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How the Jihadi Civil War Began

How the jihadi civil war began that is now raging in Syria and Iraq… Read more

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The Historical Roots and Stages in the Development of ISIS

The roots and development of ISIS… Continue reading

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Ayman al-Zawahiri, Leader of Al-Qaeda, Urges Jihadist Rebels in Syria to Unite and Establish an Islamic Caliphate

Establishing an Islamic country in Syria opens the way to the restoration of the Islamic Caliphate and the liberation of Jerusalem… Continue reading

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Explaining Everything in Washington in 600 Words

Official Washington gets the Islamist ideology wrong… Continue reading

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If Libya’s U.S.-Client Prime Minister Can be Kidnapped by Al-Qaeda, Why Should Anyone Trust America?

Twelve years after the September 11 attacks, al-Qaeda still isn’t defeated… Continue reading

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The Al-Nusra Front’s Battle for Hearts and Minds

Al-Nusra Front uses video sharing websites, social media and blogs as a means of disseminating information on its operations, messages and views to broad target audiences in the Muslim world… Continue reading

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Filling the Governmental Vacuum by the Al-Nusra Front and Other Jihadist Organizations

Al-Nusra Front and other jihadist organizations place considerable importance on establishing a governmental alternative in the so-called “liberated territories”… Continue reading

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Description of the Al-Nusra Front’s Military Activity

The Al-Nusra Front combines guerilla warfare against the Assad regime, the Syrian army and security apparatuses with indiscriminate acts of terrorism against civilians… Continue reading

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The Human Composition of the Al-Nusra Front

The Al-Nusra Front consists of a core group of Iraqi Al-Qaeda and Syrian Salafist-jihadi operatives joined by thousands of volunteers from the Arab/Muslim world and the West… Continue reading

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The Al-Nusra Front’s Structure, Leadership and Functioning

The military frameworks of the Al-Nusra Front may in the long run create jihadist core networks in other countries… Continue reading

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The Al-Nusra Front’s Ideology

The Al-Nusra Front is inspired by Al-Qaeda’s ideology… Continue reading

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The Founding of the Al-Nusra Front and its Collaboration with Other Rebel Organizations

The Syrian civil war can be viewed in the wider context of the intense upheaval that is currently gripping the Arab world… Continue reading

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Jihadist Ritual Murder and Mutilation at the Mall

To understand the significance of Islamist mutilation they have to be analyzed in the context of Islamist honor and shame… Continue reading

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The “Arab Spring” is now officially over

Al-Qaeda linked terrorism threatens Tunisia’s economy and security… Continue reading

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Syrian Rebels Say: We Demand Radical Islamism; U.S. Says: We Can’t Hear You!

Thirteen Syrian rebel groups demand an Islamist state in Syria… Continue reading

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Writing the bin Laden Story

Reviewing the biographies of America’s late enemy number one… Continue reading

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Behind Benghazi: Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration

Evidence continues to mount that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood was directly involved in the September 11, 2012 Benghazi U.S. consulate attack… Continue reading

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Al-Qaeda’s Jihad on Anti-Morsi Egyptians

Will al-Qaeda wage a jihad to save Morsi and his Islamist agenda for Egypt… Continue reading

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Some Theories on the Boston Marathon Bombing

Some thoughts on the source of the attack… Continue reading

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Why the CIA Director is Wrong: Rethinking al-Qaida

It’s time, a dozen years after September 11 and following Islamist coups in the Middle East, to rethink completely our view of al-Qaida… Continue reading

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Ayman Zawahiri and Egypt: A Trip Through Time

Around 1985, current al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri fled his homeland of Egypt, presumably never to return, he never forgot his original objective: transforming Egypt into an Islamist state that upholds and enforces the totality of Sharia law, and that works towards the resurrection of a global caliphate… Continue reading

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Why Should Obama Help Bring America’s Second-Worst Enemies to Power?

Here’s still another of a series of self-serving leaks from the Obama Administration. In this case, it reveals something very important about policy… Continue reading

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Is Obama Strong on National Security? Of Course Not and Here’s the Iron-Clad Case Against Him

Let me explain to you why the Obama Administration’s propaganda leak effort to prove that the president is tough on national security is nonsense… Continue reading

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Sinai Bedouin, Palestinian and al Qaeda gangs are plotting Terrorist Attacks to blow up the Egyptian-Israel Peace Accords

Their plans entail sending terrorists across the Egyptian Sinai border for attacks on Israelis to generate Israeli military incursions into Egyptian territory in hot pursuit of the perpetrators… Continue reading