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Turkey’s View of Israel

Turkey’s view of Israel is not only Islamic anti-Semitism, but also anti-Zionism, which is racist and hateful… Read more

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Iranian Association of Nazism Website Approved by Ministry of Islamic Guidance

For the past several months, the website has been operating in Iran. It operates on behalf of an organization called the Iranian Association of Nazism and Adolf Hitler’s Supporters. The website’s homepage states that it operates in accordance with the laws of the Islamic republic… Continue reading

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Vicious Anti-Semitic Speech Justifies The Elimination of Israel and Deportation of Jews

Hamas senior Mahmoud al-Zahar has recently given a vicious anti-Semitic speech to justify the elimination of Israel and the deportation of Jews from the “entire territory of Palestine”. The speech contains themes… Continue reading

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Hamas: No Place For Israel Among The Nations

Khaled Mashaal, head of Hamas’ political bureau, again proclaimed that “Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and there is no place in it for Israel.” He called on the Palestinian Authority not to rely on the United States because President Obama, especially after… Continue reading

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Demonizing Israel and Pretending It Is Ordinary Criticism

This is getting to be a pretty common kind of story. The mayor of Frankfurt invites a Jewish intellectual whose family left Germany in 1932 to speak on the anniversary of Kristallnacht. The problem is that this man, Alfred Grosser, is a ferocious critic of Israel… Continue reading

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Political Correctness and the TV Anchors

As usual, a nice cartoon by Dry Bones about how TV anchors are concerned about political correctness when talking about mail bombs like those that were mailed to synagogues in Chicago by al-Qaeda jihadists in Yemen… Continue reading

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A Letter To Gaza

I recently received an email accusing me of hating Arabs and my father. This email is typical of Arab media accusations of my views regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Since most Arabs have no chance to… Continue reading

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The Arab Apartheid Week

The Jewish state is being demonized in more than 30 cities across the world as part of the annual hate-fest known as “Israel Apartheid Week”, which aims to tarnish the country’s image by portraying it as akin to the racist regime which ruled South Africa… Continue reading

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The Germanification of Israel

A clueless anti Semite attacked the Jewish State on the web in an article with the above title, reviewing a book called Israeli Occupation. INN staff rebutted. Read our answers and… Continue reading

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Islamic Anti-Semitism as a Political Instrument

Anti-Semitism, that is, anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism, is intensifying throughout the Muslim World. The significance of this virulent anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism coming from the Muslim World is in that this type of anti-Semitism goes beyond the hatred it espouses. Anti-Jewishness and anti-Judaism constitute a major political instrument… Continue reading

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What about the good things from the Afghan Taliban?

We’re getting used to it by now, the bizarre inability to recognize evil, the cultural relativism that excuses real political and war crimes, and the lack of faith by Westerners in their own civilization and religion. Yet each strange juxtapositions never fail to shock those who still remember the way things are supposed to be, and must be if the forces of dictatorship and repression are going to be beaten… Continue reading

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An Open Letter to the Arab World

In an historic and unprecedented article, Ayalon calls on the Arab world to accept Israel’s extended hand in peace and fraternity. The Deputy Foreign Minister calls on the Arab world to step forward and join with Israel to defeat the forces of extremism and destruction in the Middle East… Continue reading

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How Nazi Propaganda influenced Radical and Political Islam

Between 1939 and 1945, shortwave radio transmitters near Berlin broadcast Nazi propaganda in many languages around the world, including Arabic throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and Persian programs in Iran. English-language transcripts of the Arabic broadcasts shed light on a particularly dark chapter in the globalization of pernicious ideas… Continue reading

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Muslim Arab Antisemitism today

Antisemitism in Arab societies and in Iran is the most potent and menacing form of hostility to Jews that exists anywhere in the contemporary world. It has become thoroughly embedded in recent decades (especially since 2000) in the body politic of Islam… Continue reading

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A muslim can never commit genocide

Today I read an article about the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, also leader of the muslim-conservative AK party in Turkey, who reportedly has said: “It’s not possible for a Muslim to commit genocide.”… Continue reading