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February 3rd, 2014; Sadly this morning, I received news that my friend and contributor Barry Rubin passed away following a 18 month battle with cancer. Over the past few years, we had been discussing opportunities to launch an European initiative to raise the awareness and to inform both policy makers and public on European and Middle Eastern matters many of them endangering our free world. I remember Barry as an authority with unique insights and very passionate on these matters and he always took time to answer my questions or to help me with certain issues never delaying with whatever he could do. I know from experience that this is not as normal as it seems. To me he is a standard as such and I miss him every day. The European initiative however, is still an ongoing process. His memory is a blessing forever and he will always be part of this initiative.

Prof. Barry Rubin Z”L — was director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal, Middle East editor and featured columnist at PJMedia and the journal Turkish Studies. He wrote the Middle East column for the Jerusalem Post. His latest books were Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East (Yale University Press, February 2014), The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). His book, Israel: An Introduction, is published by Yale University Press in January 2012.

His articles also have appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Journal of Democracy, Middle East Quarterly, The National Interest, the Washington Quarterly, The New Republic, and many other publications. Prof. Rubin has been on “Nightline,” “Face the Nation,” “The David Brinkley Show,” “CBS News,” “The MacNeil Lehrer NewsHour,” “The Larry King Show,” CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. Among the newspapers around the world for which he has written are La Vanguardia in Spain, the Frankfurter Zeitung in Germany; the National Post, Globe and Mail in Canada; La Opinion, Liberal Forum, and Limes in Italy; The Age, The Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald, and the Australian Financial Review in Australia; and Zaman, Referens, and Radikal in Turkey.

He has been a Fulbright, Council on Foreign Relations Fellow, and Washington Institute for Near East Policy fellow; as well as a U.S. Institute of Peace and Hebrew University Leonard Davis Center grantee. He has taught at American University, Bar-Ilan University, Georgetown University Hebrew University, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, Monash University, and Tel Aviv University. Prof. Rubin held his doctorate from Georgetown University.

The website of The Rubin Center for Research in International Affairs (formerly the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center) is at Rubin Center. He blogged at Rubin Reports. For all the exclusive blog entries by Barry Rubin, go here.

Florian Druckenthaner — is a scholar of the German Academic Exchange Service and currently pursues a M.A. in Security and Diplomacy Studies from Tel Aviv University.

Florian holds an undergraduate degree in European Media Studies from the University of Potsdam, where he won the award of best B.A. thesis 2009 for his investigation into the representation of Arabs participants in Israeli reality TV.

He has been working for the Anne Frank Foundation in Berlin and the European Parliament in Brussels, where he further developed his interest for the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His fields of research include Turkish-Israeli relations; the Iranian nuclear threat; terrorism and mass media as well as the use of social media in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. For all the exclusive blog entries by Florian Druckenthaner, go here.

Abigail R. Esman — is an award-winning journalist based in New York and the Netherlands. The author of “Radical State: How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy In the West” (Praeger, 2010), she pens a weekly column for Her work has also appeared in The New Republic,, Foreign Policy, The Nation, the Wall Street Journal, and numerous other publications internationally. Her personal website is at For all the exclusive blog entries by Abigail R. Esman, go here.

Jared Feldschreiber — a native New Yorker is a journalist and writer. His articles mostly deal with international affairs, and had spent over a year working in the Jerusalem Bureau with Fox News. Many of his articles have published with different newspapers and journals concerning Israel and American human interest stories.

He has his Masters Degree from Tel Aviv University in Security and Diplomacy studies, all the while has contacts with media centers throughout Israel and in America.

His articles have appeared with Fox News, American Thinker, Jewish Observer-LA, and other various news outlets. He is a writer of all genres, including in politics, film and sports. For all the exclusive blog entries by Jared Feldschreiber, go here.

Rob Harris — contributes articles to several websites on contentious political issues (not to be confused with the popular English novelist (1957-) of the same name). He blogs at He lives in Ireland. For all the exclusive blog entries by Rob Harris, go here.

R. Joseph Hoffmann — Following graduation from Harvard Divinity School (M.Div. Th.M.) and the University of Oxford (Ph.D. in Ancient Near Eastern Studies) R. Joseph Hoffmann was tutor in Greek at Keble College and Senior Scholar at St Cross College, Oxford, and Wissenschaftlicher Assistent in Patristics and Classical Studies at the University of Heidelberg. He received the degree Dr. habil. from Heidelberg in 1983.

He began his teaching career at the University of Michigan as Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Studies where he developed the undergraduate and graduate program in Christian origins.

From 1991 to 1999, he was Senior Lecturer in New Testament and Church History at Westminster College, Oxford and a member of the sub-faculty of Oriental Studies in Christian origins.

Hoffmann has also taught at Cal State Sacramento, the American University of Beirut and Wells College, where he was Campbell Professor of Religion and Human Values until 2006 and Distinguished Scholar at Goddard College in 2009.

He has held visiting positions at universities in Africa (Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Botswana), the Middle East, the Pacific (Australia and Papua New Guinea) and South Asia, most recently as Visiting Professor of History at LUMS in Lahore, Pakistan.

He is now Professor of Liberal Arts at the American University of Central Asia.

Beyond academe, he is well known for his advocacy of the humanist tradition. He was Chair of the Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion until 2010, a senior vice president of the Center for Inquiry until 2008 and a founding faculty member (1986) of the Humanist Institute. In his recent work, Hoffmann has turned increasingly to the work of ”humanist restoration”–a project designed to reconsider the richness of the humanist legacy in the arts and sciences apart from recent attempts to emphasize the purely rationalistic and naturalistic varieties of humanism that emerged in the late twentieth century.

Hoffmann has focused on the controversial aspects of Christian origins, with special reference to early heresies, gnosticism, and the pagan philosophical critiques of the Christian movement. His most recent books include an edited volume entitled Just War and Jihad: Violence in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (2006) and Sources of the Jesus Tradition (2010.)

His study of the concept of the right to life in early Christianity, Faith and Foeticide, will be published in 2015, along with another in his series of translations of the classical philosophical critiques of the Christian movement: Christianity: The Minor Critics.

He blogs at The New Oxonian. For all the exclusive blog entries by R. Joseph Hoffmann, go here.

Toni L. Kamins — is a writer and editor in New York. She is the author of the Complete Jewish Guide to France, the Complete Jewish Guide to Britain and Ireland (St. Martin’s Press) and the forthcoming Complete Jewish Guide to Paris. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the New York Daily News, Tablet, Bonjour Paris, the Jerusalem Post, the Forward, New York Magazine and other places. Her personal website is at For all the exclusive blog entries by Toni L. Kamins, go here.

van Es

Harald van Es — is the founder and director of The CrethiPlethi Center. In daily life he is entrepreneur, consultant and business owner. He writes articles in Dutch and English on the Middle East, Israel, Revolutionary Islamism, Multiculturalism, Totalitarianism and European affairs. He has lived in Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel. He currently lives in the Netherlands. For all the exclusive blog entries by Harald van Es, go here.

Alon Sheinberg — is a Research Analyst at the Institute for National Security Studies in Israel. His fields of research include: military strategy and operations; Israel’s national security concepts; nuclear proliferation; and cyber warfare.

Alon has his MA in Diplomacy and Security Studies and his BA in Political Science, at Tel-Aviv University. He also served as a Paratrooper in the IDF. For all the exclusive blog entries by Alon Sheinberg, go here.

Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    The days when the Jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies — those days are over.

    — Benjamin Netanyahu, Address to the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventieth session, Oct 1, 2015

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