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Ayman Zawahiri and Egypt: A Trip Through Time

Around 1985, current al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri fled his homeland of Egypt, presumably never to return, he never forgot his original objective: transforming Egypt into an Islamist state that upholds and enforces the totality of Sharia law, and that works towards the resurrection of a global caliphate… Continue reading

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Binding and Non-Binding Agreements Pertaining to the Arab-Israeli Conflict

International law has played a central role in attempting to solve the Arab-Israel conflict… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egyptian Military’s Influence in Decline, US told

Recently, academics and civilian analysts painted a portrait of an Egyptian military in intellectual and social decline, whose officers have largely fallen out of society’s elite ranks… Continue reading

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World Leaders Ignore International Law

The U.S. Administration, the European Union, the United Nations, and Russia made the decision to rewrite history by labeling the Territories ‘Occupied Territories,’ the Settlements as an ‘Obstacle to Peace’ and ‘Not Legitimate….’ Continue reading

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Lebanon’s Jewish Community

The Jewish community in Beirut keeps shrinking due to emigration and mortality. But the few Jews who remain hope to strengthen their ties by… Continue reading

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Syria Is Not Going To Change

History tells us much about how the Arab countries will develop within the contemporary Middle East issues. When we remember the history of the Assyrians and the Greater-Syria dream of King Faisal, then we understand what Barry Rubin is trying to point out with this articles about Syria… Continue reading