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Pro-Palestinian French Organize to Purchase a Ship

Preparations continue for the so-called Freedom Fleet 2 flotilla. The Palestinian media reported that approximately 60 organizations were collecting donations to send a French ship to the flotilla. According to… Continue reading

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Hamas: No Place For Israel Among The Nations

Khaled Mashaal, head of Hamas’ political bureau, again proclaimed that “Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and there is no place in it for Israel.” He called on the Palestinian Authority not to rely on the United States because President Obama, especially after… Continue reading

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The Lame Duck

Actually, a “Lame-Duck President” is a President who either has just lost a bid for re-election or is ineligible for re-election. But Obama’s recent congressional election losses, coupled with political failures abroad have… Continue reading

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Arab Refugees

Only a George Orwell or a Franz Kafka could have done justice to the story of the Arab refugee problem. For twenty years, the world has been indoctrinated with a vision of its origins, its scope, the responsibilities for its solution. The intent of this picture is, roughly, that in 1948 the Jewish people launched an… Continue reading

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Palestinians Commemorate the Sixth Anniversary of Arafat’s Death

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday commemorated the sixth anniversary of late leader Yasser Arafat’s death and asserted the Palestinians right to petition the United Nations Security Council to recognize a Palestinian state if Israel refuses to halt settlement… Continue reading

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Democracy’s Balancing Act

When I started drawing the Dry Bones cartoons, way back in January of 1973, the accepted wisdom was that the future for a democratic Middle East was tied to the fortunes of Christian Lebanon, the secular government of Muslim Turkey, and the Jewish State of Israel… Continue reading

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The War Before The Six Day War

On May 14, 1967, the territorial limits of the State of Israel were the lines agreed upon in her Armistice Agreements of 1949 with Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. Israel held none of the territories she was to gain as a result of the still undreamed-of war three weeks away… Continue reading

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Israel Slams Obama’s Remarks On Housing Plans in Jerusalem

The statement was a response to President Barack Obama’s remarks in Indonesia when he was asked whether “Israel’s advanced planning for more than a thousand new homes in Jerusalem” undermines… Continue reading

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Veel van de Buitenlandse Media in Israel is Onprofessioneel en Oneerlijk

In een lang afscheidsinterview met de Jerusalem Post laat Seaman, enigzins teleurgesteld, al zijn opgehoopte frustraties de loop over zijn werk en de verhoudingen tussen de Westerse media en Israël. Het is dus een openhartig interview geworden, maar het belangrijkste… Lees verder

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Egyptian Authorities Refused To Allow 17 Activists To Enter The Gaza Strip

Egyptian authorities refused to allow 17 activists from the Viva Palestina convoy to enter the Gaza Strip. Those denied entry included Viva Palestina leader George Galloway, several activists who had been aboard the Mavi Marmara, Muslim Brotherhood activists, and participants in the confrontation with… Continue reading

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IDF Chief Expresses Personal Thoughts on Ethics to all IDF Commanders and Soldiers

On Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010, IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, sent to every commander in the IDF a letter in which he expressed his personal thoughts on ethics with regards to several recent incidents that had occurred… Continue reading

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What Effect Will The U.S. Elections Have On Its Middle East Policy?

What effect will the congressional elections have on U.S. foreign policy generally and Middle East policy in particular? It isn’t a matter of the individual candidates, since nobody lost or won who will have some big influence on U.S. policy in the next couple of years. The important factor is… Continue reading

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Hamas Minister: 700 Hamas Militants Were Killed During Operation Cast Lead

Fathi Hamad, the Hamas administration’s interior minister, revealed that as many as 700 Hamas military-security operatives were killed during Operation Cast Lead. The number, consistent with Israel’s examination, is significantly higher than the biased numbers given in the past by Hamas… Continue reading

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Egypt Continues Restrictions on Entrance of Convoys and Activists

The Egyptian authorities, who recently permitted the Viva Palestina convoy to enter the Gaza Strip, continue supervising the crossing and imposing restrictions on the entrance of activists and convoys into the Gaza Strip… Continue reading

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Hamas Leader Calls for Continuing the Armed Campaign Against Israel

Speaking before the Al-Quds Institute in Damascus, Khaled Mashaal, head of the Hamas political bureau, said that “resistance [i.e., terrorism and violence] is the only way to liberate Jerusalem, return the refugees and establish the Palestinian state.” He also said that… Continue reading

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UNRWA Director Calls on Palestinians to Acknowledge They Will Not Return to Their “Homes” in Israel

At the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations in Washington on October 22, 2010, Andrew Whitely, outgoing director of the UNRWA office in New York, called on Palestinians to acknowledge the fact that the probability of their returning to “Palestine” was low. He said they would do better to… Continue reading

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Twee Kerken, Israel Veroordeelt en Irak Geprezen

Op dinsdag 2 april 2002 werd de Geboortekerk in Bethlehem bezet door zwaar bewapende Palestijnse terroristen die probeerden te ontsnappen aan een actie van het Israëlische leger, Operation Defensive Shield, die erop gericht was om Palestijnse terroristen te arresteren in de omgeving van… Continue reading

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Hamas Leader criticizes Western Values, Promises Continuation of Jihad Against Israel

Senior Hamas figure Mahmoud al-Zahar was recently interviewed by several Arab and Western media. He used an opportunity to strongly attack Western values and the West’s lifestyle (particularly tolerance for homosexuality, secularism, gender equality and… Continue reading

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“Peace Activists” Solidarity Meeting With Terrorists

Members of the convoy’s Turkish delegation, most of them affiliated with the IHH (organizer of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla which was raided by the Israeli naval forces on May 31), visited terrorists of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and their positions. The PIJ’s website and other websites posted pictures… Continue reading

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Belated Outrage In Iran Over Iranian Athlete Standing On The Medal Podium With An Israeli Athlete

Almost one month after the World Masters Weightlifting Championships held in Poland in September, this week Iranian media gave extensive coverage of the award ceremony, during which the Iranian former world champion Hossein Khodadadi appeared on the podium beside Sergio Britva, the Israeli representative… Continue reading

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Turkey Declares Israel As A Threat

Only hours ago I wrote about the Turkish regime’s decision, in its official main strategy document, to drop revolutionary Islamism or Iran as threats–because they are now its allies–in the main NSC document. It was only a matter of time, I added, before they declared Israel or… Continue reading

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Viva Palestina ‘Humanitarian Aid’ Convoy and Hamas Defame Israel

The Viva Palestina convoy arrived in the Gaza Strip and was given festive ceremonies by senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad figures. They stressed the Hamas themes of the establishment of a Palestinian state instead of the State of Israel and glorified shaheeds of the Palestinian terrorist… Continue reading

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Human Rights In the Middle East

There is only one country in the Middle East that recognizes Feminists, Christians, Professors for Academic Freedom and Gays as having human rights. There is only one nation in the entire Middle East which respects their right to live openly as… Continue reading

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Jordan’s King: Tensions, Conflicts and Violence Will Continue If Peace Talks Fail

King Abdullah II of Jordan on Thursday urged intensified international efforts to make progress in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the state-run Petra news agency reported. At a meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu El Gheit and… Continue reading

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Palestinians Will Declare Independent State In August 2011

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said the PA will declare an independent Palestinian state in 2011. “The deadline is next summer, when the Israeli occupation of the West Bank must end,” Fayyad said… Continue reading