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Iran and the Cyber Jihad

Second Cyber Hezbollah conference to show appreciation for jihad and resistance activists operating in cyberspace dedicated to jihad… Continue reading

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Iran: “Traditional conservatives” vs. “deviant faction”

Last weekend Basij chief Mohammad-Reza Naqdi announced that, over the next several months, the public would be given new… Continue reading

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Conservative Camp Steps Up Criticism of Ahmadinejad

Criticism of President Ahmadinejad by the conservative camp has reached new peaks this week. In an extended interview granted by conservative Majles member Ali Motahari to Soroush, a weekly affiliated with Iran Broadcasting, he claimed that… Continue reading

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A Rare Glimpse Into the Office of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

According to the report, the responsibility for the security of the Supreme Leader and his office belongs to a special Revolutionary Guards unit called… Continue reading