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Displaying 1 to 121 of 121 files.
Middle East
Compendium of Vector Graphics of the Middle East
Compendium of all vector graphics of the Symbolic Truth Middle East Graphics Site (the site is down unfortunately, but I managed to save this copy years ago). This compendium includes the following topics: Historical graphics about Israel and the Israeli-Arab situation; The symbolism of Arab flags; Emblems of the general Islamo-supremacist and Wahhabi threat; Graphics expressing the specific threats to America’s freedoms; Graphics exposing the raw naked immorality of the tactics which many
self-declared enemies of Israel use in their “struggle”; and Miscellaneous graphics not directly about middle-eastern politics.
The Abdication of America - The Middle East after America
The Middle East – like other regions in the world – has gone through eras of projection of influence by external powers, adapting to the balance of power between them. This was the case during the age of colonialism, the Cold War and the period since the end of the Cold War, during which the US became the sole superpower in the region. The passage from one era to another, however, is never clearly demarcated and the process of adaptation does not begin only when a new era has been “declared”. Today, the Middle East and other regions of the world are in the throes of a re-alignment which is primarily a response to American policies and actions and reflects the expectation of a power void which will be left with the end of the “Age
of America”. The re-alignment of the Middle East will have a profound influence on other theatres and on the domestic and economic interests of the United States and the rest of the West. [By Dr. Shmuel Bar (Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, Herzliya), Friends of Israel Initiative, paper 2, sept 14, 2010]
Israel / Jewish Life
The Invention of Palestine
A powerpoint presentation about The Invention of Palestine as a psychological weapon for conquering Israel. Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called "Palestine" after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more than 600 years earlier. Today, the modern enemies of a resurrected Jewish Nation have dusted off Hadrian's curse and are attempting to pull off a monumental theft: the Arab World have reincarnated "Palestine" to steal Israel's heritage and the Land of the Jewish People. (By Tsafrir Ronen).
The IDF’s Role and Impact on Israel’s Society
The following analysis takes a comprehensive look at the historical and contemporary role and influence that the Israel Defense Forces has had in Israeli society, and highlights the benefits of the IDF as a “people’s army”-one which serves as a melting pot and strives to fit the needs of Israel’s ethnically, culturally, religiously, and socio-economically diverse array of citizens. (A publication by the IDFSpokesperson, Aug 24, 2010).
The IDF Spirit
"The IDF Spirit" presents 'the IDF ethics' to which the Israel Defense Force, all its officers and its soldiers of all ranks, in all professions, positions and units, aspires, and is intended to shape the actions of IDF officers and troops and help them deal with ethical dilemmas in routine and emergency. It's the IDF's ethical and educational document aimed at formulating the professional and moral basis for military activity.
The Third Va'ad Leumi Memorandum
Third Memorandum: historical survey of the waves of Jewish immigration into Palestine from the arab conquest to the first zionist pioneers. (640-1882). "A Historical Survey of the Jewish Population in Palestine Presented to the United Nations in 1947 by Va'ad Leumi (National Council) on Behalf of the Creation of a Jewish State." (The Va'ad Leumi Memoranda). The Va'ad Leumi was founded in 1920 and its departmental structure served as a basis for the government ministries, when the State of Israel was established.
Gaza Operation Investigations: Second Update
An update to the information presented in Israel's reports related to the Gaza Operation previously released in July 2009 and January 2010. This Paper describes the progress and current status of investigations carried out by Israel into allegations of misconduct and violations of the Law of Armed Conflict by Israel Defence Forces ("IDF") during the military Operation in Gaza from 27 December 2008 through 18 January 2009 (the "Gaza Operation," also known as "Operation Cast Lead"). It is intended as an update to the information presented in Israel's reports related to the Gaza Operation previously released in July 2009 and January 2010. In addition, this Paper includes a summary of some of the changes in military operational procedures that Israel has made, or is making, to implement the lessons learned as a result of the Gaza Operation. [Released by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 19, 2010]
Second Timeline of the History of the Jews
Timeline of the History of the Jews and the Land of Israel to the beginning of zionist pioneering (63 B.C.E.-1887 C.E.). Based on "A Historical Survey of the Jewish Population in Palestine Presented to the United Nations in 1947 by Va'ad Leumi (National Council) on Behalf of the Creation of a Jewish State." (The Va'ad Leumi Memoranda). The Va'ad Leumi was founded in 1920 and its departmental structure served as a basis for the government ministries, when the State of Israel was established.
The Second Va'ad Leumi Memorandum
Second Memorandum: historical survey of the Jewish population in Palestine from the fall of the Jewish state to the beginning of zionist pioneering. "A Historical Survey of the Jewish Population in Palestine Presented to the United Nations in 1947 by Va'ad Leumi (National Council) on Behalf of the Creation of a Jewish State." (The Va'ad Leumi Memoranda). The Va'ad Leumi was founded in 1920 and its departmental structure served as a basis for the government ministries, when the State of Israel was established.
Israel's Identity
The creation of a new Jewish Identity. The New "Sabra" Jew and the Old "Diaspora" Jew, and other socio-cultural groups in Israeli society. (By Professor Ido Oren, University of Florida).
The First Va'ad Leumi Memorandum
First Memorandum: historical survey of the waves of the number and density of the population of ancient Palestine. "A Historical Survey of the Jewish Population in Palestine Presented to the United Nations in 1947 by Va'ad Leumi (National Council) on Behalf of the Creation of a Jewish State." (The Va'ad Leumi Memoranda). The Va'ad Leumi was founded in 1920 and its departmental structure served as a basis for the government ministries, when the State of Israel was established.
Military Ethics of Fighting Terror
The purpose of the present document is to briefly present principles that constitute a new doctrine within the sphere of Military Ethics: The Just War Doctrine of Fighting Terror. The doctrine has been developed by a team at the Israel Defense Force (IDF) College of National Defense. However, the work has been done on the general levels of moral, ethical and legal considerations that should guide a democratic state when it faces terrorist activities committed against its citizens. Accordingly, the proposed principles are meant to be justified and practically applicable under any parallel circumstances. Authors: Prof. Asa Kasher (University of Tel Aviv), Amos Yadlin (IDF College of National Defense). Published online: July 27, 2006 by Philosophia. Copyright: Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2006. Download this publication and read it together with the IDF Spirit (also available on this download page).
Implications of a Palestinian Corridor Across Israel
Linking the Gaza Strip with the West Bank. Before a viable Palestinian state can come into existence, the Palestinian Authority and Israel must come to certain agreements. The idea of a territorial link between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, commonly called the issue of “safe passage,” is often overlooked. Safe passage raises legal, economic, and security concerns for Israel as well as for the Palestinians. the lack of a link between separated territories does not affect whether a new political community should be recognized as a state under international law. In addition, based on past and present international practice, a state does not possess an inherent right to a link between its geographically distinct areas. In particular this may be applied to the sovereign link called for by the Palestinians between Gaza and the West Bank. [By Justus Reid Weiner and Diane Morrison; Visit for more information.]
The Challenge to Israel's Legitimacy
Looking at recent developments, there is a dangerous global shift occurring with respect to Israel’s international standing, which must be urgently addressed. Over the last decade, former Israeli officers have been threatened with arrest for alleged war crimes if they visit certain European countries. From Norway to the UK, there is increasing talk of boycotts against Israeli universities. There is more talk about trade sanctions, as well...The cumulative impact of these developments is the creation of an increasingly hostile environment for Israel, as every negative report about Israeli policy is accepted at face value. [By Ambassador Dore Gold, Friends of Israel Initiative No. 1,]
Gaza Operation Investigations Update
On 29 January 2010, Israel released a 46-page Paper which describes Israel's procedures for the investigation of allegations of violations of the Law of Armed Conflict. The Paper focuses on investigations, legal proceedings and lessons learned, in relation to the actions of the IDF in the course of the Gaza Operation from 27 December 2008 through 18 January 2009. This paper supplements and updates a paper released in July 2009 -"The Operation in Gaza: Factual and Legal Aspects". [Released by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 29, 2010]
First Timeline of the Ancient History of the Holy Land
Ancient Sojourns Through the Holy Land (3000 B.C.E.-587 B.C.E.).
