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An Irish Coalition of Pro-Palestinian Organizations is Working to Send an Aid Ship to the Gaza Strip

A coalition of pro-Palestinian organizations in Ireland is working to send an aid ship to the Gaza Strip as part of Freedom Fleet 2. The organizations participating are the Free Gaza Movement, which also participated in the Mavi Marmara flotilla… Continue reading

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The Lebanese Aid Ship Maryam Still Anchored in the Port of Tripoli

The Lebanese women’s ship Maryam is still anchored in the port of Tripoli, despite the claims of its organizers that it would set sail on August 22. There are apparently difficulties with the Lebanese government and the refusal of Cyprus and other countries to allow the ship to sail to… Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla Ships Returned to Turkey, IHH Said More Flotillas Could Be Expected

A senior member of IHH, said that if the closure of the Gaza Strip were not lifted, many more flotillas to the Gaza Strip could be expected. He added that if need be, the vessels which returned would be used again… Continue reading