Tuesday, September 20, 2016 | by CrethiPlethi Staff
unofficial translation — check against delivery

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey, addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-first session, 20 September 2016, United Nations, New York. (Source: UN Photo/Cia Pak)
Distinguished President,
Distinguished Secretary-General,
Esteemed Heads of State and Government,
Valuable Guests and Delegates,
I greet you on behalf of my personal self, my country and my nation with the utmost respect.
I wish that the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly succeeds in its purposes and leads to favourable results for all countries and nations.
I congratulate H.E. Peter Thomson taking over the presidency, and I thank H.E. Mogens Lykketoft for his work during his Presidency.
I also thank H.E. Ban Ki-Moon for his valuable contributions. He will leave behind a ten-year tenure as the UN Secretary-General, during a time of global challenges.
Distinguished President, Esteemed Delegates,
In the first quarter of the 21st century, humankind has reached the peak in its achievements in science, technology, economic development and health.
However, this picture has also a disgraceful, dark face.
In Syria, Iraq, and many countries suffering in the grip of terrorism and war, all around the world hundreds of thousands of children, women, young and elderly continue to be killed.
Refugees running away from death and tyranny and oppression face degrading treatment in European cities.
Terrorist organizations such as DAESH, Al Nusra and DUP-YPG continue their attacks and actions in the region.
There is a risk that disputes in the Caucasus may turn into full-fledged conflicts.
Many problems from Yemen to Ukraine are of particular urgency.
On the other side, people in many countries of the world struggle with hunger, epidemics, poverty and illiteracy.
This is a disgraceful picture damaging human dignity and disturbing human conscience.
What is more distressing is that many of these crises and problems could be easily solved.
Peace, prosperity and security of future generations depend highly on the steps and precautions that we take today.
This is the time to show leadership with a sense of responsibility in addressing the problems decisively.
Distinguished President,
Esteemed Delegates,
Today, terrorist organizations could employ various methods.
On the night of 15 July, we, Turkey, were exposed to a malicious coup attempt initiated by FETO (Fethullah Terrorist Organization).
This terrorist organization murdered 241 citizens and injured 2 thousand 194.
Our Parliament building, Presidential Complex and many units of our security organizations and law enforcement were bombed by this terrorist organization with warplanes.
Tanks rolled over the streets as well as over people; helicopters and military vehicles opened fire on civilians.
This coup attempt was prevented by our nation, protecting heroically its democracy, government, freedoms, future and constitutional order.
I take pride in my nation who defeated this heinous coup attempt by risking their lives and for a period of 29 days they never abandoned the squares around the cities of Turkey and they remained on duty to protect our democracy using their bodies as shields in front of tanks and they repelled this coup attempt, they showed a very noble stance.
If I stand here today, it is thanks to our nation’s brave and noble stance.
It should not be forgotten that the coup attempt in Turkey was aimed at world democracy as well.
Our nation, gave a historical lesson to those intending to stage coup attempts, and became a source of inspiration for all nations committed to the protection of democracy.
This “New Generation of a Terrorist Organization” is a national security threat for not only Turkey but also for all 170 countries where it exists.
In other words, today the majority of the countries represented in this General Assembly is under the threat of this clandestine structure.
This terrorist organization is in a deep mental heresy of subduing the whole world, far beyond Turkey.
The basic strategy of this terrorist organization is infiltrating the state institutions, influencing the society and dominating the economic resources under the disguise of education, dialogue, tolerance and non-governmental organizations and best of intentions.
From this podium, I would like to call on all our friends to take the necessary measures quickly against the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization for their own safety, for the future of their countries.
It is evident from our experience that if you do not fight against FETO now, tomorrow may be too late.
On this occasion, I also would like to state that the attributions such as “Turkish” or “Turkey” used by this terrorist organization and all the other labels therein and all the persons associated with it, have no relation with our country.
Mr. President, Esteemed Delegates,
The humanitarian crisis in Syria has nearly reached its 6th year.
Because of this war, 600 thousand people have reportedly lost their lives, 12 million people have left their country and 5 million of them have taken refuge in other countries.
In our country, we are hosting nearly 2.7 million refugees obliged to leave their homeland. And those Syrians were welcome in our homes. We never ask why they ended up in Turkey, our doors are wide open. We haven’t shut the doors in their faces, because they were fleeing barrel bombs, they were fleeing fighter jets, and for these people we had to assume our responsibilities and serve what it was expected of us.
The West may not, the rest of the world may not, but we will keep on admitting them in, because we are human beings and in the face of such an atrocity we are obliged to keep our doors open to all those fleeing tyranny and oppression. We have opened our doors, we keep our doors open and we will keep on opening our doors in the future.
I observe that the international community has been simply listening to these numbers indifferently and unresponsively for a long time.
However, each number corresponds to a human being.
Syrian people are being exhausted in the grip of proxy wars which have been shaped by a cruel administration, merciless terrorist organizations, global and regional competition.
In this process, unfortunately, the international community has failed in living up to the humanitarian values and conscience.
We acted with care, in close contact and cooperation with regional and global actors, and with the belief that this matter is a common issue of all humanity.
We could not, did not and will not stay in silence in the face of this doomsday which our neighbour and relative Syrian people have been living through….
Regardless of ethnic, sectarian or religious differences, we have embraced the 3 million Syrians who have taken refuge in Turkey.
For the Syrians in Turkey, we have spent nearly 25 billion dollars, of which 12 billion dollars were spent for the protection camps.
Unfortunately, we have not received significant support from other countries, especially the European Union, that had promised us to contribute in this regard.
