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Egypt: The Turning Point, The Regime’s Plan on What to Do Next

Out of “good intentions,” the United States is headed the biggest catastrophe in the history of its relations with the Middle East. Thirty years after Iran’s revolution produced a similar situation, nothing has been learned by U.S. policymakers… Continue reading

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Egyptian ‘Moderate Democratic’ Leader Negotiating Coalition Government with Islamists

As I’ve been warning, Muhammed al-Baradei, seen as the leading “moderate, pro-democratic” leader in Egypt is negotiating with the Muslim Brotherhood to form… Continue reading

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Assad: anti-US and anti-Israel Stance will Save Him from an Uprising

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad believes he has more time for reforms, because of his anti-US and anti-Israel policy. He believes Egypt is suffering for its connection with the U.S. and Israel… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Military Deployed along Gaza Border

Egyptian security forces beefed up their presence along the border with the Gaza Strip on Sunday in a bid to stop Hamas operatives from crossing… Continue reading

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Iranian Opposition Leader Mousavi on Egypt and Tunisia Rebellions

It is interesting to point out that there are two Iranian models for what’s happening now. I am not saying that anyone is consciously thinking in these terms… Continue reading