Is Iran’s government sponsoring an Internet site that extols the German Nazis, their history and achievements, including the antisemitism that the current Iranian regime also supports? Or is it merely permitting one to operate in a highly censored… Continue reading
Almost one month after the World Masters Weightlifting Championships held in Poland in September, this week Iranian media gave extensive coverage of the award ceremony, during which the Iranian former world champion Hossein Khodadadi appeared on the podium beside Sergio Britva, the Israeli representative… Continue reading
The Muslim Brotherhood’s London-based publication calls for jihad and terrorist attacks against Israel, and incites against the United States and moderate Arab regimes. However, when addressing leftist and human rights activists of the anti-Israel coalition, the Muslim Brotherhood emphasizes the rights of the Palestinians and tones down its radical Islamic nature… Continue reading
The European Jewish Congress warns that some Jewish communities in Europe are “teetering on the brink” due to national endorsement or neglect of anti-Semitism. The EJC maintains that a recent wave of anti-Semitism, some of which was officially sanctioned, has… Continue reading
Western pro-Palestinian activist who participated in the fighting aboard the Mavi Marmara, claimed in an interview in Haaretz that it was clear that the resistance aboard the ship would not be passive and that if Israelis boarded the ship the confrontation would end in disaster… Continue reading
A new video game titled “Attack on the Freedom Flotilla” was shown in Tehran this week at a ceremony attended by the deputy chief of the joint staffs of the armed forces on culture and media affairs and the Basij commander. The game deals with the IDF’s takeover of the ship Mavi Marmara this… Continue reading
In a speech given by IHH leader Bulent Yildirim two months prior to the Marmara flotilla, he presented a radical Islamic ideology with anti-Western and anti-Israeli motifs. He said that the aim of the flotilla was to isolate Israel by “breaking the siege” and stressed his determination… Continue reading
An anti-Israel coalition, some of whose members organized the Mavi Marmara flotilla, were encouraged by its results. It is currently promoting a new series of projects to embarrass and isolate Israel. They include an upgraded flotilla and a plane to the Gaza Strip… Continue reading
An Irish Coalition of Pro-Palestinian Organizations is Working to Send an Aid Ship to the Gaza Strip
A coalition of pro-Palestinian organizations in Ireland is working to send an aid ship to the Gaza Strip as part of Freedom Fleet 2. The organizations participating are the Free Gaza Movement, which also participated in the Mavi Marmara flotilla… Continue reading
It all began with boycotts. Boycotts that were taken to defend against an imaginary Jewish threat. For info about the Nazi BDS program… Continue reading
Tijdens een Israël Apartheid Week georganiseerd door de Moslim Studenten Vereniging van de Universiteit van Californië, San Diego, gaf David Horowitz een lezing over Israël en het Midden Oosten. Dit keer willen we een ander aspect benadrukken en wel de gehanteerde dubbele… Continue reeading
Iran has recently launched a new website examining the story of the Holocaust of European Jewry through Iranian eyes. It presents the claims on the “fabrication of the Holocaust” that are prevalent in the Iranian political discourse, and argues that the Zionists have… Continue reading
Hamas leader Khaled Mash’al has recently presented Hamas’ ideological and strategic alternative to the PA’s approach towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He slammed the PLO leadership, denied the… Continue reading
De verboden tekst uit de afscheidsrede van Prof. Pieter W. van der Horst over de mythe van het Joodse Kannibalisme binnen het antisemitisme en in de hedendaagse islamitische wereld… (deel 2)… Continue reading
De verboden tekst uit de afscheidsrede van Prof. Pieter W. van der Horst over de mythe van het Joodse Kannibalisme binnen het antisemitisme en in de hedendaagse islamitische wereld… (deel 1)… Continue reading
Yasser Qashlaq, chairman of the Free Palestine Movement and organizer of the Lebanese flotilla to the Gaza Strip, said the ships would leave within a few days… Continue reading
Awash in an ocean of public bias against Israel, one young-man’s determination sparks a resurgence of Zionist pride and self-assertion… Continue reading
Deze cartoons zijn – zoals men al zou vermoeden – agressief anti-Israël. Bovendien zijn ze schaamteloos racistisch, vaak met behulp van beeltenissen gebaseerd op eeuwenoude antisemitische mythen… Continue reading
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Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....