Israel's Critical Security Needs for a Viable Peace
Since the 1993 Oslo Declaration of Principles signed with Yasser Arafat’s PLO, Israel’s vital security requirements have been relegated to a position of secondary importance. Israel’s traditional “security-based diplomacy” approach to foreign relations had been set aside. Instead, a doctrine of “diplomacybased security” had come to dominate Israeli diplomatic thinking, as peace agreements were thought to be the guarantor of Israel’s safety... The Palestinians have adhered to their historical narrative of armed struggle that denies Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish nation-state, regardless of signed agreements or unilateral Israeli withdrawals. The Palestinians have interpreted Israeli territorial withdrawals as signs of weakness and retreat that have energized their struggle to force additional Israeli
territorial concessions... Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s foreign policy speech at Bar-Ilan University on June 14, 2009, represented a fundamental restoration of Israel’s security- and rights-based approach to the conflict. Netanyahu insisted that reciprocity govern relations between the sides: that Israel be recognized as the nation-state of the Jewish people, that a future Palestinian state be demilitarized, and that Israel’s critical security needs be honored. [Full Study, copyright JCPA; Visit for more details.]
The Jewish-People Deniers
The Jewish-people deniers is a review essay by Anita Shapira (The Chaim Weizmann Institute for the Study of Zionism and Israel, Tel Aviv University) on Shlomo Sand's book "Eikh u-matai humtza ha-am ha-yehudi?" (When and how was the Jewish people invented?), Tel Aviv: Resling, 2008. This essay was first published in The Journal of Israeli History Vol. 28, No. 1, March 2009, 63–72.
Added Value: Israel’s Strategic Worth to the European Union and its Member States
A groundbreaking report examining the extent to which Israel represents a strategic asset to the EU. Analysing three key arenas – military, economic and scientific/technological – it finds that Europe is more secure, more innovative and more relevant on the world stage thanks to the tools Israel provides. At a time when Israel’s European detractors seek to cast it not only as an illegitimate state, but a liability and burden to Europe, this report demonstrates that by virtually all key parameters, Europe is better off with Israel than without it. (First published by Friends of Israel Initiative and The Henry Jackson Society, January 2014. © Friends of Israel Initiative and The Henry Jackson Society. All rights reserved.)
Defensible Borders on the Golan Heights
Israeli-Syrian negotiations in 1999-2000 discussed security arrangements to compensate Israel for the loss of the Golan Heights. The idea was to guarantee that in case of war, IDF forces could quickly return to the place where they are currently stationed. This analysis demonstrates that Israel does not possess a plausible solution to its security needs without the Golan Heights. Not only was the "solution" proposed in the year 2000 implausible at the time, but changing circumstances have rendered Israel's forfeiture of the Golan today an even more reckless act. A publication of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (copyright JCPA). Visit for more details.
60 Years of Women's Service in the IDF
The following presentation outlines the role women have taken in the army throughout the history of the Israel Defense Forces. Women have always taken part in Israel’s growing military, from the founding of state in 1948 to the modern army of today. Israel has come a long way from those early days in which they were asked to perform the traditional support duties to the present time, in which most military roles are open to women. But, not only the positions have been opened for women, currently all the way from the basic training to officers courses our soldiers are classified, selected and then trained - according to their abilities and not by gender. Today, women participate in a large array of duties and their presence is meaningful throughout the military. [A publication by the IDF Spokesperson Film Unit; Aug 18, 2010.]
Israel's Defensible Borders
Israel's decision to disengage from the Gaza Strip has placed the future of the disputed West Bank at the top of the international agenda. Prominent voices have called on Israel to withdraw fully from the West Bank and return to the 1949 Armistice Lines (1967 borders) – a move that would undermine Israel's security and even pose an existential threat. It is therefore a matter of urgency that while the debate over the future of the Middle East addresses Palestinian claims for an independent state, Israel's rights and requirements for defensible borders are now placed squarely on the global diplomatic agenda. An initiative of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (copyright JCPA). Visit for more details.
Israel's Timeline: From Ancient to Contemporary Times
Contents: 1. Beginnings to the Destruction of the First Temple (ca. 1850 BCE - 586 BCE); 2. Return from Babylonian Exile to Roman Occupation (ca. 538 BCE - 63 CE); 3. Destruction of the Second Temple to the Middle Ages (ca. 73 CE - 500 CE); 4. Middle Ages to Rise of Ottoman Empire (ca. 501 CE - 14th century); 5. Ottoman Empire to Beginning of Modernity (ca. 1516 - 1897); 6. A Brief Modern History of Arab-Israeli Relations (1897 - Present) [publication of the JCRC]
Palestinian Arabs
From Terrorists to Role Models: The PA's Institutionalization of Incitement
The Palestinian Authority has named numerous locations and events after Palestinian terrorists responsible for killing Israeli civilians. The PA’s policy of naming schools, summer camps, sporting events, streets and ceremonies after terrorists fundamentally undermines the chance for peace. In this special report, Palestinian Media Watch investigates the breadth of this phenomenon and to what extent it continues in 2010. Furthermore, PMW will assess whether this represents activities of a fringe group within society, or represents Palestinian Authority policy. By Itamar Marcus, Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Barbara Crook and PMW staff. []
Palestine National Charter 1964
The first convenant of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), founded in 1964 and led by Ahmed Shukhairy. This document reflects the Pan-Arab goals of the Palestinian Arabs in 1964 (to create an Arab Homeland in Palestine with the borders at the time of the British Mandate).
Hamas: Its Nazi Ideology and Record
Hamas, an Arabic acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement, was elected to a position of leadership in the Palestinian Authority in January 2006. On June 14, 2007, Hamas defeated Fatah in Gaza and took complete control of the territory, from which Israel unilaterally withdrew in August 2005. Hamas established an Islamist theocracy in Gaza. To better understand current situation, it is important to have a fuller understanding of Hamas’ background, ideology and track record. [a JCRC publication; by Yitzhak Santis]
Fatah Charter - August 2009
The new Fatah Charter as approved august 2009 at the Fatah General Congress by the Palestinian Central Committee. It still calls for a revolution, confrontation with the enemy (Israel), and the liberation of Palestine, 'free and Arab.'
The Jerusalem Statement of 2007
The Jerusalem Statement (nov. 2007) is an anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish Statement and can not be seen separately from its Islamic "Arab" background. This paper highlights the 'Palestinian Islamic, theological and political view' and the universal, Islamic and Christian culture and history of Jerusalem. Israel is portrayed as an occupying power in the country and the city, where Jerusalem is seen as a city that belongs to the Palestinians only. This Statement is a Palestinian attempt to distort history in order to deprive Jews of their rights in their homeland and Jerusalem, where Jewish rights not even are mentioned in the statement. Therefore, this Statement stresses at the same time the 'Palestinian' ideological and 'Islamic' commitment to destroy a Jewish homeland.
PLO Charter 1968
The revised and extended Charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1968. After the defeat of the Arab war effort in the 6 day war 1967, Yasser Arafat and the Fatah took over the PLO. This document was accepted in 1968 in Caïro by the PLO and reflects the emerging Palestinian Nationalism.
Hamas Charter 1988 (ITIC publication)
The Hamas charter - Overtly anti-Semitic and anti-West, radical Islamic in outlook, it stresses Hamas’ ideological commitment to destroy the State of Israel through terrorism and long-term Jihad. Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and the de facto administration of the Gaza Strip. (A publication of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center).
Hamas Political Violence in Gaza
During Israel's "Operation Cast Lead," from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, Hamas security forces or gunmen believed to be associated with Hamas extra-judicially executed at least 18 people in Gaza, mainly those accused of collaborating with Israel. Gunmen also beat and maimed by shooting dozens of Hamas's political opponents, especially members and alleged supporters of its chief rival, Fatah. The internal violence in Gaza slowed but did not stop after Israel withdrew its troops. Between January 18 and March 31, Hamas security forces reportedly killed another 14 people, at least four of them in detention. Some apparently died from torture. With the exception of one case, this violence has gone unpunished. The Hamas authorities in Gaza should
promptly and impartially investigate all credible allegations of arbitrary arrests, torture, unlawful killings and other serious abuses that took place during and after the recent Israeli offensive. The authorities should prosecute the perpetrators of these abuses, including members of the Hamas security forces. [Report by Human Rights Watch; april, 2009;]
Hamas Political Document - A Document of General Principles and Policies (English version)
On May 1, 2017, Hamas published a political document entitled “A Document of General Principles and Policies”. This document, which includes 42 sections, was published on the Hamas website in two versions: an Arabic version and a version translated into English. An analysis of the Political Document clearly shows that there has been no change in Hamas’s basic ideology and principles as expressed in the Hamas Charter, which are based on an uncompromising effort to destroy Israel through violence and terrorism, even if this is carried out in stages (presenting conditional willingness to establish a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders). The adjustments, changes and additions that appear in the Political Document are intended to present the appearance of Hamas’s renewal and adaptation to the current reality, but without any significant change in the principles and basic perception that constitute the core of the Document (ITIC, May 8, 2017).
