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Arab revolts and Turkey’s new ‘old Kemalists’

The Arab revolts of 2011 awakened interest in the Turkish model, exemplifying an Islamist-rooted party building a liberal democracy… Continue reading

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Iranian Reactions to Tunisia’s “Jasmine Revolution”

This week, Iran’s media extensively covered the dramatic happenings in Tunisia and President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali’s escape from the country… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: New Zealand Praised By Hamas

Praise from Hamas was an unwanted consequence of New Zealand’s strong diplomatic reaction to the conviction of two Israeli men on passport fraud charges… Continue reading

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Poll Shows the Shocking Reality of Arab Public Opinion

As long as there is a huge gap between the actual Middle East and the fantasy Middle East so dear to many Western academics, journalists, and diplomats, the region will remain… Continue reading

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Palestinians From the Disputed Territories Get Medical Treatment in Israeli Hospitals

Every year thousands of Palestinian patients from Gaza and the West Bank are treated in Israeli hospitals across the country. Patients also come from… Continue reading

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The Arabs in the Holy Land – Natives or Immigrants?

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were practically no Muslim Arabs in the Holy Land. By contrast, the Jews, despite 2000 years of persecution and forced conversions by various conquerors, have throughout most of history been the majority population there. In Jerusalem Jews were always the largest demographic group, except for periods when conquerors specifically threw them out and prevented them from returning… Continue reading

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Avigdor Lieberman visits the Netherlands

On 11 november 2009 a small group of demonstraters are waiting for the arrival of Israels Minister of foreign affairs, Avigdor Lieberman, at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Amsterdam… Continue reading