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Statement by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

October 4, 2001

Today, a Russian plane, en route from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk, carrying 66 passengers and 12 crewmen, went down. This is a terrible tragedy for both Israel and Russia. I spoke today with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and we agreed on full cooperation between Israel and Russia in investigating this tragic incident.

I have also instructed Israel’s Minister of Transportation, Dr. Ephraim Sneh, to coordinate activities in this regard.

Today, Israel suffered another heinous Palestinian terrorist attack (Afula’s central bus station in Galilee), which took a heavy toll – three dead and seven wounded. All efforts to reach a cease-fire have been torpedoed by the Palestinians. The fire did not cease, not even for one day.

The Cabinet has therefore instructed our security forces to take all necessary measures to bring full security to the citizens of Israel. We can rely only on ourselves.

We are currently in the midst of a complex and difficult diplomatic campaign, I call on the Western democracies, and primarily the leader of the Free World – the United States :

Do not repeat the dreadful mistake of 1938, when enlightened European democracies decided to sacrifice Czechoslovakia for a ‘convienient temporary solution’.

Do not try to appease the Arabs at our expense – this is unacceptable to us.

Israel will not be Czechoslovakia.

Israel will fight terrorism.

There is no ‘good terrorism‘ and ‘bad terrorism‘, just as there is no ‘good murder‘ and ‘bad murder‘. Terrorism, as we witnessed this week in Alei Sinai, is worse than murder.

We have been fighting terrorism for over 100 years. Unfortunately, there are no swift and immediate solutions. But if, united we confront this terrorism, we will be able to overcome it and bring peace.

And we shall overcome.

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4 Comments to “Israel Will Not Be CzechoSlovakia”

  1. […] on October 7, 2001. It was re-published on October 10, 2001 in Israel Resource Review. You can read Ariel Sharon’s statement here, as published on the website of the Embassy of Israel in Washington D.C. (Israel Ministry of […]

  2. Israel will not be CzechoSlovakia #israel #jihad #terrorism http://j.mp/ccJOGD

  3. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: Israel will not be CzechoSlovakia #israel #jihad #terrorism http://j.mp/ccJOGD

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elisabeth, Crethi Plethi. Crethi Plethi said: Israel will not be CzechoSlovakia #israel #jihad #terrorism http://j.mp/ccJOGD […]


Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    Despite our small numbers and lack of preparedness, we have not yet lost a single settlement…In contrast, about one hundred Arab towns and villages have been abandoned, and more than 150,000 Arabs have moved to the interior of the country or to neighboring Arab countries … To date, not one Jewish settlement, however remote, weak or isolated, has been abandoned. On the other hand, entire cities have been deserted by the Arabs. Tiberias and Haifa were simply evacuated after the first defeat, although the Arabs were not threatened with destruction or slaughter … We hope that there will soon be a free parliament in the State of Israel, based on democratic elections by all its Jewish citizens and those Arab citizens who choose to stay here.

    — David Ben-Gurion, Knesset debates, 4 may 1948

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