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More Anti-Israel Flotillas Planned to Break the Blockade of the Gaza Strip

Reports continue to be received of intentions to dispatch aid flotillas to the Gaza Strip. As Hamas strengthens and entrenches its control over the Gaza Strip and continues its military buildup… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Hamas Policy: How Turkey Turned

Why are the Turks turning anti-Western? Why are Turks viewing themselves in contrast to the West – meaning the United States across the world – Israel in the Middle East and Europe within… Continue reading

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The Lebanese Flotilla Farce

The latest flotilla preparing to leave from Lebanon fully exposes not only the hypocrisy but the danger of these provocative vigilante flotillas… Continue reading

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British Prime Minister David Cameron and Western Suicide in Turkey

British Prime Minister David Cameron’s July 27 speech in Turkey will not live on in history. But it should, as an example of the decline of Western diplomacy, of suicide by Political Correctness… Continue reading

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McChrystal and the Near-Disastrous Situation With the American Leadership

There are two ways of looking at General Stanley McChrystal’s interviews with Rolling Stone magazine: one is to focus on whether he should have said such things, the other is to analyze the important truths he unveiled. Here, I’m going to look at… Continue reading

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Turkish Troops Deployed in Cyprus and Top Intelligence Ranks Islamized

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is clearly spoiling for more trouble with Israel. the Turkish leader had his aides leak to the media that he was seriously thinking of leading the next flotilla in person to dramatize his confrontation with Israel… Continue reading

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Involvement of IHH in Supporting the Global Jihad

IHH had links to global jihad and Islamic terrorist networks in the past and assisted jihadist terrorist cells in many countries, including Bosnia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Chechnya. IHH provided mainly logistic support for transporting weapons and funding… Continue reading

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Flotilla Activists Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations

The Israel Defense Forces revealed on Sunday that five of the pro-Palestinian activists aboard the Turkish-flagged ship it intercepted last week en route to the Gaza Strip have links to the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements… Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die

Following is information from the Arab media about some of the flotilla participants. It should be noted that many of these were from the Muslim Brotherhood across the Muslim world… Continue reading

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Attackers of the IDF soldiers found to be Al Qaeda mercenaries

On board the Mavi Marmara ship that arrived as part of the flotilla to Gaza was a group of approximately 40 people with no identification papers, who are mercenaries belonging to the Al Qaeda terror organization… Continue reading

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Humanitarian Aid as a Cover for Anti-Semitism

IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the flotilla to the Gaza Strip, is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation. Besides its legitimate philanthropic activities, it supports radical Islamic networks… Continue reading

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Bring Back the Caliphate

The Islamists’ embrace of Osman, a descendant of the westernized Ottoman sultans, provides a periscope into the Islamist mind: Islamism is not about religion or reality. Rather it is a myth and a subversion of reality intended to promote Islamism… Continue reading

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“Pakistan Knows Where Osama Bin Laden Is”

Every week or so, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reminds us that the wrong Democrat was elected president in 2008. In these cases, she gets… Continue reading

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Funding Terrorism: Sources and Methods

Rachel Ehrenfeld recently wrote an article about the financing of Islamic Terrorism and Jihad with Drug Money by the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Drug money is funding the Taliban’s increasingly numerous and bolder attacks in Afghanistan. Yet, the United States has… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia and the Rise of the Wahhabi Threat

Al-Qaeda represents Wahhabism in its purest form – a violent fundamentalist doctrine that rejects all non-Wahhabi Islam, especially the spiritual forms of Islam. Wahhabism is an expansionist sect intolerant of… Continue reading

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What if the Taliban Wins the War on Terror?

What will happen with the Afghan people and the rest of the world when facing a strong and revived Taliban with it’s backward islam and hate against western values and zionist presence in Israel… Continue reading

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Al-Gaddafi calls for Jihad on Switzerland and Zionists

It’s no surprise that in his call for Jihad on Switzerland, he also mentions the zionists (meaning Israel) as enemies of Islam. As a militant Islamic leader he has no sympathy for Israel or zionists and takes… Continue reading

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The Enemy Behind Islamic Fascism

70% of all Muslim schools (Madrasah) and mosques in the west are funded by Saudi Arabia and staffed with Wahhabi clerics. These are the training schools of the Taliban in Pakistan and elsewhere. The Muslim Brotherhood too is widespread among Muslim organizations… Continue reading

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The Philosopher of Islamic Terror – part 1

In the days after Sept. 11, 2001, many people anticipated a quick and satisfying American victory over Al Qaeda. The terrorist army was thought to be no bigger than a pirate ship… Continue reading

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The Philosopher of Islamic Terror – part 2

In the fourth century of the Christian era, Emperor Constantine converted the Roman Empire to Christianity. But Constantine, in Qutb’s interpretation, did this in a spirit of pagan hypocrisy… Continue reading

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The Philosopher of Islamic Terror – part 3

”To exterminate”, that was Qutb’s phrase. Hysteria cried out from every syllable. But he did not want to be hysterical. He wanted to respond. How?… Continue reading

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Lees tussen de ‘leugens’

We horen vaak dat de Islam een religie van vrede is. En ik ken enkelen die aan deze beschrijving voldoen. Maar landen die een bijna 100% Islamitische bevolking hebben – Afghanistan, Somalië, Saoudi-Arabië en Jemen – lijken alles behalve vredig… Continue reading

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Islamism 2.0

To borrow a computer term, if Ayatollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, and Nidal Hasan represent Islamism 1.0, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (the prime minister of Turkey), Tariq Ramadan (a Swiss intellectual), andKeith Ellison (a U.S. congressman) represent Islamism 2.0. The former kill more people but the latter pose a greater threat to Western civilization… Continue reading