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AKP Sees to Control Society – but can it?

The liberals who were instrumental in legitimating the ascension of the Justice and development party (AKP) are now dramatically revoking their support for the Islamic conservatives… Continue reading

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Iranian Young Adults Arrested At Mixed-Gender Party in Tehran

Tehran Province internal security forces said that in recent days, the Tehran police had raided four mixed-gender parties in northern Tehran. Fifty young men and women were arrested at one of the parties, including three famous soccer players… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Saudische Jeugd Vermaakt Zich Tijdens Ondergrondse Feestjes Met DJ’s, Alcohol en Seks

Anders dan men zou verwachten in het strenge islamitische Saoedi-Arabië is er wel degelijk een bruisend nachtleven waar de jeugd van Saoedi-Arabië zich kan vermaken zoals de Westerse jeugd dat ook kan. Om uit handen van de strenge religieuze politie te blijven moet… Lees verder