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Wed, Feb 16, 2011 | The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

Left: Solidarity demonstration in Ramallah (Hamas' Safa News Agency, February 11, 2011) Right: One of the solidarity demonstrations held in Khan Yunis (Gaza Strip) (Al-Rasd, February 11, 2011).

Palestinians Celebrate Mubarak’s Resignation

Demonstrations in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza Strip

The Egyptian’s president’s resignation was jubilantly received in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. Demonstrators marched in Ramallah holding placards expressing support for the Egyptian people and calling for the end of the so-called “Israeli occupation.” Hamas organized demonstrations throughout the Gaza Strip. After the Friday prayers candy was distributed in the mosques and guns were fired in the air to show joy.

Reactions of Senior Palestinian Figures

Nabil Shaath, a member of Fatah’s Central Committee, said that the Palestinians “respect the wish of the Egyptian people for democracy.” He said that a united, democratic Egypt, younger than in the past, would be able to fully support the Palestinian people and its cause (AKI, February 11, 2011).

Hamas issued a press release calling on Egypt to serve once again as a support for the Palestinians and to oppose what it called the “Zionist-America project” in the Middle East (Al-Arab Online, February 11, 2011). Senior Hamas figures publicly supported the success of what they referred to as the “revolution in Egypt:”

Ismail Haniya, head of the de facto Hamas administration, contacted the Muslim Brotherhood’s General Guide and congratulated him on the success of the “revolution in Egypt” (Hamas’ Palestine-info website and Al-Arab Online, February 11, 2011). A short Hamas press release noted that the victory of the Egyptian revolution would change history for Egypt and weaken the “blockade” of the Gaza Strip.

Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, called on the new Egyptian government to lift immediately the “blockade” of the Gaza Strip and enable free passage through the Rafah crossing (Hamas’ Palestine-info website, February 11, 2011).

Yunis al-Astal, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said that the fall of the Mubarak regime was also the fall of the Palestinian Authority, which “participated with the former Egypt regime in the blockade of Gaza” (Hamas’ Safa News Agency, February 11, 2011).

Ayman Nofel, commander of the central sector of Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, who escaped from an Egyptian prison during the riots in Egypt and reached the Gaza Strip, said at a ceremony held in his honor that Mubarak’s resignation and the fall of the regime in Egypt were “the fall of a regime of oppression and corruption (Hamas’ Safa News Agency, February 11, 2011).

With the recent events in Egypt, various elements, apparently from Fatah, tried to incite the Gazans to hold a “revolution of honor” against Hamas on February 11. They called for the residents of the Gaza Strip to hold demonstrations and marches which would show the unity of the Palestinian people and call for the downfall of the Hamas administration. According to media reports, Hamas surrounded some of the mosques and prevented people from gathering, and only isolated marches were held. Hamas’ internal security forces detained some of the participants (Al-Kawfiya Press, Hamas’ Palestine-info website and Al-Ahed, February 11, 2011).

4 Comments to “Palestinians Celebrate Mubarak’s Resignation”

  1. #Palestinians Celebrate #Mubarak's Resignation | #Egypt #Jan25 http://j.mp/gNVGEs

  2. avatar HAMZA LABBACI says:

    Palestinians Celebrate Mubarak's Resignation | Middle East news …: The Crethi and the Plethi | Middle East New… http://bit.ly/dSP809

  3. avatar kamzou08 says:

    Palestinians Celebrate Mubarak's Resignation | Middle East news …: The Crethi and the Plethi | Middle East New… http://bit.ly/dSP809

  4. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: #Palestinians Celebrate #Mubarak's Resignation | #Egypt #Jan25 http://j.mp/gNVGEs


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About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    The resources of the country [Western Palestine] are still virgin soil and will be developed by the Jewish immigrants. One of the most amazing things until recent times was that the Palestinian used to leave his country, wandering over the high seas in every direction. His native soil could not retain a hold on him, though his ancestors had lived on it for 1,000 years. At the same time we have seen the Jews from foreign countries streaming to Palestine from Russia, Germany, Austria, Spain, America. The cause of causes could not escape those who had the gift of a deeper insight. They knew that the country was for its original sons [abna’ihi-l-asliyin], for all their differences, a sacred and beloved homeland. The return of these exiles [jaliya] to their homeland will prove materially and spiritually an experimental school for their brethren who are with them in the fields, factories, trades, and in all things connected with toil and labour.

    — Sharif al-Husayn Ibn Ali al-Husseini, Article published in “al-Qiblah” (the daily newspaper of Mecca al-Mukarramah) on March 23, 1918

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