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The Dilemma of Diplomats

Diplomats, a British ambassador explained several centuries ago, are gentlemen sent abroad to lie for their country. I’d add that the problems start when they start to lie on behalf of other countries, while the disaster begins when they start to lie for… Continue reading

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The Gaza Strip as a Regional Exporter of Terrorism

In June 2010 the Moroccan security forces detained an 11-man terrorist squad headed by an operative from the Gaza Strip who had formerly belonged to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and was influenced by Al-Qaeda’s ideology… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad’s Iran and Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad infuriated Americans last week when he claimed that America had exaggerated the death toll from al-Qaeda’s September 11, 2001 attacks… Continue reading

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Mainstreaming the Extremists; Marginalizing the Moderates

Evidence changes, dislikes stay the same. Radicals become moderate; moderates become radical. Israel-bashers know what they are against even if they don’t know why. Perhaps they don’t care why… Continue reading

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McChrystal and the Near-Disastrous Situation With the American Leadership

There are two ways of looking at General Stanley McChrystal’s interviews with Rolling Stone magazine: one is to focus on whether he should have said such things, the other is to analyze the important truths he unveiled. Here, I’m going to look at… Continue reading

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Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Since the violent confrontation aboard the ship Mavi Marmara, a great deal of information accumulated making it possible to identify the nine Turkish nationals killed in the confrontation, as well as to analyze their affiliation and political and ideological… Continue reading

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De Waarheid over de Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad

Is er een relatie tussen de ‘barbaarse’ Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad en zou het één bestaan hebben zonder de ander… Lees verder

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De Linkse Politieke Partijen en het Israelisch-Palestijns Vraagstuk

Als we de verkiezingsprogramma’s vergelijken van de partijen die meedoen met de Tweede Kamer verkiezingen op 9 juni 2010, dan valt op dat vooral de linkse partijen een desastreus Midden Oosten politiek volgen vanwege hun eenzijdige benadering van het Israëlisch-Palestijns vraagstuk… Continue reading

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Boerka Verbod en de Ontmenselijking van Vrouwen

Daniel Greenfield heeft een uitstekend artikel geschreven over de betekenis van de Boerka in de islamitische samenleving en waarom wij de Boerka moeten verbannen uit onze Westerse samenleving… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration’s Middle East Disaster

Here are nine huge problems going on right now that are not being addressed by the U.S. government and are barely comprehended by the U.S. debate and large portions of the mass media… Continue reading

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“Pakistan Knows Where Osama Bin Laden Is”

Every week or so, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reminds us that the wrong Democrat was elected president in 2008. In these cases, she gets… Continue reading

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Funding Terrorism: Sources and Methods

Rachel Ehrenfeld recently wrote an article about the financing of Islamic Terrorism and Jihad with Drug Money by the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Drug money is funding the Taliban’s increasingly numerous and bolder attacks in Afghanistan. Yet, the United States has… Continue reading

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Sharon’s Statement on Czechoslovakia – Background

Do you see much difference between what happened with Bush and Sharon and what is happening now between Obama and Netanyahu? The subversive elements in the US-Israeli relationship have been playing their role much… Continue reading

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Kyrgyzstan Coup Through Iranian Eyes

The coup in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, in which masses of demonstrators managed to topple the government of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev and force him out of his country, drew considerable interest in Iran as well… Continue reading

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Interview With Jordan’s King Abdullah II

Jordan’s King Abdullah spoke with The Wall Street Journal’s Jay Solomon on a wide range of issues before leaving for Washington to attend President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit… Continue reading

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The Arab Apartheid Week

The Jewish state is being demonized in more than 30 cities across the world as part of the annual hate-fest known as “Israel Apartheid Week”, which aims to tarnish the country’s image by portraying it as akin to the racist regime which ruled South Africa… Continue reading

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A Further Note on U.S.-Israel Relations

A lot of nonsense has been written about the Obama Administration seeking or deliberately creating a crisis in U.S.-Israel relations. This has little or nothing to do with the actual events… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration’s Double Standards on The Middle East

While the Obama Administration is fiddling over the construction of apartments in Jerusalem, the Middle East is burning. Yet these other issues don’t attract the attention—and certainly not the action—required… Continue reading

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NRC Handelsblad accepteert Antisemitisch Thema

Dat de Nederlandse media erg eenzijdig en vol met vooroordelen en onjuistheden berichten over het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict, is ons wel bekend. Maar dat dit gegeven ook doordringt tot in… Continue reading

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The US-Israel Crisis and PA’s Refusal to Negotiate

It is important to understand that the current controversy over construction in east Jerusalem is neither a public relations’ problem nor a bilateral policy dispute. It arises because of things having nothing directly to do with this specific point… Continue reading

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What if the Taliban Wins the War on Terror?

What will happen with the Afghan people and the rest of the world when facing a strong and revived Taliban with it’s backward islam and hate against western values and zionist presence in Israel… Continue reading

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De Dubbele Moraal Tegen Israel

Deze Islamitisch-Linkse opstelling laat de PVDA ook zien in de kwestie Israël en de Palestijnen. Onlangs las ik een interessant artikel van Professor Barry Rubin over de dubbele moraal die de wereld laat zien als het gaat om burgerslachtoffers… Continue reading

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The World’s Double Standard against Israel

Yesterday, I read an interesting article from Barry Rubin about the double standard the world is showing against Israel. It reminded me of a discussion I had with a dutch (socialist) parliamentarian, Martijn van Dam, a while ago… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Guard Inc.

The secretive paramilitary group, according to the U.S., arms both violent Shiite militias in Iraq and Hezbollah. It runs feared prisons inside Iran. The Revolutionary Guard also has a big role that is less understood in the West: an active player in business… Continue reading

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The Philosopher of Islamic Terror – part 1

In the days after Sept. 11, 2001, many people anticipated a quick and satisfying American victory over Al Qaeda. The terrorist army was thought to be no bigger than a pirate ship… Continue reading