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The U.S. Government’s Failed History of Muslim Outreach

When President Obama hosted his annual iftar dinner in August to commemorate Ramadan… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Jemen Gaf VS ‘Vrij Spel’ Voor Militaire Operaties Tegen Al Qaida

De president van Jemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, maakte in het geheim afspraken met de Amerikaanse regering om Amerikaanse troepen onbeperkte toegang tot Jemens grondgebied te geven voor het uitvoeren van militaire operaties tegen terroristische doelen van Al Qaida… Lees verder

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Why Did U.S. Government Honor Mosque Associated With The Number-One Anti-American Terrorist?

Almost a decade after the September 11 attacks, the U.S. government seem unable to tell the differences between moderate and radical Muslims, much less understand that it should support the former against the latter group. So when the U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom visits a mosque… Continue reading