The root cause of the mess in the Middle East is really quite simple. In 1947 The United Nations (General Assembly Resolution 181) called for the area of Palestine between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea to be partitioned into… Continue reading
President Ahmadinejad stated this week that Iran is willing to resume talks on its nuclear program with the G5+1 (United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany) if they are based on “dignity and justice”. That was the president’s reply to an announcement made by EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton according… Continue reading
Israel’s relationship to the Palestinians has always been globally approached with standardized heavy criticism made to Israel. The main charges waved in Israel’s face have always been “the Disapropriate use of force” and… Continue reading
Egypt and Saudi Arabia secretly carried out their first ever joint exercise this week with the participation of their special operations, marine, armored, missile, air and naval forces, debkafile’s military sources reveal… Continue reading
In effect, Ahmadinejad is saying: I insult America! I am leader of the Palestinian struggle! I’m going to get nuclear weapons! I’ve got it all. Now, if there was only some Western leadership to organize the other side there might be more hope of… Continue reading
The arrival of a new Middle East player startled Washington and Jerusalem: debkafile’s military sources disclose that when Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan met Syrian president Bashar Assad in Damascus Monday, Oct. 11, they talked less about the Kurdish question and more about… Continue reading
The U.S. Administration, the European Union, the United Nations, and Russia made the decision to rewrite history by labeling the Territories ‘Occupied Territories,’ the Settlements as an ‘Obstacle to Peace’ and ‘Not Legitimate….’ Continue reading
On thursday, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that the relationship between Turkey and Israel might be a permanent problem, because Turkish civilians were killed during Israel’s raid on the Mavi Marmara… Continue reading
This analysis identifies patterns exhibited by the Iranian government and the Iranian people since ancient times. Most importantly, it identifies critical elements of Iranian culture that have been systematically ignored by policymakers for decades… Continue reading
While negotiations on a future peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians have just been resumed, the Arab League draws a line in support of the Palestinian decision not to recognize a Jewish State. As a consequence, the members of the Arab League will also not… Continue reading
The president’s plan to appoint some of his close associates as special envoys on foreign affairs has been increasingly criticized by Iran’s media and political establishment this week. The president recently announced his intention to appoint his… Continue reading
People are fascinated by the discussion over Islam and seem hungry for some honest and accurate analysis on it. So let me continue to try to bring reality into this debate. Now I know too many Muslims and how they act in practice to accept some mechanistic model that they respond like robots to the presence of radical concepts in… Continue reading
I would stress that “Islam” as a religion functioning in the world is not at war with anyone as such. There are those who want to steer Islam toward an active war against how the majority of Muslims live at present and almost all the governments… Continue reading
During my last speaking trip, which usually focused on the battle between Islamists and nationalists, there were Arabs or Iranians present at each event who enthusiastically endorsed what I said. In one case, a Palestinian… Continue reading
Israel, in any future agreement with the Palestinians, has a critical need for defensible borders. This video outlines the threats to Israel from terrorist rockets, ballistic missiles, and conventional ground… Continue reading
President Obama says Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons is “unacceptable,” but he appears resigned to the eventuality that the Islamic Republic will build a bomb. Iranian leaders are defiant in the face of sanctions… Continue reading
Forcing women to wear a Hijab is seen as a far greater virtue in Iran’s Shi’ism and Saudi’s Wahhabism than the freedom of choice, freedom of self-expression and… Continue reading
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Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....