Hamas Political Document - A Document of General Principles and Policies (Arabic version)
On May 1, 2017, Hamas published a political document entitled “A Document of General Principles and Policies”. This document, which includes 42 sections, was published on the Hamas website in two versions: an Arabic version and a version translated into English. An analysis of the Political Document clearly shows that there has been no change in Hamas’s basic ideology and principles as expressed in the Hamas Charter, which are based on an uncompromising effort to destroy Israel through violence and terrorism, even if this is carried out in stages (presenting conditional willingness to establish a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders). The adjustments, changes and additions that appear in the Political Document are intended to present the appearance of Hamas’s renewal and adaptation to the current reality, but without any significant change in the principles and basic perception that constitute the core of the Document (ITIC, May 8, 2017).
Hamas Charter 1988 (English version)
The Hamas Charter, formally known in English as the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, was originally issued on 18 August 1988 and outlines the founding identity, stand, and aims of Hamas. The Charter identified Hamas as the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and declares its members to be Muslims who "fear God and raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors (i.e. Jews)." The charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel. It emphasizes the importance of jihad, stating in article 13, "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors." The charter also states that Hamas is humanistic, and tolerant of other religions as long as they "stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region". The Charter adds that "renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion" of Islam.
Hamas Charter 1988 (Arabic version)
2004 print edition, Qalqilya.
The Muslim Brotherhood
Study about the Muslim Brotherhood. An Islamic mass movement whose worldview is based on the belief that “Islam is the solution” and on the stated aim of establishing a world order (a caliphate) based on Islamic religious law (Shariah) on the ruins of Western liberalism. With extensive support networks in Arab countries and, to a lesser extent, in the West, the movement views the recent events in Egypt as a historic opportunity. It strives to take advantage of the democratic process for gradual, non-violent progress towards the establishment of political dominance and the eventual assumption of power in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries. (Publication by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, June 19, 2011).
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: Jihad Against Jews, Judaism, and Israel
From the SWC web site: Against the backdrop of the historic changes in Egypt, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is releasing a riveting expose on Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood. “'Hitler Put Them in Their Place': Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood’s Jihad Against Jews, Judaism, and Israel", is authored by Dr. Harold Brackman, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Senior Historic Consultant. This impactful report presents an "unsanitized history of the Muslim Brotherhood," and traces the evolution of its beliefs, goals and tactics. It presents an unflinching look at the Brotherhood's genocidal Jew-hatred and sheds light on The Brotherhood's global reach and its emerging impact on Egypt in the balance. (A report by the Simon Wiesenthal Center; Feb 22, 2011;
English Text of the 2012 Constitution of Egypt
Final draft approved by the "Islamist-dominated" Constituent Assembly of Egypt, November 29th 2012. Signed into law by President Muhammad Mursi, December 26th 2012, after a two-part constitutional referendum for ratification was held on December 15th and December 22nd 2012. The Constitution was approved by 63.8% of Egyptians on a turnout of 32.9% of Egypt’s 52 million eligible voters. Translation as provided by the Egypt Independent. This is not an official judicial translation. It is for information
purpose only. The legally applicable constitution is the Arabic version, now suspended since July 3, 2013. (This PDF is made available by
English Text of the 2014 Constitution of Egypt
The amended 2014 Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt, adopted on January 14-15, 2014 by public referendum. After the outbreak of the June 30 Revolution in 2013 and following the suspension of the "Islamist" 2012 Constitution, a 50-strong committee, led by Amr Moussa, amended the controversial articles of the 2012 Constitution and submitted a final draft of the amended Constitution to interim President Adly Mansour on December 3, 2013. Translation as provided by the Egyptian State Information Service. This is not an official judicial translation. It is for information purposes only. The official Constitution is the Arabic version. (This PDF is made available by
English Text of the 1971 Constitution of Egypt
The 1971 Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt including the amendments of May 22nd 1980, May 25th 2005, and March 26th 2007. Adopted on September 11th, 1971 (by public referendum). Suspended on February 13th, 2011 as a result of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Officially voided on March 30, 2011 after a new provisional constitution passed by the ruling military council. Translation as provided by the Egyptian State Information Service. This is not an official judicial translation. It is for information purpose only. The official constitution is the Arabic version, now void since March 30, 2011. (This PDF is made available by
English Text of the Constitutional Declaration for Transitional Period
The Constitutional Declaration for Transitional Period of the Arab Republic of Egypt, July 6 and July 8 2013, issued by the Interim President of the Republic. Translation as provided by the Egyptian State Information Service. This is not an official judicial translation. It is for information purpose only. The official Constitutional Declaration is the Arabic version. (This PDF is made available by
The Damascus Declaration for Democratic National Change
The Damascus Declaration was a statement of unity by Syrian opposition figures issued October 16, 2005 criticizing the Syrian “authorities’ monopoly of everything for more than 30 years” and “establishing an authoritarian, totalitarian, and cliquish regime.” The Declaration called for “mobilizing all the energies of Syria, the homeland and the people, in a rescue task of … changing Syrian policies at home and abroad” to reform the country “peaceful, [and] gradual, founded on accord, and based on dialogue and recognition of the other.”
Hezbollah: Portrait of a Terrorist Organization
Hezbollah has a 30-year history of terrorist activity in Lebanon, the Middle East and around the globe, directed against Israel, the Jewish people, the United States and the West, pro-Western Arab states and Hezbollah's enemies in Lebanon. [This study is published by The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, december 18, 2012]
Responsibility to Prevent Coalition Report
The danger of a Nuclear, Genocidal and Rights-Violating Iran: The Responsibility to Prevent Petition. From the summary: "Ahmadinejad‘s Iran – a term used to distinguish the regime from the people and publics of Iran who are themselves the targets of massive domestic repression – has emerged as a clear and present danger to international peace and security, to regional and Mid-East stability, and increasingly – and alarmingly so – to its own people." This Report of the Responsibility to Prevent Coalition has been endorsed by some 100 international law scholars, human rights advocates, former Government leaders, Parliamentarians and Iranian activists for democracy and freedom. (June 22, 2010)
The Sources of Iranian Negotiating Behavior
The Iranian regime currently sits on the threshold of developing nuclear weapons, a scenario that endangers the entire Middle East, the United States, and even Iranians themselves. This analysis identifies patterns exhibited by the Iranian government and the Iranian people since ancient times. Most importantly, it identifies critical elements of Iranian culture that have been systematically ignored by policymakers for decades. It is a precise understanding of these cultural cues that should guide policy objectives toward the Iranian government. (A publication by The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,; author: Dr. Harold Rhode).
The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Spearheads Iran’s Global Terrorist Campaign
The Qods Force [alternatively spelled Quds or Ghods], an elite unit of the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, spearheads Iran’s global terrorist campaign. [This study is published by The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, august 21, 2012]
Between Fact And Fantasy: Turkey’s Ergenekon Investigation
By Gareth H. Jenkins. As a long-time and respected
observer of Turkish politics and society, Jenkins understands and explains the intricacies of the Ergenekon investigation. His conclusions, however, are not encouraging. They suggest, in fact, that the prevailing Western view of the Ergenekon investigation as a step forward in Turkey’s democratization process is misplaced. Indeed, they also imply that the Western tacit encouragement of the investigation – though diminishing in emphasis as concerns have mounted even there – should be tempered with a much more acute concern for the investigation’s breaches of the rule of law and due process. This Silk Road Paper is published by the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and the Silk Road Studies Program, aug 2009. (
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia: Terrorist Financing Issues
“Saudi donors and unregulated charities have been a major source of financing to extremist and terrorist groups over the past 25 years.” U.S. officials remain concerned that Saudis continue to fund Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. The Saudi Committee for the Support of the Al Quds Intifada has “transferred large sums of money to families of Palestinians who died in violent events, including notorious terrorists.” Since the early 1990s, there have been unsubstantiated reports of Saudi public and private assistance to the Hamas. The Saudi government has not officially described Hamas as a terrorist organization. (a CRS report | updated sept 14, 2007 | By Christopher M. Blanchard and Alfred B. Prados)
US Middle East Policy
The Reid and McConnell Israel letter
A huge majority of 87 senators co-signed a letter to President Barack Obama affirming their support for Israel while urging his and defending Israel's actions in the Gaza flotilla incident and urging the Obama administration to oppose a U.N. resolution critical of the country. Led by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) — and signed by 85 other members of the upper chamber — the letter argues that Israel's blockade of Gaza was both legal and necessary, and that Israeli commandos were acting in self-defense when they landed on the ship. The letter encourages Obama to stand strongly behind Israel in the face of "challenges" to its international standing. This is the full letter with signatures of the 87 senators.
