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The Media’s Islamophilia: RTE’s Coverage of the Woolwich Atrocity

Woolwich atrocity driven by Islamic radicalism… Continue reading

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No Prospect for Peace: Two-thirds of Arab-Palestinians Support “Armed Struggle”

A majority of Arab-Palestinians do not favour peaceful methods to achieve independent statehood… Continue reading

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Some Theories on the Boston Marathon Bombing

Some thoughts on the source of the attack… Continue reading

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The Hypocrisy of the Irish Teachers Boycott of Israel

The Teachers’ Union of Ireland became the first European trade union involved with education and academia to adopt a resolution calling on its members to cease all cultural and academic collaboration with Israel… Continue reading

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Norwegian Government Finds Arab-Palestinian Anti-Semitism Acceptable

Incitement by the Palestinian Authority against Jewish people and the Jewish State is a reality, but acceptable as part of an ongoing political battle… Continue reading

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Aboriginal in Canada: “The Palestinians are not like us”

Canadian aboriginal tells Palestinian Arabs to stop claiming commonality with them… Continue reading

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U.S. Military Leaders Oppose Chuck Hagel Nomination

Former U.S. Generals and Admirals oppose Obama’s pick for secretary of defence… Continue reading

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Rising anti-Semitism at the Sunday Times?

The Sunday Times publishes anti-Semitic cartoon showing Netanyahu building a brick wall with blood of Palestinians… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Islamism Overshadows the “New Egypt”

What are the early warning signs of an Islamist totalitarian state… Continue reading

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Did Hamas Engineer Border Violence to Extract a Dangerous Concession from Israel?

Conflict at the Gaza border on the 23rd November, in which one Palestinian man was shot dead by the IDF, has added to the noise made by supporters of the Palestinian cause that Israel was aggressor in the November 2012 violence… Continue reading

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Operation Pillar of Defense not Politically Motivated: Why Israel and Hamas Are Fighting Again

From day one, Operation Pillar of Defense has been casually portrayed by the Western media as politically motivated due to the upcoming Israeli elections in January 2013. Barry Rubin explains why this claim isn’t an accurate analysis of the current situation… Continue reading

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Manufacturing blood libel: Hamas’ propaganda war

Intensive propaganda campaigns led by Palestinian terrorist groups are perhaps the most predictable occurrence when it comes to any minor or major conflict involving Israel… Continue reading

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Operatie Amud Anan: @alqassambrigade

De rol van de social media nader belicht tijdens het recente conflict tussen Hamas en Israel… Continue reading

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Vincent Browne and the Israeli “cancer” that poisons Western foreign policy

Controversy erupted when firebrand left-wing Irish broadcaster Vincent Browne referred to Israel as a “cancer”… Continue reading

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A Friend in Britain: How Churchill Used “Emotional Intelligence” to Help Jewish National Sovereignty

For over three thousand years, the Jewish people were defined by an identity shaped by the Hebrew language… Continue reading

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Why Do So Many American Jews Support Obama?

In the 2008 election, a remarkable 79 percent of American Jewish voters supported Barack Obama to be president of the United States. In 2012 this number is likely to fall by 20 to 25 percent but will remain a large majority. Why is this?… Continue reading

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The EU at war with Israel: The prospect of an Irish-led EU-wide boycott

The moral hypocrisy behind a boycott of Jewish West Bank settlements… Continue reading

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Another notch in the bully-boy bedpost of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

The BDS movement can chalk up another minor victory when the Irish folk band Dervish were forced to pull out of a concert in Israel recently, after yet another anti-Israel onslaught by the pro-Palestinian IPSC… Continue reading

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Yet another low point in the BDS Movement

Delegates at the recent General Convention of the United Methodist Church approved a resolution calling for a boycott of Israeli goods made in the West Bank… Continue reading

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British White Paper of June 1922

The British White Paper 1922 was the first official interpretation of the 1917 Balfour Declaration by the British Government after investigation of… Continue reading

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After the Arab Spring, Salafists are Moving Closer to Changing the Face of the Maghreb

Now the initial euphoria about the Arab revolts has subsided, it’s clear the ‘Arab Spring’ will not bring a liberal, secular, Western (or Islamic) model of democracy to the Arab world… Continue reading

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David Ofek and the Ethics of Documentary in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Fíorscéal usually repackage French made programmes for an Irish language audience by doing little more than adding a very brief introduction to the topic… Continue reading

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Jews and the Dutch: A History of Ups and Downs

The Netherlands is widely considered one of Israel’s closest allies but at the same time continues to take a critical stance toward Israel in line with EU’s pro-Palestinian policies… Continue reading

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Inciting fear of Israel at the Sunday Times?

It is bizarre for the headline to focus exclusively on Israel… Continue reading

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UN Report: Libyan Dictator Muammar Gaddafi Wanted to Stage Last Stand

The UN’s Human Rights Council released an unedited version of a 220-page report on Friday detailing Muammar Gaddafi’s last hours when rebel fighters moved into Sirte… Continue reading