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Education for Terrorism

Hamas increases its military and propaganda activities among Gazan youth… Continue reading

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Not a Mistake, Misunderstanding, or Well-Intended Criticism But a Deliberate Campaign to Bash Israel

The first, most important thing to understand about the Western and especially American debate on Israel… Continue reading

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Rising anti-Semitism at the Sunday Times?

The Sunday Times publishes anti-Semitic cartoon showing Netanyahu building a brick wall with blood of Palestinians… Continue reading

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Murdered Diplomacy: How the Israel-Palestinian Conflict Has Been Totally Transformed

If the Israel-Palestinian situation were to be considered to be like a hand grenade, the “international community” has just pulled the pin and thrown it away… Continue reading

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Hezbollah’s Terrorist Activity, 2000-2012

Hezbollah has actively participated in the worldwide anti-Israeli campaign of terrorism led by Iran’s Qods Force, attempting to carry out terrorist attacks against Israeli diplomats and tourists… Continue reading

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Hezbollah’s Terrorist Activities during the 1990s

In the 1990s Hezbollah combined terrorist attacks in Israeli territory and overseas with guerilla warfare against the IDF in the Lebanese security zone and sporadic rocket fire at Israel… Continue reading

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Hezbollah’s Terrorist Activities during the 1980s

Hezbollah’s terrorist activity during the first years of its existence focused on the United States and France, the main targets of a wave of terrorist attacks in Lebanon and elsewhere… Continue reading

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Israel’s Arabs: Deprived or Radicalized?

Arabs and Jews in the Holy Land… Continue reading

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Al Gore Sells Out (to an Islamist Television Network)

What would you call it if a former vice-president of the United States had sold his television network to an Islamist television network at a time when such forces threatened America?… Continue reading

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Turkish-Israeli Relations: Is Normalization Possible?

On November 26, 2012, several newspapers reported that Israel and Turkey had resumed reconciliation talks between senior officials, marking a profound change since the low-point in relations occurred in the aftermath of the Gaza aid flotilla in 2010… Continue reading

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The Sunni-Shia Conflict Will Be the Major Feature of Middle East Politics for Decades

We are not just talking here about theological differences but a battle between individual leaders, organizations, and states for power and primacy… Continue reading

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Vincent Browne and the Israeli “cancer” that poisons Western foreign policy

Controversy erupted when firebrand left-wing Irish broadcaster Vincent Browne referred to Israel as a “cancer”… Continue reading

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Trócaire and its outrageous propaganda

Another follow up by Dr Mark Dooley to his previous Trócaire articles. This article is about Trócaire’s controversial pro-Palestinian propaganda… Continue reading

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The Left’s only enemy

Like the Israeli Left, the American Left doesn’t want Americans to think about the actual threats to the US emanating from the Islamic world… Continue reading

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Bishops must break silence on Trócaire

Dr Mark Dooley has written a follow up to his Trócaire article that was posted here a few days ago… Continue reading

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TróCAIRE has no business in Israel fight

An excellent article by Mark Dooley explaining how Trócaire is a funding mechanism for radical left-wing activism…. Continue reading

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The war against the Jews

The sustained anti-Israel de-legitimization campaign is a corollary of the millenarian obsession with the Jews in the Christian and the Muslim worlds… Continue reading

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Turkey trots toward Islamism

The Turkish regime is gradually suppressing freedom as its society moves steadily toward a more hardline Islamic identity… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: NDP Member Receives Warning for Meeting with Israeli Ambassador

The Press Syndicate issued a warning to a NDP member for violating its ban on contact with Israelis by meeting September 14 with the Israeli Ambassador in her office… Continue reading

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Defeating the Jewish Alinskyites

Saul Alinsky, the godfather of subversive radical political action, had a very clear strategy for undermining and destroying his enemies… Continue reading

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The EU at war with Israel: The prospect of an Irish-led EU-wide boycott

The moral hypocrisy behind a boycott of Jewish West Bank settlements… Continue reading

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Another notch in the bully-boy bedpost of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

The BDS movement can chalk up another minor victory when the Irish folk band Dervish were forced to pull out of a concert in Israel recently, after yet another anti-Israel onslaught by the pro-Palestinian IPSC… Continue reading

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Yet another low point in the BDS Movement

Delegates at the recent General Convention of the United Methodist Church approved a resolution calling for a boycott of Israeli goods made in the West Bank… Continue reading

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New York Times coverage of Israel: What Comes After Ridiculously Biased?

With the arrival of Jodi Rudoren as correspondent, New York Times coverage of Israel and related issues has now gone to a new level of ridiculous bias… Continue reading

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Sinai Bedouin, Palestinian and al Qaeda gangs are plotting Terrorist Attacks to blow up the Egyptian-Israel Peace Accords

Their plans entail sending terrorists across the Egyptian Sinai border for attacks on Israelis to generate Israeli military incursions into Egyptian territory in hot pursuit of the perpetrators… Continue reading