Israel’s Blockade of Gaza and the Mavi Marmara Incident
Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, but retained control of its borders. Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and later forcibly seized control of the territory in 2007. Israel imposed a tighter blockade on the flow of goods and materials into Gaza after its military offensive against Hamas from December 2008 to January 2009. In May
2010, the pro-Palestinian Free Gaza Movement and the pro-Hamas Turkish Humanitarian Relief Fund organized a six-ship flotilla to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza and to break Israel’s blockade of the territory. The ships refused an Israeli offer to deliver the goods to Ashdod. On May 31, Israeli naval commandos intercepted the convoy in international waters. They took control of five of the six ships without resistance. However, some activists on the Mavi Marmara challenged the commandos. The confrontation resulted in nine militants killed. [CRS report for Congress; By Carol Migdalovitz, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, June 5, 2010]
Turkey: Politics of Identity and Power
Turkey has long been a valued U.S. NATO ally and strategic partner. Successive administrations have viewed it as a secular democracy that could serve as an inspiration or model for other Muslim majority countries. However, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has made foreign policy decisions that have led some longtime U.S. observers to question its future course. Domestic political developments may be enabling the AKP’s greater assertiveness in international affairs and are, therefore, worthy of closer scrutiny. This report provides that examination via an overview of the current Turkish domestic political scene. (A CRS Report by Carol Migdalovitz, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs; August 13, 2010;
The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995
The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 is a public law of the United States of America passed by the 104th Congress on October 23, 1995. It was passed for the purposes of initiating and funding the relocation of the United States Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, no later than May 31, 1999, and attempted to withhold 50 percent of the funds appropriated to the State Department specifically for ‘‘Acquisition and Maintenance of Buildings Abroad’’ as allocated in fiscal year 1999 until the United States Embassy in Jerusalem had officially opened. It also notes that every country designates its own capital, and that Israel has so designated Jerusalem. It states that since the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967, religious freedom has been guaranteed to all. The act also called for Jerusalem to remain an undivided city and for it to be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel. Since passage, the law has never been implemented, because of opposition from Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, who view it as a Congressional infringement on the Executive Branch’s constitutional authority over foreign policy. They have consistently claimed the presidential waiver on national security interests.
10 Failures of the US Government on the Domestic Islamist Threat
Albert Einstein once defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." At the heart of the Team B II project is the belief that the Team A approach of our government to the Islamist threat has proved to be a serial failure. Rather than attempt to get it right, the establishment seems content to double-down on failure. This whitepaper compiles a representative sample of ten cases of the most egregious and glaring failures of our national security agencies' approach. Each of these cases is rooted in a fundamental failure by those government officials responsible to identify the nature of the threat. This paper is a supplement to 'Shariah: The Threat To America.' Also available for download on our download page. [Written by Patrick Poole. Published by the Center for Security Policy, Nov 12, 2010.]
United Nations
Response to the Goldstone Report
This document provides the main findings of a study which examined how the Goldstone Report dealt with the nature and activities of Hamas in the Gaza Strip before and during Operation Cast Lead. This study is based on a vast amount of intelligence information from the Israeli intelligence community which was made accessible to the team of researchers. It also made extensive use of Palestinian, Arab and international media, and of previous bulletins issued by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (which were used selectively by the Goldstone Mission). In addition, the intelligence information was supported and complemented by statements and investigations of IDF forces who fought on the ground. The study was written by a team of researchers at the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center, headed by Dr. Reuven Erlich (Lt. Col., Ret.), with the assistance of the Israeli defense establishment.
Case against Goldstone
A detailed and critical analysis of the Goldstone report and its Methodology by Alan M. Dershowitz (Lawyer and Author)
The UN Palmer Commission report
The UN Palmer Commission report on the Mavi Marmara incident: Report of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Inquiry on the 31 May 2010 Flotilla Incident - officially released Sept 02, 2011.
Report of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Libya
This report investigates (all) alleged violations of international human rights law in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by Gaddafi's forces as well as Thuwar [anti-Gaddafi forces] and the deaths of Muammar Gaddafi and his son, Muatassim. Released by the UN Human Rights Council, March 02, 2012. [Unedited version]
UN Security Council Resolution 1701
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 is a resolution that was intended to resolve the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict. It was unanimously approved by the United Nations Security Council on 11 August 2006. The Resolution demands: Full cessation of hostilities and Hizballah's armed attacks; Israel to withdraw all of its forces from Lebanon in parallel with Lebanese and UNIFIL soldiers deploying throughout the South; Hezbollah to withdraw its armed forces from south Lebanon and to be disarmed; Full control of Lebanon by the government of Lebanon; Gives UNIFIL a improved mandate to take "all necessary action" to prevent hostile activities of any kind in its area of operations; Calls that there be no armed groups, foreign or domestic (ie armed Hizbullah militia or Syrian and Iranian military advisors) in Lebanon; Establishes an embargo of weapons to Lebanese groups other than the government, enforced by UNIFIL (at airports, seaports and border crossings); Forbids Hizbullah armed elements from returning to southern Lebanon, from the Blue Line to the Litani River.
The Resolution at the same time also: Calls for the unconditional release of the abducted Israeli hostages; And calls for "full implementation of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and of resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), that requires the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, so that, pursuant to the Lebanese cabinet decision of July 27, 2006, there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese state." [Original text, U.N. Security Council]
UN Resolution 242 - Israel's Right to Secure Boundaries
United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 of November 1967 is the most important UN resolution for peacemaking in the Arab-Israel conflict. Though carefully negotiated forty years ago in the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day War, it has remained the foundation for all peacemaking efforts — from the Israel-Egypt treaty of peace to the Israel-Jordan peace treaty, to the Madrid Peace Conference and the Oslo Agreements. For any student of the Middle East it is well known that the resolution never established the extent of Israel’s required withdrawal from territories captured during the Six-Day War in exchange for peace with its Arab neighbors. [The Proceedings of a Conference held in Jerusalem, June 4, 2007; Visit for more information.]
Goldstone Report of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
The Goldstone report is a fundamentally biased report in its presentation of the facts, its negative assumptions about Israel, Israeli society and its democratic system. The report is based on presumptive Israeli guilt, ascribes to Israel malicious motive and intent behind its actions. It implies that Israel refuses to investigate allegations of violations. It draws broad conclusions about the discriminatory nature of Israeli legal and judicial systems. The final recommendations make no mention of Israel's security concerns, right to self-defense and right to fight a fair and just war. This report was commissioned by a body, the Human Rights Council, which has demonstrated an unremitting pattern of bias against Israel. Its mandate to the investigating mission was one-sided, directing the mission to scrutinize Israel's conduct only. Finally, the report seeks to engage in an exhaustive expose of all that is wrong with the "occupation." (source: ADL). Download the Goldstone Report and read it together with the Case Against Goldstone (also available on this download page).
