When will the United States learn that our current behavior and lack of a coordinated existential strategy since 9-11 is obviously not working? As a devout and concerned… Continue reading
Eind mei vergadert de Moslimbroederschap in Amsterdam. Deze organisatie verhult zijn doelstellingen niet: vernietiging van Israel en het bevorderen van islamitische wereldoverheersing. Maar volgens sommigen… Continue reading
Iran’s government has recently decided to ban the use of foreign words in commercials and on billboards. Karimi noted that his ministry also intended to ban the use of Latin letters on bags, shoes, and writing utensils for students… Continue reading
Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar has said this week that the authorities intended to implement the Islamic dress code enforcement program in the country. This year the program will apply to men as well… Continue reading
Op NOS-teletekst lees ik het bericht dat Amnesty International scherpe kritiek heeft op het (wellicht aanstaande) boerka-verbod in België. Volgens Amnesty is het in strijd met de mensenrechten en de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Daarnaast gaat er een gevaarlijke precedentwerking vanuit… Continue reading
I am worried about what will happen in the coming decades to the world while Islam is undergoing possible reform and change. Muslims are leaving Islam in large numbers and more will leave. Tyranny cannot last for ever, not even under Sharia Law… Continue reading
Every time I tried to find a solution to all the ills of Muslim society, such as jihad, oppression of women and minorities, I was confronted with an Islamic law that stood in the way of a solution… Continue reading
They criticized me for befriending and marrying an American. They rejected me when I refused to cover my head; something I have never done before. Some even called Americans stupid or naïve for being such an open society… Continue reading
I recently received an email accusing me of hating Arabs and my father. This email is typical of Arab media accusations of my views regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Since most Arabs have no chance to… Continue reading
The rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), a party rooted in Turkey’s Islamist opposition, to government in 2002 introduced new social, political, and foreign policy winds across the Turkish society. After seven years of AKP rule, the Anatolian Turks are bending over to the power of the AKP, orthopraxy and the Islamist mindset in foreign policy are taking hold… Continue reading
More evidence piles up every day that the Turkish government is moving toward radical Islamism yet Western policymakers pretend it merely combines a nice flavor of moderate Islam combined with democracy… Continue reading
On Feb. 22, Cetin Dogan, a retired four-star Turkish Army general, was detained and subsequently imprisoned by Turkish prosecutors, accused of masterminding an elaborate plot in 2002 and 2003 to topple the country’s newly elected conservative Islamist government… Continue reading
A late revision to the first installment of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia… Continue reading
On Anti-White Racism… Continue reading
Fourteen centuries of war against European Civilization… Continue reading
This is the second of five installments of Fjordman’s book Defeating Eurabia… Continue reading
Latest Comments
Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....