wanted wasn’t balanced, and didn’t refer to key Palestinian concessions.

“You can’t cherry pick elements of that [Obama’s] speech,” Mr. Harper told reporters at the close of the summit. “In terms of being balanced and even-handed and tying to resolve the Middle East peace conference, all of the elements of that speech have to be looked at as a totality, and I think that’s the basis on which we have to approach the situation.”

According to CBC News, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he’s glad that the final communiqué from the G8 meeting in France makes a “balanced statement” about Israel and the Palestinian territories.

“I think the [G8] statement that was agreed to is a balanced statement,” Harper said. “I think if you are going to get into other elements, then obviously I would like to see reference to elements that were also in President Obama’s speech such as, for instance, the fact that one of the states must be a Jewish state. The fact that the Palestinian state must be demilitarized. I think it’s important any statement on this question be balanced, as was President Obama’s.”

The Canadian Globe and Mail reported that Israeli PM Netanyahu has declared the 1967 borders to be a non-starter as a basis for a settlement. It would leave Israel vulnerable to attack and the 1967 lines did not include East Jerusalem which the Israeli government views as part of its capital.

Canada’s government has taken a staunchly pro-Israel position in international negotiations since coming to power in 2006, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper saying Canada will back Israel whatever the cost. The strong backing for Israel was cited by diplomats last year as one reason why Ottawa failed to win a rotating two-year seat on the United Nations Security Council.

Harper has made his position on Israel very clear, saying last year:

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.”

6 Comments to “Canada insisted on “balanced approach” to Israel at G8 summit”

  1. Canada insisted on “balanced approach” to Israel at G8 summit | #G8 #Canada #Israel #1967

  2. Canada insisted on “balanced approach” to Israel at G8 summit | Middle East news, articles, opinion.

  3. Canada insisted on “balanced approach” to Israel at G8 summit | Middle East news, articles, opinion.

  4. avatar Elisabeth says:

    Canada insisted on “balanced approach” to Israel at G8 summit | #G8 #Canada #Israel #1967

  5. avatar Doug says:

    Thanks again to CrethiPlethi.
    Our media is virtually silent on this & portrays P.M.Harper as a nobody, who tows the US line, on the world stage. Many Canadians silently applaud his stand for Israel, even while he is vilified at home by the media.

  6. […] consensus position of the G8. His move was scuttled by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who refused to accept any resolution that made mention of borders without mentioning the Palestinian demand to destroy […]


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