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Sat, Feb 19, 2011 | Egypt State Information Center

Hossam Zaki, Egypt's Foreign Ministry spokesman

Egypt Criticizes U.S. Veto in UNSC

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Saturday (Feb 19, 2011) in which it criticized the U.S. veto of a UN draft resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the disputed territories.

Hossam Zaki, the ministry’s spokesman, expressed thanks to all member states that adopted the draft in a bid to defend the Palestinian cause and end Israeli settlements.

It is regrettable that all the other 14 UN Security Council members were backing the draft and this makes the U.S. stance isolated from international consensus on this vital issue, he said.

The U.S. stance is “disappointing” not only to the Palestinian and Arab peoples but also to all countries that voted in favor of the draft, Zaki said.

Zaki said the Egyptian public opinion hoped that the United States would shoulder its responsibility and let the UNSC (United Nations Security Council) adopt a clear-cut stance forcing Israel to end settlements which make the chance to have an independent Palestinian state with Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as its capital slim.

The US veto will harm the credibility of the United States as a peace mediator, he said.

The United States vetoed a UN resolution Friday that would have condemned Israeli “illegal” settlements beyond the Green Line and demanded an immediate halt to all settlement building.

The 14 other Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution in Friday’s vote, reflecting the wide support for the Palestinian-backed draft which had about 130 co-sponsors. The Council is composed of five permanent members — China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States (which used its veto) — and ten non-permanent members: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Portugal, Brazil, India, South Africa, Colombia, Lebanon, Gabon and Nigeria.

Zaki also slammed the U.S. excuses for vetoing the draft. The US has said that adopting such a draft would have encouraged all sides to remain outside the negotiations.

US Ambassador Susan Rice Friday said the overriding issue for the Obama administration was whether the resolution would lead to renewed peace negotiations.

“Unfortunately, this draft resolution risks hardening the positions of both sides,” Rice said and Friday’s veto should not be “misunderstood to mean we support settlement activity,”

5 Comments to “Egypt Criticizes U.S. Veto in UNSC”

  1. #Egypt Criticizes #US #Veto in #UNSC | #Israel #jcot #tcot #PA

  2. #Egypt Criticizes #US #Veto in #UNSC | #Israel #jcot #tcot #PA

  3. avatar ya'akov says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: #Egypt Criticizes #US #Veto in #UNSC | #Israel #jcot #tcot #PA

  4. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: #Egypt Criticizes #US #Veto in #UNSC | #Israel #jcot #tcot #PA

  5. avatar GJS says:

    I have always wished for peace for the people of ALL the Middle East & thought that the USA was trying diligently to aquire that peace however after this veto one must ask why. This would have been an excellent opportunity to dismiss the statements that the US does what Israel says but instead of that they have surely only confirmed these statements.
    I believe that this latest veto will have dire consequences for the US & the west in general, one cannot go through life no matter if you are a person, a group or even the strongest country saying one thing but doing the opposite without it coming back to bite you on the backside eventually.
    The peoples of the Middle East are NOT idiots & in many ways are much more resilient & brave than their counterparts here in the west, if we in the west just continue to pretend that all is being done for peace that can be & to continue trusting what our obviously bent Politicians are telling us without demanding proof we deserve to suffer the consequences, then $200 oil will be the least of our worries.
    A bit off topic but I want to congratulate the Officials in Libya who have defected away from Gaddafi, a decision that I hope we all realise just how dangerous it would be to make for them & their families, to them & ALL the decent peoples of the Middle East I wish a speedy journey to peace & enjoying the freedom you so definitely deserve.
    Thank you


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    Sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy…It is difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on Sharia, which clearly diverges from (European) Convention (for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervenes in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts.

    — European Court of Human Rights, 2003, ECHR, 2003-II report

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