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Analysis of the Responses to Hamas’s Political Document in the Arab and Muslim World

The initial responses in the Arab and Muslim world were characterized by suspicion and distrust while pointing out internal contradictions in Hamas’s political document… Read more

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Palestinians Renege on Security Ties with Israel

For the first time since 2006, the Palestinian Authority’s security services on the West Bank have stopped cooperating with the IDF in operations and intelligence-sharing for countering terrorism… Continue reading

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Supreme Leader makes decision about Iran’s stance towards Abu Mazen’s plan: Palestine from the river to the sea

Last weekend the 5th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada was held in Tehran… Continue reading

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Confusion in Iran over Palestinian UN bid

Iran has always stressed the need to liberate all of Palestine, and it is not willing to accept most of historic Palestine remaining in Israel’s possession… Continue reading

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Mahmoud Abbas is ‘Grossly Distorting’ Documented History

National correspondent Jeffrey Goldberg writes in the Atlantic on Tuesday… Continue reading

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Mahmoud Abbas about Nakba: “We Left Galilee on Our Own”

After the “Nakba” riots on Sunday may 15, widely reported by the mass media as the killing of several unarmed “peacefull” protesters… Continue reading

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“Intifada of Unity”: Iranian Press and its Support for the Palestinian Reconciliation Agreement

The Hamas-Fatah reconciliation agreement achieved in Cairo last week was enthusiastically supported by Iran… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Talks to Israeli Security Chief about Israel’s Arabs, Gaza and Suleiman’s Visit

In a May 13 meeting covering a range of subjects, Israeli Security Agency (ISA, or Shin Bet) Chief Yuval Diskin told Ambassador Jones the following… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel – Calm Before the Storm?

Israel is deceptively calm and prosperous. The security situation inside Israel is the best since the outbreak of the Second Intifada… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Gaza with Israeli Security Chief

During an October 3 meeting with ISA (Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin, The Ambassador stressed the need to find a way to keep… Continue reading

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Abbas Prepared to Exchange Land for Peace with Israel

On March 19 Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas was the guest of the Israeli Channel 2 show… Continue reading

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Why Palestinian Terror Attacks Ensure There Will Be No Peace

Events like the massacre of an Israeli family by terrorists aren’t just tragedies or crimes, they are events of huge political and… Continue reading

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Anti-Israel Incitement in the Palestinian Authority

Incitement against Israel, which frequently turns into genuine anti-Semitic incitement, is an inseparable part of the fabric of life in the Palestinian Authority… Continue reading

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Netanyahu on Itamar Murder: PA isn’t Educating Palestinians Toward Peace

At the start of Sunday’s weekly Israeli Cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said Abbas’ condemnation of the Itamar murder wasn’t strong enough… Continue reading

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Abbas’ double game: He tips Fatah to quietly endorse Itamar murders

In his address to the nation Saturday night, Netanyahu accused Palestinian leaders of hypocritically mouthing peace slogans abroad while promoting anti-Israel… Continue reading

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Palestinian Leaders’ Response to Democratic Upheaval: Fire the Honest Guy

The Palestinian Authority doesn’t have to worry about democratic upheavals since it has the nationalist and anti-Israel cards to play… Continue reading

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The “Palestine Papers”: Fabrication of the Day

Several people have asked me what I think about the new “Palestine Papers” which have been “obtained” (that means the PA gave it to them) by al-Jazira, the Guardian, and perhaps others, in imitation of Wikileaks… Continue reading

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Netanyahu: Talks should focus on ‘core issues’ that are at the root of the conflict

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the issue of settlements Monday as a “marginal” part of peace talks and said he was glad the United States had abandoned its demand for a renewed freeze… Continue reading

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PA Is Hindering The Solution For The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israel is not hindering the solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rather, it is the PA who is unwilling to stand up and say to its people the truth, the need for true compromise. These are excerpts from… Continue reading

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Iran Strongly Criticizes Resumption of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

Strong criticism has been voiced in Iran this week over the resumption of the political dialogue between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. President Ahmadinejad himself personally lashed out against PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), claiming he had no mandate whatsoever to… Continue reading

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The Al-Ahrar Military Wing

A network of former Fatah operatives in the Gaza Strip (Al-Ahrar) supported by Hamas announced the establishment of a military wing. Flags of the US and Israel were set on fire during the announcement ceremonies… Continue reading

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The movement, which espoused a Palestinian nationalist ideology in which Palestine would be liberated by the actions of Palestinians, was founded in 1958 or 1959 by members of the Palestinian… Continue reading

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Call The PA Bluff

The Moslems don’t want a state, in truth, the invention of Palestinian identity was a tactical move and they admit that it is part of the Arab plan for destroying Israel in stages… Continue reading

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Obama’s True Beliefs

“Barack Hussein Obama is merely doing what he thinks is necessary… and he will continue doing it as long as it keeps him in power…” Continue reading

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The Palestinian Authority Continues to Use Terrorists as Role Models

The Palestinian Authority continues to use terrorists as Role Models. On April 20, a street in Ramallah was named after Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), the former leader of the Fatah military wing and responsible for several terrorist attacks… Continue reading