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Will Turkey Get a New Constitution that is a Societal Compact, and not a Dictate of the State?

The new constitution of Turkey needs to be societal compact that reflects the pluralism of society… Continue reading

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The Latest KCK Arrests: One Step Closer to Breaking Point

The AKP is using the KCK investigation as an instrument to try to crush all opposition to its increasingly hawkish policies on the Kurdish issue… Continue reading

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Turkey: in between Political Islam and the Military

This paper analyses the impact of domestic dynamics on its relations with Israel during the current AKP government and the RP led government in the 1990s… Continue reading

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The Unmasking of Namik Tan

It is truly amazing that the Turkish government would send to Washington in 2010 an Ambassador who had opposed Erdogan’s Islamist party… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Turkish-Israeli Relations Continue to Sour

Turkish-Israeli bilateral relations remain strained… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Anti-PKK Operation Faces Major Obstacles

The Turkish government has now responded with one of its largest counterinsurgency operations in years… Continue reading

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“Moderate Islamism?” Does It Exist?

A new term is foisted on us without serious debate or proof and we are supposed to rejoice at the triumphs of those now called “moderate Islamists”… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Foreign Policy “Revolution”: Assuming a “NeoConservative” Mission in the Middle East?

The Arab spring has catapulted democracy and human rights to the top of Turkey’s stated foreign policy priorities… Continue reading

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Turkey’s New Constitution: a Last Chance to Solve the Kurdish Issue?

There has long been a broad consensus that Turkey’s current constitution needs to be replaced… Continue reading

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Cyprus on the World Stage

Cyprus, an island near Turkey and Syria of roughly 1.3 million inhabitants, finds itself on the cusp of momentous change… Continue reading

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The Secret MIT-PKK Talks: Was a Turkish-Kurdish Peace Accord Ever Close?

The effort to explore a peaceful solution was doomed because ultimately the ruling AKP has not disengaged from Turkish state tradition… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Turkish FM Davutoglu: “Yes, We are the New Ottomans”

Turkey is aspiring to broaden its horizons to include not just Europe but the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia in its strategic… Continue reading

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The View from Beijing: Growing Chinese Enthusiasm over Turkey

Chinese analysts have been pleasantly surprised by the stupendous growth in their cultural, economic, and political ties with Turkey… Continue reading

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Turkish-Israeli Relations: Empty Threats or a Looming Crisis?

The rapprochement between Turkey and Israel during the 1990s was primarily driven by Turkey’s secular elite… Continue reading

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Warmongering Turkey trying to intimidate Cyprus as well

Tensions are not only mounting between Israel and Turkey since the release of the UN Palmer report… Continue reading

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Will the CHP, Turkey’s Main Opposition Party, Ever Become a Relevant Political Alternative?

The Republican People’s Party (CHP), Turkey’s main opposition party, will have to adopt a whole new discourse and appropriate a new political… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s War: Will Turkey’s Most Powerful Leader Since Ataturk Succeed in Securing the Country’s Unity?

Attacks carried out by Kurdish separatists since mid-July have set Turkey on the road to war… Continue reading

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Turkije Opent de Aanval op Israel na Publicatie van VN Palmer Rapport

Zoals verwacht heeft Turkije de diplomatieke aanval geopend op Israël na de publicatie van het Palmer rapport… Lees verder

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Beyond Memory and Imagination: Civil-Military Relations and Turkey’s New Authoritarianism

The resignations on July 29, 2011, of the Turkish chief of staff and all three force commanders are without precedent in… Continue reading

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Turkey and Syria: a Parting of Ways

The turmoil in Syria threatens to deprive Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party of one of its most significant foreign policy achievements… Continue reading

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Instant obsolescence of the Turkish model

With the Turkish lira in free-fall, Recep Tayyip Erdogan looks less like a prospective Ottoman caliph than a garden-variety Third World strongman… Continue reading

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Turkey: Two More Steps Toward Islamism

In Washington DC they are still ridiculing the idea that Turkey’s government is Islamist… Continue reading

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A Different Path: Assessing Turkey’s Foreign Policy in Latin America

Never before have Turkey and Latin America been closer than they are at present… Continue reading

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Turkey Faces Difficult Challenges in a Volatile Foreign Policy Environment

Foreign and defense policies did not figure prominently in the recent general election in Turkey… Continue reading

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Turkey’s “First Christian”

Amidst news of Turkey’s political turmoil — a parliamentary boycott led by the main opposition party has overshadowed… Continue reading