IAEA Report on Iran's Nuclear Program, nov 8 2011
The International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, has released a report on Iran’s nuclear activities, nov 8 2011. This report contains overpowering evidence that Iran has acquired and assembled the equipment and skills needed to build a nuclear explosive device small enough to fit in a warhead. Iran's first nuclear weapon. This report covers developments since the last report on 2 September 2011, as well as issues of longer standing. (Source: IAEA)
Islam / Islamism
ISIS: Portrait of a Jihadi Terrorist Organization
This study (by ITIC) is an overall analysis of the Islamic Salafist-jihadi terrorist organization ISIS. It examines the historical background and reasons for its founding and increase in strength, its ideological attraction, its tactical and strategic objectives and its military, governance and financial capabilities. The main objective of this study is to understand what lies behind its successes and how it became a threat not only to Syria and Iraq but to the Middle East and the international community as well. (A study by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center; november, 2014)
What Happened To The Jews of Medina
A comprehensive report of the tragic end of the Jews of Medina. A case of ethnic cleansing, betrayal and genocide carried out by the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). The prophet raided the 2000 year old Jewish communities of Medina, killed their men, confiscated their properties, enslaved their wives and children and banished the unwanted with no provocation on the part of the Jews. The holy Prophet's sole motive was greed for their wealth and lust for their women. Many millions of the Muslims in the world have a deep hostility towards Jews or "the Jew." Osama bin Laden said that the enmity between the Muslims and Jews goes far back in time and is deeply rooted. Seeds of violent ambiguity have been planted in the early soil of Islam. It is no wonder and no surprise that non-violent and violent fanatics are inspired by Muhammad and his book, especially in their hatred of the Jews. And it is no wonder and no surprise that average Muslims would have hatred for Jews, too. This document exposes in detail the roots of Jew-hatred in early Islam based on Muhammed's life and Islamic sources. (By Ali Sina and James M. Arlandson).
The Muslim Brotherhood's "The Project"
The Muslim Brotherhood's Islamic master plan to destroy Europe and the West from within and part of The Muslim Brotherhood's charter. In November 2001, Swiss investigators searched the home of Youssef Nada [prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood and key Muslim Brotherhood organizer], and leader of Al Taqwa Bank, a Swiss bank that had just been shut down by the US and the UN for alleged ties to al-Qaeda, Hamas, and other radical militant groups. They discover a 14-page document [written in Arabic] from December 1, 1982 entitled “The Project.” The document details a strategic plan whose ultimate goal is “the establishment of the reign of Allah over the entire world.” It recommends to “study of the centers of power locally and worldwide, and the possibilities of placing them under [Islamist] influence,” to contact and support new holy war movements anywhere in the world, "to adopt the Palestinian cause as part of a worldwide Islamic plan, with the policy plan and by means of jihad", and “nurture the sentiment of rancor with regard to Jews.” The document also advocates creating a network of religious, educational, and charitable institutions in Europe and the US to increase [Islamist] influence there. [A publication of frontpagemag].
To Our Great Detriment: Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad
A 2007 analysis on Sharia Law and Jihad (with appendices) by Stephen C. Coughlin, former Major in a military Intelligence unit of the U.S. Army. He is now a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy and is a Visiting Fellow of IASC’s National Security Law Project. (For more details visit
The Istanbul Declaration - A call for Jihad
On February 13, 2009, a meeting was held in Istanbul attended by members of Islamic groups (Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami) from all over the world. Representatives (including British, Kosovar, Swedish and Danish Muslim leaders) signed a document proclaiming the "victory" of Hamas in Gaza (i.e., in Operation Cast Lead) and stating that the jihad in Gaza was part of the global jihad being waged by Islam. The declaration included support for the "resistance" (i.e., terrorism) throughout the world and for a jihad against Israel (and Israel supporters) until the "liberation of all Palestine." The Swedish Muslim leader is Yusuf Muhammad al-Barahimi (nr. 90 on the list of signatures).
A Guide to Refuting Jihadism: Critiquing Radical Islamist Claims to Theological Authenticity
The first English-language handbook to comprehensively debunk the theological basis of jihadist aims and methods, this guide is an essential contribution to the on-going debate concerning extremism in our society. Jihadist groups offer theological reasoning in support of their political ideology and violent activities. By showing that their arguments are not based on traditionally recognised interpretations of classical Islamic sources, A Guide to Refuting Jihadism provides a scripturally sound counter-narrative to al-Qaeda and like-minded groups. A Guide to Refuting Jihadism has been endorsed by a range of prominent Muslim scholars, including from al-Azhar in Cairo, Sunni Islam’s highest religious authority, as well as by leading academics and writers. (By Hannah Stuart and Rashad Ali; Published in 2014 by The Henry Jackson Society,; © The Henry Jackson Society, 2014. All rights reserved)
Islamism from Hasan al-Bana to Bin Laden: An Overview
Powerpoint overview of Islamism from Hasan al-Bana to the Arab Spring. Original by Abdullahi A. Gallab (Asst Professor, Arizona State University); page 37 added by CrethiPlethi.
Open Letter to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Leader of ISIS and its Fighters and Followers
Open letter, co-signed by more than 120 Muslim scholars from around the world, to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the “fighters and followers” of the Islamic State. The letter denounces the Islamic State and its ideology as un-Islamic. Translated into English. (Original source:
The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Goal for North America
The Muslim Brotherhood (Arabic: "Hizb al Ikhwan al Muslimeen" - The party of the Muslim Brothers or "Jamaat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun" - Society of the Muslim brotherhood) is a fundamentalist international organization originating in Egypt, whose goals are the conversion of Muslim countries into states ruled by Sha'ria law, the re-establishment of the Caliphate and ultimately, world dominion. The MB's [anti-semitic and anti-west] ideology, which insists that Islam is a prescription for governance as well as religion, is the prototypical example of Islamism. Their slogan is self-explanatory: "God is our purpose, the Prophet our leader, the Qur'an our constitution, Jihad our way and dying for God's cause our supreme objective." The general goals and strategic plans of the MB are only found in Arabic documents. One for Europe called "The Project" was found in 2001 in Switzerland, another for North America was found in 2005 called the "General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America." One citation from this document makes the objectives of the MB clear: "The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." This is the original Arabic version with translated memorandum (in English).
The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe
The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) claims to be an independent organization representing the interests of Muslims in Europe. In reality, the FIOE is an umbrella group that comprises the global Muslim Brotherhood in Europe. Strong links connect FIOE's leadership central institutions and member organizations to the Brotherhood, as well as to Saudi Arabia. Funding for the FIOE is derived largely from Gulf sources, including some of the ruling families of the United Arab Emirates. The FIOE has strong ties to Hamas and Hamas fund-raising organizations, and some FIOE member organizations show evidence of links with Al-Qaida. The FIOE has recently opened a headquarters office in Brussels and has had some success in positioning itself as a “dialog
partner” for the EU and other important institutions. [A NEFA Foundation Report, By Steve Merley, Oct. 2008]
Shariah: The Threat to America
"This study is the result of months of analysis, discussion and drafting by a group of top security policy experts concerned with the preeminent totalitarian threat of our time: the legal-political-military doctrine known within Islam as "shariah." It is designed to provide a comprehensive and articulate "second opinion" on the official characterizations and assessments of this threat as put forth by the United States government. This study challenges the assumptions underpinning the official line in the conflict with today's totalitarian threat, which is currently euphemistically described as "violent extremism," and the policies of co-existence, accommodation and submission that are rooted in those assumptions." [Published by the Center for Security Policy; Sep 13, 2010. For more information visit]
Leftist-Islamic Alliance
Ken Livingstone interviews Khaled Mashaal, a case study
Khaled Mashaal, head of the Hamas political bureau in Damascus, interviewed (September 17, 2009) by Ken Livingstone for the New Statesman. The interview, laced with vicious anti-Israel propaganda, represented the Palestinians as the victims of Israeli oppression, and aimed at Western readers, it evaded clarification of Hamas’ extremist ideology. Ken Livingstone, who conducted the interview, is extremely left-wing and overwhelmingly biased against Israel.
Ideology, Nature and Goals of the Mavi Marmara Flotilla and It's Activists
This objective of this report is to examine the 561 passengers aboard the Mavi Marmara, their identity and the ideology, nature and goals of the organizations behind them, based on the large amount of evidence accumulated since the flotilla ... It clearly provides a picture of their most prominent common characteristics. [A report by The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center; Oct 5, 2010;]
Radical Left and Radical Islamic Organizations are Promoting Anti-Israel Projects
The anti-Israel coalition behind the Mavi Marmara
flotilla to the Gaza Strip has spent the past three months promoting plans for new projects as part of a general campaign to smear Israel and erode its legitimacy. The projects include sending an upgraded flotilla (with more ships, more activists, more media
personnel and more celebrities) and sending a plane to the Gaza Strip. (A publication by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center; sept 06, 2010)
The Devil State: Chomsky's War Against Israel
Comprehensively refutes Chomsky’s lies about the Arab-Israeli conflict. From Edward Alexander and Paul Bogdanor, eds., "The Jewish Divide Over Israel"; an abridged version appeared in Peter Collier and David Horowitz, eds., "The Anti-Chomsky Reader."
