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Wed, Aug 25, 2010 | The Dry Bones Blog | By Yaakov Kirschen and Crethi Plethi

Hitler in Hell

It all began with boycotts. Boycotts that were taken to defend against an imaginary Jewish threat. For info about the Nazi BDS program I turned to the History Place to track events of 1933:

Photo above: Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels delivers a speech to a crowd in the Berlin Lustgarten urging Germans to boycott Jewish-owned businesses. He defends the boycott as a legitimate response to the anti-German “atrocity propaganda” being spread abroad by “international Jewry.” (Photo credits: U.S. National Archives, courtesy USHMM Photo Archives)

Photo below: Nazi storm troopers block the entrance to a Jewish-owned store. Their signs read: “Germans, defend yourselves against the Jewish atrocity propaganda, buy only at German shops!” and “Germans, defend yourselves, buy only at German shops!” (Photo credits: U.S. National Archives, courtesy USHMM Photo Archives)

On April 1, 1933, a week after Hitler became dictator of Germany, he ordered a boycott of Jewish shops, banks, offices and department stores. But the boycott was mostly ignored by German shoppers and was called off after three days. However, the unsuccessful boycott was followed by a rapid series of laws which robbed the Jews of many rights.

On April 7, “The Law of the Restoration of the Civil Service” was introduced which made ‘Aryanism’ a necessary requirement in order to hold a civil service position. All Jews holding such positions were dismissed or forced into retirement.

On April 25, a law against the overcrowding of German schools placed severe limits on the number of young Jews allowed to enroll in public schools.

On May 6, the Civil Service law was amended to close loopholes in order to keep out honorary university professors, lecturers and notaries.

Read more here…

In January 1941, the Nazi newspaper, Der Stürmer (published by Julius Streicher), writes – “Now judgment has begun and it will reach its conclusion only when knowledge of the Jews has been erased from the earth.”

Does this sound familiar to you? It should:

“The time will come, by Allah’s will, when their property will be destroyed and their children will be exterminated, and no Jew or Zionist will be left on the face of this earth.”
[Hamas (Al-Aqsa) TV, April 3, 2009] – Read more here.

Julius Streicher was one of the organizers of a one-day boycott of Jewish businesses in april 1933 and he ordered to destroy the Great Synagogue of Nuremberg in 1938. He also released three anti-Semitic books for children.

Although not a member of the military, Streicher was found guilty of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial and sentenced to death on October 1, 1946. The judgment against him read, in part:

“…For his 25 years of speaking, writing and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as ‘Jew-Baiter Number One.’ In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism, and incited the German people to active persecution… Streicher’s incitement to murder and extermination at the time when Jews in the East were being killed under the most horrible conditions clearly constitutes persecution on political and racial grounds in connection with war crimes, as defined by the Charter, and constitutes a crime against humanity.”

Now you know where anti-Israel boycotts eventually will lead to.

3 Comments to “It All Began With Boycotts”

  1. It All Began With Boycotts #israel #nazism #hamas #boycotts

  2. avatar Akusia says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: It All Began With Boycotts #israel #nazism #hamas #boycotts

  3. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: It All Began With Boycotts #israel #nazism #hamas #boycotts


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