Egyptian and foreign observers alike marveled at a level of nationalist fervor and mass mobilization rarely seen before… Continue reading
The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court has invalidated the parliamentary election there… Continue reading
The Muslim Brotherhood apparently began its operations in Algeria in the 1940s… Continue reading
A French junior minister said in an interview published Saturday there was no such thing as moderate Islam… Continue reading
No efforts should be spared for dialogue and communication to assist the Saharan people to achieve their right to self-determination… Continue reading
Two former ambassadors and several current and former U.S. diplomats have written me agreeing with my warnings regarding Egypt… Continue reading
The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, was accused Monday of tacitly propping up dictatorship in north Africa and of botched diplomacy in France’s ambivalent response to… Continue reading
Algerian government slow to respond to signals intelligence overflight permission for areas of Mauritania and Mali where al-Qaida operates. The move is part of… Continue reading
Algeria’s government was badly shaken by al-Qaida bombings three years ago as the terrorist organisation opened a new front in north Africa and the country’s “sclerotic and suspicious” security forces struggled… Continue reading
When an unidentified plane crashed into the desert in northern Mali in November 2009, it was immediately suspected of smuggling cocaine from Latin America. The west African route to the lucrative European markets had been growing in… Continue reading
The Lifeline 5 aid convoy organized by Viva Palestina, the organization of the pro-Hamas former British MP George Galloway, along with the International Committee to Break the Siege on the Gaza Strip, is expected to set out from London on September 18, 2010. An official spokesman of the… Continue reading
The Lebanese women’s ship Maryam is still anchored in the port of Tripoli, despite the claims of its organizers that it would set sail on August 22. There are apparently difficulties with the Lebanese government and the refusal of Cyprus and other countries to allow the ship to sail to… Continue reading
A senior member of IHH, said that if the closure of the Gaza Strip were not lifted, many more flotillas to the Gaza Strip could be expected. He added that if need be, the vessels which returned would be used again… Continue reading
According to “Lebanese sources” international pressure is being exerted on the Lebanese government and the organizers of the flotilla to prevent the ships from setting sail… Continue reading
More flotillas to the Gaza Strip were being organized accompanied by intensive propaganda, although it is not clear which will actually sail… Continue reading
Our hatred for these people is so intense that we wished, at those moments, that we could have been bombs, and blow up among those brothers of apes and pigs… Continue reading
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Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....