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Mon, July 18, 2011 | Rubin Reports | By Barry Rubin

Israeli-American conspiracy in Sudan. Source: PalWatch; (PA TV -Fatah, July 10, 2011)


Sudan’s “Two-State Solution”

Good news from the Middle East is that rarest of all things. Solutions (however imperfect or even temporary) to conflicts there is equally rare. That’s why the creation of a new country, South Sudan, is so significant after years of strife between the northern and southern parts of that country due largely to their religious and racial differences. This development also leads to an interesting question: will south Sudan be a purely African-oriented state or will it play some part in the Middle East?

Note that most of the population of south Sudan is Christian. The Muslim north decided to get rid of the region so that it could pursue its Islamist ambitions more easily and focus on repressing tribes (also Muslim) in the west.

None of the news reports on south Sudan, however, pointed out the earthshaking aspect of its creation. After all, this is a state that has come into existence because it is Christian, a sort of parallel to Israel. It is too poor, remote, and non-Arab for Islamists and Arab nationalists elsewhere to care about and they are preoccupied with other things right now.

Yet to the north, in Egypt, Christians are facing growing persecution. Will the rest of the Middle East ignore south Sudan or will it become a target in future for jihad and hatred, as an illegitimate entity allegedly created by Western imperialism that must be destroyed?

Another interesting question is whether Christians elsewhere will show any interest in the new country and try to help it survive and prosper. In political terms, it seems that Western Christians spend much of their time either supporting or bashing Israel. The beleaguered Christians of Egypt, the Gaza Strip, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, and Pakistan are ignored. Now that there’s what is in effect a state created as a safe haven for Christians will that change any attitudes?

Finally, the Obama Administration probably deserves a large measure of credit for the Sudan solution. It cozied up to the dictatorship but in this case, a contrast to other situations, actually achieved some positive result.

By the way, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is totally against the two-state solution in Sudan, greeting the occasion with a particularly antisemitic, anti-American cartoon. Back in 2009, when the Sudanese regime was committing mass murder — in real life, not like the false accusations made against Israel — PA leader Mahmoud Abbas urged all Arabs and Muslims to give complete support to the Khartoum government.

But the PA isn’t at all being inconsistent since basically it is also against a two-state solution of the Israel-Palestinian issue as well.

4 Comments to “Sudan’s “Two-State Solution””

  1. Sudan’s “Two-State Solution” | #Sudan #SouthSudan #Christianity #Islam

  2. Sudan’s “Two-State Solution” | Middle East news, articles, opinion and analysis |

  3. avatar ya'akov says:

    Sudan’s “Two-State Solution” | Middle East news, articles, opinion and analysis |

  4. avatar Elisabeth says:

    Sudan’s “Two-State Solution” | #Sudan #SouthSudan #Christianity #Islam


Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    The resources of the country [Western Palestine] are still virgin soil and will be developed by the Jewish immigrants. One of the most amazing things until recent times was that the Palestinian used to leave his country, wandering over the high seas in every direction. His native soil could not retain a hold on him, though his ancestors had lived on it for 1,000 years. At the same time we have seen the Jews from foreign countries streaming to Palestine from Russia, Germany, Austria, Spain, America. The cause of causes could not escape those who had the gift of a deeper insight. They knew that the country was for its original sons [abna’ihi-l-asliyin], for all their differences, a sacred and beloved homeland. The return of these exiles [jaliya] to their homeland will prove materially and spiritually an experimental school for their brethren who are with them in the fields, factories, trades, and in all things connected with toil and labour.

    — Sharif al-Husayn Ibn Ali al-Husseini, Article published in “al-Qiblah” (the daily newspaper of Mecca al-Mukarramah) on March 23, 1918

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