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This week, Thomas Friedman, wrote an article (published: december 15, 2009) about the virtual warfare Islamic terror groups are using in recruiting new jihadists for the Global Jihad. He calls on the Arabs and Muslims around the world to speak out against the radical Jihadists and if necessary to start a civil war against them.

Thomas writes:

“Only Arabs and Muslims can fight the war of ideas within Islam. We had a civil war in America in the mid-19th century because we had a lot of people who believed bad things… Islam needs the same civil war. It has a violent minority that believes bad things: that it is O.K. to not only murder non-Muslims — infidels, who do not submit to Muslim authority — but to murder Muslims as well who will not accept the most rigid Muslim lifestyle and submit to rule by a Muslim caliphate… What is really scary is that this violent, jihadist minority seems to enjoy the most legitimacy in the Muslim world today… So please tell me, how are we supposed to help build something decent and self-sustaining in Afghanistan and Pakistan when jihadists murder other Muslims by the dozens and no one really calls them out?”


Jihad web 2.0

“Let’s not fool ourselves”, Thomas Friedman wrote in his column,, in the New York Times. I agree, let’s not fool ourselves and face the truth about Islam. Thomas Friedman has a point, but forgets that the Islam is not able to purify itself from within.

There’s no war of ideas in Islam. The only war within Islam is the war on who is the most zealous Muslim and has the most pure faith and holds the favour of Allah. If you, as muslim, believe that you have that favor than you can kill any other infidel and muslim alike, because they both don’t follow the path of Muhammad and don’t have the favour of Allah.

There’s only ONE Islam and ONE Quran and ONE ahadith. Of course, interpretations may differ from region to region and from Sunni to Shiite muslims, but the outcome is the same. Islam is NOT a peaceful religion. It never has been a peaceful religion and will never be one. Sunni muslims and Shiite muslims commit the same atrocities, massacres, suicide bombings, Antisemitism, honour killings. They share the same views on dhimmis, women rights, gay rights, Islamic heritage and share the same goal: world domination for the Islam.

There is NO such thing as a moderate Muslim, only a modernistic muslim (or a born-muslim and raised in a muslim or western culture), who in the eyes of the zealous muslim is a betrayer of the Muslim sanctities (Quran, Muhammad the Prophet, Islam) after all and needs to be converted back to Islam or be killed like an infidel. Is it that bad? Yes, it’s that bad.

Muslims are not used to look inward and root out the wrong beliefs in their culture, religion or community. Why? Because, Allah is Almighty. Allah, Islam and Muhammad are not to be discussed. They all hold the true path of the believer.There is no room for other views or interpretations. Muslims do not share our western values on self-responsibility, accountability for one deeds and for blameworthiness. If a non-muslim dies by the hand of a muslim, than that’s Allah’s will. That’s not something to be discussed. If a muslim dies by the hand of a muslim, than that’s Allah’s will also. Maybe a compensation needs to be paid to the family, but again, not to be discussed.

“What Muslims were talking about last week were the minarets of Switzerland, not the killings of people in Iraq or Pakistan,” noted Mamoun Fandy, a Middle East expert at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London. “People look for red herrings when they don’t want to look inward, when they don’t want to summon the moral courage to produce the counter-fatwa that would say: stabilizing Iraq is an Islamic duty and bringing peace to Afghanistan is part of the survival of the Islamic umma,” or community.

A while ago a muslim said to me, “the jews are killing our brothers in Gaza.” I asked him why he was so bothered about the few casualties in Gaza (and also in a defensive war by Israel) in comparison with “his brothers” killing “his other brothers (and sisters and children)” in numerous numbers all over the world, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, not to mention all the atrocities committed by the Islamic dictatorships of the Middle East on their own (muslim) people? He did not answer my question. And neither does the leftist anti-israel lobby answer this question.

But I know the answer. If the Quran tells the muslim that a jew or a christian is a dhimmi, than that is not debatable. Yes, a modern muslim may think otherwise, but he himself will also be killed by the Jihadist who believes and follows the Prophet Muhammad. If the Quran tells the muslim to defend the Islam against infidels and use the sword if necessary for establishing the Caliphate until the whole world recognizes Allah as God and Muhammad as his prohet, than that is not debatable. Ahmadinejad isn’t just another Middle East dictator, he is on a jihadist mission, legalized by Obama and the Western Governments. He believes that he has to make the world ready for the return of the Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah. That’s why he wants to kill all jews and infidels. That’s why he uses extreme violence on his own people, muslims just like him, because he believes they have chosen the wrong path and turned their backs to Allah. And as long Obama and the West sleeps in silence they legalize Ahmadinejad’s actions.

In the Netherlands muslims from maroccan descent were dancing on the streets, when on 9/11 the Twin Towers were attacked. In the Middle East the same, Palestinians also danced after the 9/11 attacks. Why? The US never attacked either one of them. Because, they are muslims and they sympathize with the muslim cause… whatever the cause is. If it is killing infidels… if it is attacking Israel… if it is criticizing the Minnaret ban in Switzerland… it just doesn’t matter. If it serves the muslim religion, the muslim pride, the muslim brotherhood, the muslim identity, than questions are not to be asked. And note: the maroccan muslims in the Netherlands were 2e generation maroccans and raised in a western democracy outside the direct influence of the Jihadist propaganda.

Did you ever ask yourself why Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia are among the first to condemn Israel if a mosque is attacked by settlers, but don’t say a word when Hamas attacks a mosque in Gaza city with more than 100 civilian casualties? The same in Iraq, sunnies attack Shiite mosques, and Shiites attack sunni mosques. They kill eachother women and children. But no Arab state has ever asked for an UN Resolution to condemn the violence caused by Islam and asking for the Arab leadership to take action against the aggressive radical islamists.

Muslims unite against the great Satan (US and Israel).


Crethi Plethi

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2 Comments to “Jihad Web 2.0”

  1. […] and Islamic Theology On 12.21.09, In Global Jihad, By Crethi Plethi In an article, posted december 17, 2009, I stated that the Islam as we know it isn’t able to purify itself from within. Meaning that […]

  2. avatar Andromeda says:

    If Jewish fights to Muslims, that’s mean that they are keeping themself.. But Muslims keeps themself, that’s mean that all Muslims are terrorists!!! Jewish people and Americans and English people are terrorists! We did nor forget Phosphor Bombs and others.. What do you know about Islam, Quran and our holy subjects? What do you want to see, you see as it.. Jewish supports Kurdish terrorrists in the Middle East with all weapons and soldiers against to Turks. What do you want to do? We know your true face! We don’t like anybody. We are Turks! If you want to learn something about Islam, visit our country or visit Islamic websites. Muslims are not terrorists against Christians, Jewish or others. If we wanted to kill all other believers, Ottomans, Attila, Selcuks can be all things. But when Ottoman gave more and more to Jewisha and Christians, they fight to Muslims. Jewishs are global liars.


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