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Wed, Dec 29, 2010 | The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

Palestinian Authority's foreign minister, Riyadh al-Maliki

The PA Continues Its Diplomatic Attack for International Recognition of a Palestinian State within the 1967 Borders and Its Defamation of Israel in the United Nations

The Palestinian Authority continues its diplomatic attack to achieve international recognition for a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders:

Riyadh al-Maliki, the Palestinian Authority’s foreign minister, claimed that both Sweden and Cyprus were planning to raise the Palestinian diplomatic representation to the status of embassies (Al-Ayam, December 22, 2010).

— On another occasion al-Maliki said that the PA was trying to convince Spain to recognize a Palestinian state by next September, which would bring in its train recognition from the other members of the European Union.

Ecuador joined the countries already recognizing the Palestinian state and said that it recognized a “free and independent” state within the 1967 borders. Bolivia made a similar declaration (Agence France-Presse, December 25, 2010).

The Palestinian Authority has apparently set September 2011 as the target date for establishing the institutions of the Palestinian state. Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestinian Authority, said that next September (2011) was the date set by President Obama for completing negotiations with Israel, and that by then the Palestinians would already have established all the institutions “which will pave the way to a Palestinian state.” He said he hoped that by next year “Palestine” would be a full member of the United Nations. On another occasion he said he believed in “peaceful methods” because “[the Palestinians] have no other means.” He called on Israel to reach “peace and a joint, secure and stable life” (Wafa News Agency, December 24 and 25, 2010).

Saeb Erekat, head of the PLO’s negotiating department, said that now, after many countries had recognized the “Palestinian state,” “the negotiations are over,” because the Palestinian people no longer needed them, but rather had need of “decision makers.” He said that the Palestinian Authority intended to bring a resolution before the UN Security Council to condemn the Israeli settlements and call for a freeze on construction. He said the resolution was ready but would only be submitted at the beginning of 2011, once the presidency of the Council was no longer held by America (QudsNews, December 24, 2010).

2 Comments to “PA Continues Its Diplomatic Attack for International Recognition of a Palestinian State”

  1. #PA Continues Its Diplomatic Attack for International Recognition of a #Palestinian State | #Israel #UN

  2. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: #PA Continues Its Diplomatic Attack for International Recognition of a #Palestinian State | #Israel #UN


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