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Not a Mistake, Misunderstanding, or Well-Intended Criticism But a Deliberate Campaign to Bash Israel

The first, most important thing to understand about the Western and especially American debate on Israel… Continue reading

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Pro Hamas Organizations Operating in Europe

The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG) is an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas umbrella organization which participated in the Mavi Marmara flotilla. The ECESG is currently involved in organizing an upgraded flotilla, and in other projects to further isolate Israel, part of the campaign to delegitimize it… Continue reading

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Het NOS Journaal Doet Mee Aan Het Verspreiden van Anti-Israelische Leugens

Hizballah zegt dat Israel schuldig is aan het vermoorden van de populaire Libanese leider Rafik Hariri in 2005. Genoeg voor de NOS om het zonder tegenspraak op te nemen in het 20.00 uur journaal… Lees verder

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Quneitra, Why in Ruins?

How come, 35 years and one day after the negotiated return of Quneitra by Israel to Syria on June 26, 1974, the town remains unrebuilt? Because, to make a propaganda point… Continue reading

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After Lebanon Border Ambush, Reuters Published False Anti-Israel Propaganda

Here’s what happened this morning along the so-called Blue Line, the internationally recognized UN-codified border between Israel and Lebanon. Israeli soldiers were… Continue reading

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Mainstreaming the Extremists; Marginalizing the Moderates

Evidence changes, dislikes stay the same. Radicals become moderate; moderates become radical. Israel-bashers know what they are against even if they don’t know why. Perhaps they don’t care why… Continue reading