The contribution of the international community has been limited with 512 million dollars.
From this rostrum, I call upon the international community and all European friends who perceive Syrian refugees as a vital threat for themselves: It is a futile effort to look for peace behind the barbed wire and high walls.
If we cannot find a solution for the education, employment and housing problems of Syrian refugees quickly, we cannot prevent the irregular migration, social issues and security risks.
We cannot lose any more time for terminating the conflict, terrorism and environment of persecution which are the sources of the problem in Syria and for implementing the political settlement process.
Dear friends…
Turkey is a country that gives utmost importance to the protection of Syria’s territorial integrity and political unity.
Starting with our support for the Syrian opposition, Operation Euphrates Shield has a critical importance for the re-establishment of stability, peace and stability in a region in despair.
It has emerged clearly with this operation that the priority of the terrorist organization PKK-PYD is not fighting against DAESH.
This operation has also propped up the self-confidence of the moderate Syrian opposition.
Moreover, this development has encouraged the local forces in Iraq who are eager to clean up Mosul from the terror of DAESH.
As you are aware, for a long time, I have appealed for the establishment of a safe zone along our border with Syria.
Unfortunately, we could not get the necessary support for this call.
The aim of the operation we have launched now is to implement this safe zone in practice.
The people of Jarabulus, whom we have rescued from terrorist organizations, have begun to return to their homes in safety and peace.
We have taken action immediately to make the region’s electricity and water infrastructure function again.
The Turkish Red Crescent, the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) and Turkish civil society organizations meet the needs of the community in place.
Also, we plan to build settlements with all social facilities for refugees in this area.
Therefore, we should show a determined stance to declare these safe zones as “no-fly zones” and we must work together for this purpose.
Unfortunately, the ceasefire which we make intense efforts to implement has failed.
However, the Syrian regime does not allow assistance under the surveillance of the United Nations to the people of Aleppo who are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.
When will the United Nations and the Security Council stop tolerating the Regime’s policy of “EITHER SURRENDER OR DIE” which condems the civilians to hunger?
Distinguished President,
Esteemed Delegates,
In Iraq, it is clear that it will not be easy to establish a political system which will effectively protect ethnic and sectarian diversity, comprising in its essence the greatest underlying force of this country.
In this context, Mosul Operation should be conducted by taking into consideration the sensitivities of the people of the region.
Otherwise, outbreak of a new humanitarian crisis that will create new problems in the region and force more than 1 million people to flee is inevitable.
We should not leave alone the Iraqi people in this critical period when they need the whole support of the international community.
Allowing the Palestinian people to live in an independent Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital based on two state solution is an obligation of the international community towards the Palestinian children.
Especially Israel should show respect to the sanctity of Haram al-Sharif and put an end to violations regarding its status.
We will try to benefit from our normalized relations with Israel to facilitate the peace process and solving the economic and humanitarian problems faced by our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
In this direction, we continue our efforts for sending humanitarian assistance to Gaza.
The World Humanitarian Summit was held in May in Turkey for the first time in its history.
We consider the Summit as an important opportunity to discover new ways for more effective intervention in crisis.
Hosting the greatest number of refugees across the world, Turkey exerts every effort to prevent irregular migration as well.
Upon the initiative of Turkey, the subject of Syrian refugees was handled in the UN General Assembly session last year for the first time.
Similarly, the subjects of migration and terrorism were included in the G-20 agenda upon the initiative of Turkey.
We act in cooperation with the European Union against the refugee crisis.
With a view to preventing deaths in the Aegean Sea, recently we succeeded in reducing the number of irregular migration to 50, which was 7000 per day in October 2015.
This picture shows that Turkey has succesfully fulfilled its commitments within the framework of its agreement with the European Union.
Nevertheless, we regret that the promises made by the European Union through the agreement of 18 March 2016 have been nearly forgotten, and artificial excuses are raised all the time.
Distinguished President,
Esteemed Delegates,
We appreciate the steps taken under the leadership of Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon with regard to the UN reform and making especially peacekeeping and peace making activities more effective.
In addition, it is obvious that unless the Security Council as the main organ responsible for maintenance of international peace and security is reformed, these efforts will not reach their purpose completely.
For this reason, on every occasion, I remind the international community about the reality that “THE WORLD IS BIGGER THAN 5”.
We should reach the broadest compromise possible on a comprehensive reform that will make the Security Council a more democratic, fair, transparent and effective structure whose representative character is strengthened.
As an another face of racism and xenophobia, Islamophobia is of utmost importance for Turkey which has millions of citizens abroad.
The Alliance of Civilizations Project that we pioneered with the Spanish Prime Minister of that time nearly 10 years ago, aims at finding permanent solutions to such dangerous movements threatening our age.
Similarly, we are also glad that the interest for Mediation for Peace Initiative that we pioneered along with Finland in 2010 under the roof of the UN has increased.
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that we created together includes ambitious and transformative goals for all of us.
Official Development Assistance comprises the most important resource of supporting development efforts of especially the Least Developed Countries. Turkey’s Official Development Assistance has reached 3.9 billion US Dollars.
This ratio corresponding to 0.54% of our Gross National Product is beyond the OECD average and help us to approach to the UN target which is 0.7%.
As Turkey, we surpassed our commitment to provide 200 million US Dollars annually to the Least Developed Countries in 2011 and delivered more than 1.5 billion US Dollars in 5 years.
Before concluding my remarks, I wish that the 71st General Assembly will be a beginning for relieving the pains, and for changing our world.
I would like to greet all UN countries and nations with the deepest feelings of affection from Turkey.
May you all live in peace and prosperity.
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Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....