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Turkish PM Erdogan: Those Who Follow Islam Cannot Kill People

When Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was touring parts of flooded areas in Pakistan last week, he used his visit to Pakistan to attack Israel and to polish his image as a champion of Muslim solidarity… Continue reading

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Turkish Islamist Regime Sounds Just Like Iran

Often, though, there is internal evidence in such statements that shows the problem goes much farther, as in the growing extremism of the Islamist regime in Turkey. Take Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s remarks in Pakistan, for example. He was complaining about the… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Leader Wants A Jihadi Generation That Pursues Death

When the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood–the main opposition group in Jordan and Egypt, and the most powerful Muslim group in Europe, calls for Jihad against the West, people better sit up and take notice… Continue reading

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Quds Day Events Used to Support the Palestinian Cause and Hostility Towards Israel and the West

The Iranian regime took advantage of the annual Quds Day events to highlight an alternative political and ideological agenda to that of the US; strongly criticized the Israel-PA negotiations; called to continue the “resistance” (terrorism); and spread vicious incitement against Israel, the Jewish people, the US, and the West… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Hamas Policy: Countering Radicalization

For Turks today, after seven years of propaganda, Hamas appears to be a good organization as it has been a guest in Istanbul seven times and has had multiple contacts with the government… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Hamas Policy: How Turkey Turned

Why are the Turks turning anti-Western? Why are Turks viewing themselves in contrast to the West – meaning the United States across the world – Israel in the Middle East and Europe within… Continue reading