The Anti-Israel Ideology of the International Solidarity Movement
The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a network founded by extreme American leftists and part of the campaign to delegitimize Israel. In the second intifada it specialized in hindering IDF counterterrorism activity, indirectly supporting terrorism. Its senior figures founded FGM, which plays a central role in the Gaza Strip flotillas. (Published by The Meir Amit Intelligence and
Terrorism Information Center; Jan 2011 - full version)
Mapping the Organizational Sources of the Global Delegitimization Campaign against Israel in the UK
By taking advantage of Britain's political freedoms and legal system, Islamic and leftist groups have made Britain the leader of an international effort to deny Israel's right to exist. This study focuses on the history and ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and extremist left in Britain and follows the developments which led them to join forces and collaborate in the campaign currently being waged to delegitimize Israel. (By Ehud Rosen - published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. For more information visit:
Funding (Islamic) Terrorism: Sources and Methods
Narcoterrorism is defined as the use of illicit drugs to advance political purposes and to fund terrorist activities. Greed, corruption, hypocrisy, and willful blindness among bankers, financial institutions, and to some extent lawmakers and law enforcement officials all over the world have made drug money and other illicit funds easy to launder and hide. The evidence is clear that the drug/terrorism axis is a worldwide problem and is not limited to the Taliban and bin Laden. It includes organizations like Hamas, Islamic
Jihad, the PLO and the Hizballah and Syria in the Middle East. To confront global terrorism, especially Radical Muslim organizations, we need to cut off their money. Thus, we must also fight their support systems: criminal organizations, money launderers, and illegal drug producers and traffickers. By Rachel Ehrenfeld; Edited by Rajan Gupta and Mario R. Perez. [Workshop held at Los Alamos National Laboratory March 25-29, 2002]
The Role of Islamic Charities in International Terrorist Recruitment and Financing
The roots of the contemporary radicalisation and support to terrorism can be traced back two
decades to the organisational lessons of the Soviet-Afghan war. At the time a number of sympathetic NGOs provided various kind of assistance which proved to be invaluable in the longterm struggle. By clothing their militant activity with charitable ideals, radical militants discovered that they were able to maintain their level of efficiency while working with very few
restrictions on an international level. The practice of radical and militant involvement with
NGOs and charitable organisations continues today, and an understanding of the linkages
between radicalisation and the NGO community is necessary when considering development
interventions. Prominent among the coalition organizations participating in the Gaza flotilla for the Gaza Strip is the Turkish IHH (Insani Yardim Vakfi, IHH, “humanitarian relief fund”). It is a radical Islamic organization, established in 1992 by a member of the Turkish Refah Party and formally registered in Istanbul in 1995 and has been linked to al-Qaeda. See page 14-18 and 21. [By Evan F. Kohlmann - Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS]
The Union of Good: A Global Muslim Brotherhood Hamas Fundraising Network
The Union of Good is a coalition of Islamic charities that provides financial support to both the Hamas “social” infrastructure, as well as its terrorist activities. It is headed by global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi, and most of the trustees and member organizations are associated with the global Muslim Brotherhood. The Union of Good was banned by Israel in 2002 and was recently designated a terrorist entity by the United States, although neither Youssef Qaradawi nor any of the Trustees were similarly designated. Despite the fact that action has been taken against some of its member organizations in Europe, many of its other European member organizations continue to operate. Further, the Union of Good itself does not appear to be under investigation in Europe. [A NEFA Foundation Report, By Steve Merley, Jan. 2009]
Global Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Threat Assessment, July 2010
A view of how and why criminals and terrorists abuse finances, the effect of this abuse and the steps to mitigate these threats. The Global Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Threat Assessment (GTA) report provides an assessment of the global systemic ML/TF threats. The document is aimed at raising the level of understanding of these threats and their negative impact, and help governments to take decisive action to minimise the harms they can cause.
The report is based on the in-depth typologies studies and the FATF's Strategic Surveillance Initiative. This report was prepared by a team of experts from across the globe. Published July 2010. (The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an independent inter-governmental body that develops and promotes policies to protect the global financial system against money laundering and terrorist financing. The FATF Recommendations are recognised as the global anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) standard. For more information about the FATF, please visit the website:
The Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism and Islamic Jihad
From the introduction: The Muslim groups [al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood] which today threaten the West with terrorism, subversion and insurgency, and which, in their own words, seek to bring about a global totalitarian empire are not only fascist in the broad sociological sense, but can trace their literal historical origins to Nazism and its genocidal ambitions. [A publication of the David Horowitz Freedom Center; copyright ©2007; By David Meir-Levi]
Behavioral Problems and Disorders among Radical Islamists in Dutch Police Files
From the abstract: "In this article we explore to what extent behavioral problems and disorders can be found in a sample of radical Islamists that are known to the police in the Netherlands as actual or potential ‘jihadists’. Our aims are, first, to assess whether the consensus in terrorism studies that terrorists are ‘surprisingly normal’ is justified when it comes to these subjects; second, we try to establish whether behavioral histories offer clues to the police on how to approach them." (by Anton W. Weenink, Senior Researcher in the Central Unit of the National Police of the Netherlands; Perspectives on Terrorism, Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2015)
International Law
The Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality
Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search, capture or diversion. Belligerent warships have a right to visit and search vis-à-vis neutral commercial ships in order to ascertain the character and destination of their cargo. If a ship tries to evade this control or offers resistance, measures of coercion necessary to exercise this right are permissible. This includes the right to divert a ship where visit and search at the place where the ship is encountered are not practical. Blockade, i.e. the interdiction of all or certain maritime traffic coming from or going to a port or coast of a belligerent, is a legitimate method of naval warfare. Neutral vessels believed on reasonable and probable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be stopped and captured. If they, after prior warning, clearly resist capture, they may be attacked. (Regard being paid to the principle of proportionality).
NGO "Lawfare": Exploitation of Courts in the Israeli-Arab Conflict
On December 9, 2010, NGO Monitor released an expanded edition of the “NGO Lawfare” monograph. The publication demonstrates and analyzes the ways in which non-governmental organizations (NGOs) using the language of human rights are exploiting European and US courts. These groups have initiated criminal and civil cases against Israeli officials for supposed “war crimes,” as part of lawfare – the use of legal frameworks to achieve political and military goals. [NGO "Lawfare" by Anne Herzberg is published by the NGO Monitor - - and part of the NGO Monitor Monograph Series 3; December 09, 2010]
Report of the Turkel Commission for Examining the Maritime Incident of May 31, 2010 - Part One
The four Israeli members and two international observers who composed the Turkel Commission to investigate the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident on May 31 unanimously agreed that Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip and its overland import restrictions, as well as its military actions in capturing the Mavi Marmara were in accordance with international law. This is the first of two scheduled reports and addresses the question of whether or not the naval blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip by Israel conformed with the rules of international law. [Report issued by the Turkel Commission;]
Operation Cast Lead Humanitarian Report
This document contains initial information and data regarding several humanitarian aspects of Operation Cast Lead: The number of fatalities, measures taken by the IDF to distance the civilian population from danger, coordination of humanitarian relief during the operation and Hamas’ undermining of the humanitarian effort. In addition, this document outlines measures taken by the IDF to instill respect for International Law and standards of conduct among its troops, mechanisms for enforcement of rules of conduct, examples of Supreme Court supervision over military activity during the operation. Lastly, it contains a brief discussion of several legal issues concerning the operation.
Historical Documents
The Balfour Declaration of 1917
The Balfour Declaration was a statement of support made by the British Government for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in the region of Palestine of the Ottoman Empire. It was sent in the format of a letter on November 2nd 1917, issued by British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour and sent to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a member of the Zionist movement in England. The declaration became a landmark in the history of the Zionist movement. Contains a copy of the original document. (source: and wikipedia).
