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Why the CIA Director is Wrong: Rethinking al-Qaida

It’s time, a dozen years after September 11 and following Islamist coups in the Middle East, to rethink completely our view of al-Qaida… Continue reading

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The Sunni-Shia Conflict Will Be the Major Feature of Middle East Politics for Decades

We are not just talking here about theological differences but a battle between individual leaders, organizations, and states for power and primacy… Continue reading

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The ‘Angry Arab’ Goes Mad

As’ad AbuKahlil spoke last month at a day-long “teach-in” at the University of California… Continue reading

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The Majdalani Effect, the Zawahiri Strategy and the Middle East Curse

In a rare glimpse behind the curtain, a Palestinian scandal sheds a lot of light on the Palestinian Authority, Arab politics, and Western illusions… Continue reading

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Egypt: We’ve Heard What the Majority Thinks

Let’s figure out what the voting in Egypt means in concrete terms… Continue reading

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What’s happening in the Middle East: Fleeing Christians, “Moderate” Imam, Mad Turkish Leader, Syrian Revolution

Christians are fleeing the Middle East and Western Christians are indifferent… Continue reading

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Jesus Christ: The – politically correct – Way

A widely syndicated article by Reuters raises a number of important ethical questions about the media today… Continue reading

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Terrorism Returns to Egypt, Will Sanity about Islamism Arrive in the West?

We see the beginnings of terrorist Islamist groups in Egypt again, with a government unable or unwilling to stop them… Continue reading

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Profile of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s Heir as Leader of Al-Qaeda

On June 16 Al-Qaeda announced that after a period of consultations, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri had been appointed as Osama bin Laden’s heir… Continue reading

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Casual Hate: The Subtle Side of Christian Persecution

Earlier this month I participated in Coptic Solidarity’s Second Annual Conference in Washington D.C… Continue reading

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Pakistan’s Christian ‘Sex-Slaves’

Earlier we saw Egyptian preacher Huwaini and Kuwaiti political activist Mutairi call for the reinstitution of sex-slavery… Continue reading

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A Major U.S. Policy Shift Toward the Muslim Brotherhood Disguised

And what are we told about the Brotherhood’s goals… Continue reading

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The Social Networking Revolution Meets Islamists with No Sense of Humor

Naguib Sawiris is an Egyptian business tycoon. He’s also the founder of the new, liberal Free Egyptians Party. He also tweets and… Continue reading

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Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques

How great is the danger of extremist violence in the name of Islam in the United States… Continue reading

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Egypt: Christian Exodus

After the Egyptian Revolution, this is what the Copts in Egypt get… Continue reading

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Egypt: Situation Deteriorating Badly and Rapidly, More Muslim Attacks on Egyptian Christians

In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians the New York Times informs us… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Makes Bid for Power

Remember when we were told that the Muslim Brotherhood was moderate and weak? Why it was so benign that the Brotherhood… Continue reading

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What Should U.S. Policy be Toward the Current Middle East Situation?

People ask me what the United States should be doing toward the upheavals in the Middle East. Here’s a short, quick list of themes… Continue reading

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Persecution of Christians Begins in “Democratic” Egypt

Once the revolution began, Egypt’s Christians knew precisely what to expect. It isn’t that the regime of Husni Mubarak protected them so well from… Continue reading

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Why Did U.S. Government Honor Mosque Associated With The Number-One Anti-American Terrorist?

Almost a decade after the September 11 attacks, the U.S. government seem unable to tell the differences between moderate and radical Muslims, much less understand that it should support the former against the latter group. So when the U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom visits a mosque… Continue reading