IHH leader Bulent Yildirim gave an interview focusing on the U.S. intention to designate the IHH as a terrorist organization and on the Mavi Marmara incident. Yildirim claimed “Zionists” controlled the U.S. and world media. He accused Israel of… Continue reading
In recent days, Iranian media has been reporting on the Turkish aid in extinguishing the fire in the north of Israel, and on Israel’s attempts to take advantage of Turkey’s humanitarian aid to rebuild the relations between the two countries… Continue reading
Tehran Province internal security forces said that in recent days, the Tehran police had raided four mixed-gender parties in northern Tehran. Fifty young men and women were arrested at one of the parties, including three famous soccer players… Continue reading
Alwahbi strongly advised against taking military action to neutralize Iran’s program. Rather, establishing a US-Iranian dialogue was the best course of action, asserting that the USG opening an Interest Section or… Continue reading
Burns stressed that the U.S. believes that progress on the Turkey-Armenia protocols could create political space for Sargsian to be more flexible on NK. He continued that the reverse was also true, that a failure of the Turkey-Armenia process would almost… Continue reading
Een Amerikaanse diplomaat beklaagt zich in een memo van 3 juli 2001 erover dat het Vaticaan weinig behulpzaam is in het Vredesproces en Midden Oosten diplomatie, omdat de Heilige Stoel [het bestuurlijke orgaan] vrijwel uitsluitend aan haar eigen… Lees verder
Anders dan men zou verwachten in het strenge islamitische Saoedi-Arabië is er wel degelijk een bruisend nachtleven waar de jeugd van Saoedi-Arabië zich kan vermaken zoals de Westerse jeugd dat ook kan. Om uit handen van de strenge religieuze politie te blijven moet… Lees verder
Imad Mughniyeh was één van de meest gezochte terroristen ter wereld. De Israëlische Mossad, de CIA, het Franse SGDN en andere inlichtingendiensten waren méér dan 20 jaar op zoek naar de man die een lange lijst van terroristische aanslagen op zijn CV had staan: bomaanslagen, moorden en ontvoeringen… Lees verder
The Asian convoy set out from Delhi in India on December 1. It was delayed for a number of days by the Indian and Pakistani authorities on the border between the two countries, but on December 5 it crossed the border on its way to Lahore, Pakistan, and from… Continue reading
If you want to understand how the debate goes in the Arabic-speaking world and the ways liberals there try to get across their message, there’s nothing better to read than Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed’s article, “Erdogan…Fulfill Your Promises.” It’s also very easy to misunderstand… Continue reading
De president van Jemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, heeft volgens documenten op WikiLeaks de Amerikanen gevraagd om militaire steun in de strijd tegen Al Qaida. President Saleh deed zijn oproep bij de Amerikanen nadat Jemenitische veiligheidstroepen volgens eigen zeggen… Lees verder
De Libanese regering heeft Westerse landen vlak vóór het uitbreken van de straatgevechten tussen het Libanese leger en de Hezbollah-beweging in Beiroet [begin mei 2008] geïnformeerd dat Hezbollah een geheim modern communicatienetwerk, betaald door “Iran Telecom”, gebruikte… Lees verder
Following the publication of the documents on Wikileaks, Iran has claimed this week that the reliability of the leaked documents must be questioned. President Ahmadinejad commented on the documents’ exposure by saying that it was a… Continue reading
This week, Iranian media has devoted considerable attention to Lebanese PM Saad al-Hariri’s visit to Tehran, citing it as an example of rapprochement between Iran and Lebanon on the backdrop of the coming release of the… Continue reading
Counterterrorisme maatregelen van de Perzische Golfstaten tegen fondsenwerving door radicale Islamitische groeperingen als Al Qaida, Taliban en Lashkar-e-Taiba [LeT] hebben onvoldoende resultaat gehad. Dit lezen we in de geheime Amerikaanse memo’s die… Lees verder
A factor up until now neglected in the Middle East strategic picture is Israel’s development of a strong, multi-level missile defense system aimed both against short-range rockets fired by Hamas and Hizballah as well as to guard against… Continue reading
Latest Comments
Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....