Memorandum on Acts of Arab Aggression submitted to the UN Palestine Commission (1948)
Memorandum on acts of Arab aggression to alter by force the settlement on the future government of Palestine approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Memorandum submitted to the United Nations Palestine Commission by the Jewish Agency for Palestine (1948). A report on the alleged aggressions by the Arab states in the period just before the Israeli War of Independence.
The British Mandate for Palestine
The British Mandate for Palestine was a legal commission for the administration of Palestine, the draft of which was formally confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations on 24 July 1922, amended via the 16 September 1922 Transjordan memorandum and which came into effect on 26 September 1923. The mandate ended at midnight on 14 May 1948. (PDF made available by
The Oslo Accords, 1995 (Oslo-B; second chapter)
The Oslo Agreement - widely known as the Oslo Accords - was finalized in Oslo, Norway, on August 20, 1993 following secret negotiations between the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The official signing ceremony was held in Washington on September 13, 1993, with then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (representing Israel) and Chairman Yassir Arafat (representing the PLO) and US President Bill Clinton serving as their witness. The accords were divided into two chapters. The first chapter – Oslo-A or Oslo-I – detailed a declaration of principles on Interim Palestinian self-government; while the second chapter – Oslo-B or Oslo-II – was finalized in 1995 and included an expansion of the Palestinian Authority’s territories, mutual security engagements and the regulation of Israeli-Palestinian relations. You can download Oslo-A "first chapter" (full version) also at our download page.
The Peel Commission Report, July 1937
The Palestine Royal Commission was a British Royal Commission of inquiry led by Lord Robert Peel, hence known as the Peel Commission, and sent to British Mandatory Palestine in November of 1936 to investigate and determine the causes of the Arab-Jewish violence in Mandatory Palestine and propose an appropriate course of action. This PDF includes the report's Peel Partition Plan map. (PDF made available by
The Oslo Accords, 1993 (Oslo-A; first chapter)
The Oslo Agreement - widely known as the Oslo Accords - was finalized in Oslo, Norway, on August 20, 1993 following secret negotiations between the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The official signing ceremony was held in Washington on September 13, 1993, with then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (representing Israel) and Chairman Yassir Arafat (representing the PLO) and US President Bill Clinton serving as their witness. The accords were divided into two chapters. The first chapter – Oslo-A or Oslo-I – detailed a declaration of principles on Interim Palestinian self-government; while the second chapter – Oslo-B or Oslo-II – was finalized in 1995 and included an expansion of the Palestinian Authority’s territories, mutual security engagements and the regulation of Israeli-Palestinian relations. You can download Oslo-B "second chapter" (full version) also at our download page.
Faisal-Weizmann Agreement
The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement was signed on January 3, 1919, by Emir Feisal (son of the King of Hejaz) and Chaim Weizmann (later President of the World Zionist Organization) as part of the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 settling disputes stemming from World War I. It was a short-lived agreement for Arab-Jewish cooperation on the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and an Arab nation in a large part of the Middle East.
A Map Survey of the Political History of the Modern Middle East and Israel
A Comprehensive Map Survey of the Political History of the Modern Middle East and Israel. A story told through maps and graphics. Covers the period from the Ottoman Empire (WWI) until Operation Cast Lead (2009). Includes the following topics: The Ottoman Empire, the Middle East during different time periods, the events leading to the Declaration of Independence of Israel, the emergence of Pan-Arabism, the Israeli-Arab Wars, the Peace Process, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Hamas and Hizballah, other countries like Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and much more.
Israel's Story in Maps - part 2
Part 2 of Israel's story in maps. For more information read the introduction to part 1. (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs - All maps in the series "Israel's Story in Maps" are © Koret Communications Ltd.)
Israel's Story in Maps - part 4
Part 4 of Israel's story in maps. For more information read the introduction to part 1. (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs - All maps in the series "Israel's Story in Maps" are © Koret Communications Ltd.)
Israel's Story in Maps - part 1
The Arab-Israel conflict have for decades been a focus for world-wide attention. With the passage of time, Israel's critics have increasingly allowed their approach to the problem to be shaped by myths, slogans, prejudices and lack of knowledge, rather than by solid facts. The purpose of this publication is to provide factual and background material through maps and graphs which address key aspects about Israel, the Arab-Israel conflict, and the peace process. (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs - All maps in the series "Israel's Story in Maps" are © Koret Communications Ltd.)
Israel's Story in Maps - part 3
Part 3 of Israel's story in maps. For more information read the introduction to part 1. (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs - All maps in the series "Israel's Story in Maps" are © Koret Communications Ltd.)
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
The Protocols is one of many titles given to an antisemitic text purporting to describe a plan to achieve global domination by the Jewish people. Following its first public publication in 1903 in the Russian Empire, a series of articles printed in The Times in 1921 revealed that much of the material was directly plagiarized from earlier works of political satire unrelated to Jews. This PDF version is based upon Victor E. Marsden's translation of Sergei Nilus's Russian edition and is for educational purposes only. (Marsden's translation was published originally by The Britons Publishing Society, London, in 1921). The PDF file contains, on each page, an embedded, permanent warning stating that the document is a hoax and a forgery, in order to prevent any abusive distribution and use of this disturbing lie. This document contains additional commentary, analysis and court rulings.
Incitement and Culture of Peace Index (Last Quarter, 2010)
The Incitement and Culture of Peace Index is designed to assist in professionally and transparently monitoring the level of incitement, within the Palestinian Authority, against the Government and citizens of Israel. The index of the last quarter of 2010 indicates a continuation of incitement against Israel in the PA.
Comparison of Nazi and Arab anti-Semitic Cartoons
If you believe that today’s Arab-Anti-Semitism is any different from the Nazi Germany one, think again... In this pdf you'll see a comparison of anti-Semitic cartoons from Germany Nazi-newspapers (before and during WWII) and current anti-Semitic cartoons from various Arabic newspapers... [Compilation by: Honestly-Concerned; more information:]
FAQ: The Campaign to Defame Israel
Delegitimization is a political, economic and philosophic campaign aimed at reversing the right of
the State of Israel to exist and denying the right of the Jewish people to self‐determination in their
homeland. An Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication about the defamation of Israel (Anti‐Zionism and Antisemitism, The Holocaust, Delegitimization Techniques and Fallacies). [For more info:]
Contemporary Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism, its Significance and Implications
The study examines contemporary anti-Semitism in the Arab-Muslim world, its roots, its characteristics and the strategic dangers inherent in it for the Jewish people in general and the State of Israel in particular. It includes elements of classic European anti-Semitism combined with Islamic motifs, and has become more prominent in the past three decades, following the escalation of radical Islam. [A publication of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage
& Commemoration Center (IICC); updated to March, 2008]
Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism Report
“The Jewish people have seen, over the years and over the centuries, that hate prepares the way for violence. The refusal to expose and confront intolerance can lead to crimes beyond imagining. So we have a duty to expose and confront anti-Semitism, wherever it is found.” (George W. Bush, 2004). Defeating anti-Semitism must be a cause of great importance not only for Jews, but for all people who value humanity and justice and want to live in a more tolerant, peaceful world. Together, we must continue our efforts to monitor and combat anti-Semitism in all of its forms wherever and whenever it occurs. [Released by the Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism,
U.S. Department of State. This report is meant to be used as a resource for increasing understanding of and informing public discourse about contemporary forms of anti-Semitism and for shaping policies to combat anti-Semitism worldwide. Released March 2008]
Hitler’s Shadow – Nazis and the Middle East
