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Egypt: Top Muslim Declares All Christians ‘Infidels’

To what extent was Egypt’s Maspero massacre, wherein the military literally mowed down Christian Copts protesting the… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Religious Establishment Takes On The Muslim Brotherhood

In a major new development an Islamic force has arisen to challenge the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and support a more… Continue reading

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Al-Azhar’s declaration: A new leap into politics?

Al-Azhar’s recently declaration backing a democratic civil state has triggered questions over the political role that… Continue reading

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Egyptian Sheikh Jamal Qutb: “Sectarian Sedition was Fabricated by Mubarak Regime”

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, a london-based Arabic newspaper, Islamic thinker and former chairman of Al-Azhar Fatwa Commission… Continue reading

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Progress? Now Even Egypt’s Religious Establishment Hates America

This is the kind of serious development that everyone better pay close attention to if they want to understand what’s going on in the Middle East… Continue reading