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Sun, Nov 21, 2010 | IsraelNationalNews | The Israel Project | by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu and Crethi Plethi

Majority of PA Arabs See Two States as ‘Temporary Solution’

According to a new poll sponsored by the non-profit organization The Israel Project, a majority of Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza favor two states only as a step towards an Arab state of Palestine.

The main poll results are:

  • Majority support direct negotiations and peace process despite difficulties;
  • Majority support teaching coexistence, not naming streets after some martyrs, and putting pressure on Hamas to end the firing of rockets from Gaza;
  • Support for two-state solution, but Palestinians have not abandoned armed struggle and still favor a one-state solution;
  • Large majority supports a Palestinian state government by Sharia – rather than Civil – Law;
  • Hamas faulted for situation in Gaza, and Palestinians hostile toward Hamas and Iran.

A majority of Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza favor direct negotiations with Israel …. but most are yet to reconcile themselves to the long-term existence of the Jewish state.

The survey, conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research in early October, shows that 61 percent of Palestinians favor continuing with direct negotiations, and overall 60 percent say they accept a two-state solution. A 54 percent majority also agree peace is possible with Israel.

While Palestinians express support for the peace process and a two-state solution, a majority declines to renounce armed struggle and reveal the view that a two-state solution is more a two-stage solution – a path toward one Palestinian state.

This apparent conflict is extremely nuanced, and there is evidence that opinion can shift through clear communications and detailed plan.

Although 23 percent accept the statement that “Israel has a permanent right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people,” two-thirds opt for the alternative statement that, “over time Palestinian must work to get back all the land for a Palestinian state.”

Additionally, when presented with the proposition that “the best goal is for a two-state solution that keep two states living side by side,” 30 percent agree with 60 percent opting for the alternative statement that “the real goal should be to start with two states but then move it to all being one Palestinian state.”

And when responding to another choice of paired statements, 58 percent choose “this is a time for armed struggle” over “this is a time for engagement with Israel” – chosen by 36 percent. Differences exist between the territories, with support for armed struggle lower in Gaza than the West Bank – 51 percent versus 62 percent respectively. [Read more, Here or view a powerpoint presentation of the Poll Results, Here]

On the other hand, Arab opinion was somewhat more conciliatory when respondents were given the option that an agreement with Israel would be based on 1949-1967 Armistice lines, once referred to former Israel Ambassador to the United Nations Abba Eban as “Auschwitz borders.” Most of the PA Arab would like to see an end to the naming of public places after terrorists, but only a tiny minority of 12 percent agree that official maps, documents and school textbooks should show the name ”Israel.” As in previous polls, the popularity of Hamas has declined, even in Gaza, where the rival Fatah party would easily win if elections were held today. In contrast to another recent poll that showed PA Arabs as having a favorable view of Iran, most of the respondents in the Israel Project poll had negative opinions on Iran and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. [IsraelNationalNews, Nov 21, 2010]

2 Comments to “Majority of PA Arabs See Two States as ‘Temporary Solution’”

  1. Majority Of #PA #Arabs See Two States As Temporary Solution | #Israel #Peace http://j.mp/9cI0F6

  2. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: Majority Of #PA #Arabs See Two States As Temporary Solution | #Israel #Peace http://j.mp/9cI0F6


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