U.S. Congress charged the National Archives in 2009 to prepare an additional historical volume as a companion piece to its 2005 volume U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis. This essay [Nazis and the Middle East] is part of a volume of essays under the title Hitler’s Shadow – Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War published by the National Archives. [This U.S. government publication is considered to be in the public domain; By Professors Richard Breitman and Norman J. W. Goda]
Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust
In the face of Nazi terror, many Jews resisted the Germans and their collaborators. Underground resistance movements developed in over 100 ghettos in Nazi-occupied eastern Europe. Further, under the most adverse conditions, Jewish prisoners succeeded in initiating uprisings in some of the Nazi camps. An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 Jewish partisans fought bravely in units that operated in France, Belgium, the Ukraine, Belorussia, Lithuania, and Poland. Jews also fought in general French, Italian, Yugoslav, Greek, and Soviet resistance organizations. While organized armed resistance was the most direct form of opposition to the Nazis, resistance also included escape, hiding, cultural activity, and other acts of spiritual preservation. (Source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington)
The Obin Report on "Signs and Manifestations of Religious Affiliation in the Educational Establishments" (in French)
The Obin Report (Rapport Obin) was submitted to the French Minister of Education in 2004 by Jean-Pierre Obin, General Inspector of Education, and studied the impact of religious signs and manifestations in French public schools. The Report showed a deep infiltration by revolutionary Islamism into the vast majority of French public schools, Islamization [and intimidation] of young Muslims in the educational establishments and a vitriolic hatred for Jews. (Report is in French)
The Top 200 Noam Chomsky Lies
Documentation of 200 egregious lies about communist mass murderers, modern history, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, 9/11, Latin America, the Middle East, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Holocaust denial, etc. Also lists misquotations, numerical distortions and worthless sources used in his writings. (by Paul Bogdanor)
Freedom in the World 2011 Survey Release
On January 13, 2011, Freedom House released its findings from the latest edition of Freedom in the World, the annual survey of global political rights and civil liberties. According to the survey’s findings, 2010 was the fifth consecutive year in which global freedom suffered a decline. The latest survey hightlights the increasing truculence of the world’s most powerful authoritarian regimes, which has coincided with a growing inability or unwillingness on the part of the world’s democracies to meet the authoritarian challenge. The survey shows that nearly all Islamic-dominated countries deny basic civil liberties and have no basic political rights. Only Israel is considered a free country in the Middle East, where there is open political competition, a climate of respect for civil liberties, significant independent civic life, and independent media. Includes: 1. Full Freedom in the World 2011 Release Booklet, 2. Map of Freedom 2011, 3. Map of Freedom: Middle East and North Africa 2011, 4. Map of Freedom: Sub-Saharan Africa 2011. [A publication by the Freedom House;]
Freedom in the World 2012 Survey Release
The findings of Freedom in the World 2012, the latest edition of Freedom House’s annual report on political rights and civil liberties, showed that slightly more countries registered declines than exhibited gains over the course of 2011. The most noteworthy gains were in the Middle East: in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. It
should be noted that despite their gains, Egypt and Libya remained in the Not Free category. Moreover, while the Middle East experienced the most significant improvements, it also registered the most declines, with a list of worsening countries that includes Bahrain, Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Also intensified violence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and anti-Christian sentiment flared into violence during the year. Israel is again considered the only Free country in the Middle East. Download full report. [Source: the Freedom House;]
Freedom in the World 2013 Survey Release
The findings of Freedom in the World 2013, the latest edition of Freedom House’s annual report on political rights and civil liberties, showed that more countries registered declines than exhibited gains over the course of 2012. As in the world at large, more countries in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) endured declines than made gains in their drive toward freedom in 2012. [Source: the Freedom House;]
Nederlands (Dutch)
De Waarheid over de Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad
Sinds de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 op het World Trade Center en de Pentagon in de Verenigde Staten horen we regelmatig zogenaamde “deskundigen” uitleggen dat met name de middeleeuwse Kruistochten en het Westerse imperialisme de oorzaak zijn voor de diepgewortelde haat van islamisten en jihadisten tegenover het vrije Westen. Gezien de historische expansiedrift en de gewelddadige geschiedenis van de islam sinds de oorsprong in de 7e eeuw (571-632 n. Chr.), is deze stelling met enig gezond verstand nauwelijks te verdedigen. Een studie over de eerste eeuwen van de imperialistische islam tot aan de eerste Kruistochten. (Door Vincent Carroll, Thomas F. Madden en Crethi Plethi. Dit artikel werd op 19 juni 2010 gepubliceerd op
Van Dawa tot Jihad
De diverse dreigingen van de radicale islam tegen de democratische rechtsorde. Een internationale dreiging vanuit uiteenlopende radicaal-islamitische hoeken kenmerkt momenteel de westerse samenlevingen. Onderzoek naar de diverse dreigingen van de radicale islam, waaronder de terroristische dreiging, moet aan de complexiteit van de fenomenen met alle nationale
en internationale facetten recht doen. Deze nota biedt inzicht in de conceptuele onderbouwing van het onderzoek binnen de AIVD naar de radicale islam. Onder radicale islam wordt hier verstaan: "Het politiek-religieus streven om, desnoods met uiterste middelen, een samenleving tot stand te brengen die een zo zuiver mogelijke afspiegeling is van hetgeen men meent dat gesteld wordt in de oorspronkelijke bronnen van de islam." [Een uitgave van de AIVD, Dec. 2004]
Palestijnse Schoolboeken vol met Anti-Semitische Teksten en Verheerlijken Jihad
Presentatie van een Midden Oosten zonder Israel in de (nieuwste) schoolboeken van de Palestijnse Autoriteit van Mammoed Abbas. Door Prof.Dr. Hans Jansen. (Gedeeltelijke vertaling, bewerking en aanvulling van: Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) Report: From Nationalist Battle to Religious Conflict: New 12th Grade Palestinian Schoolbooks: Present a World without Israel, Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Jerusalem 2007).
EU Terrorismelijst (Versie: 12 Juli 2010)
Lijst van Personen, Groepen en Entiteiten inzake specifieke beperkende maatregelen met het oog op de strijd tegen het terrorisme. Publicatie van de Europese Unie (EU) over organisaties (en personen) die worden gekenmerkt als ‘verboden (of van terrorisme verdacht), omdat zij verbonden zijn met terroristische activiteiten’. Steun verlenen aan het voortbestaan van activiteiten van deze organisaties is in Nederland bij wet verboden. Geupdate versie: 12 juli 2010.
Verboden Terroristische Groepen op Islamitische Grondslag
Gebundelde download met achtergrond informatie over 24 verboden terroristische organisaties op islamitische grondslag en 17 logo's. Elk document bevat informatie over: 1. Naam en Classificatie; 2. Verschijningsvormen; 3. Activiteiten; 4. Organisatiestructuur; 5. Achtergrond; 6. Verwijzingen. (Uitgegeven door Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding t.b.v. politiemensen en gemeenteambtenaren om uitingen of activiteiten die kunnen duiden op mogelijke betrokkenheid van terroristische groeperingen vroegtijdig te onderkennen).
Transformatie van het jihadisme in Nederland
Homegrown jihadisme in Nederland veranderde in 2013 binnen enkele maanden. Het jihadisme in Nederland bleek veel krachtiger dan veelal werd aangenomen. Wat zijn de factoren en ontwikkelingen die de plotselinge, explosieve groei van het jihadisme in Nederland teweeg hebben gebracht. Wat zijn de dreigingen en risico's? Deze publicatie geeft een actuele duiding van de dynamiek van het huidige jihadisme in Nederland. (Publicatie door de AIVD, juni 2014)
Lokale Jihadistische Netwerken in Nederland
De jihadistische dreiging tegen Nederland en Nederlandse belangen elders komt zowel van binnen als van buiten Nederland. Dit rapport beschrijft en verklaart de ontwikkeling die lokale jihadistische netwerken in Nederland de afgelopen jaren doorgemaakt hebben en hoe het dreigingsbeeld er momenteel uitziet. De belangrijkste conclusie van dit rapport is dat de dreiging van binnenuit, uitgaand van lokale netwerken, sinds 2006 verminderd is. Als consequentie hiervan is het relatieve belang van de
dreiging van buitenaf, uitgaand van transnationale
netwerken, toegenomen. [Een uitgave van de AIVD, Dec. 2009]
De Ideologische en Religieuze Ontwikkeling van Mohammed B.
Deskundigenrapport in de Strafzaak tegen Mohammed B. (veroordeeld voor de moord op Theo van Gogh) in opdracht van het Openbaar Ministerie opgesteld voor de Arrondissementsrechtbank Amsterdam. Aan de hand van een chronologische lijst van teksten geschreven of vertaald door Mohammed B., wordt geprobeerd zijn ideologische en religieuze ontwikkeling te schetsen. Centraal staat daarbij de vraag hoe de ideeën en religieuze beleving van een goed opgeleide, geïntegreerde en maatschappelijk betrokken jongeman geleidelijk tot de overtuiging kunnen leiden dat het volgens de islam geoorloofd of zelfs verplicht is om bepaalde mensen te doden. [Door PROF. DR. MR. RUUD PETERS, mei 2005]