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Egyptian Media Criticizes Hamas for Inviting Ahmadinejad To Gaza Strip

Hamas’ invitation of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad to the Gaza Strip provoked strong criticism from the Egyptian media. The media attacks, especially in the Egyptian establishment press, reflect Egypt’s fear of the Gaza Strip’s turning into an extremist Islamic entity… Continue reading

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Egyptian Media: Hamas is an “Iranian Agent” and Needs to be Punished

Hamas operatives were responsible for the two rocket attacks on Eilat and Aqaba. The Egyptian media strongly attacked Hamas and Iran because of the rocket fire, calling Hamas an “Iranian agent” and demanding… Continue reading

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Egypt Constructing a Wall along the Egypt-Gaza Border

The Egyptians have begun the construction of an underground wall along the Egypt-Gaza Strip border. The wall, made of steel plates, will be nine kilometers (5.6 miles) long and very deep. It is being built to prevent smuggling from Egypt to the Gaza Strip… Continue reading