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President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa Speech, May 19, 2011

Official release of President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech… Continue reading

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The West’s Foreign Policy Theme – Like Me Before You Kill Me – Applied to Israel

Recently, it was revealed that President Barack Obama had consulted Tom Friedman in formulating his Middle East policy… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu on Nakba Day: ‘We’re determined to defend our borders’

In face of attempts to cross Israel’s northern and southern borders, Netanyahu says he instructed the IDF to stop all attempts to infiltrate… Continue reading

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Egypt: Pillar of Fire and Political Plagues Are Bad Signs

Gas flames shooting 65 feet high signal the birth of a new Middle East. That pillar of fire, unlike the Biblical one, indicates that Egyptians… Continue reading

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Syria Not A Partner For Peace? So What’s New?

The Obama administration no longer considers Syria a potential peace partner for Israel because of its repression against… Continue reading

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The State of the “Peace Process,” An Enlightened Mass Media Viewpoint

Mass media editorials are worth analyzing not because they influence government policy — they don’t — but because they reflect current… Continue reading

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Reading Ahmadinejad in Riga

There’s nothing like having to explain a complex subject to people to improve one’s own understanding of the issues… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia, Gulf States: Iran Is Attacking Us; Obama Administration: Excuses, Excuses!

How sadly ironic. A few years ago, the two previous U.S. presidents were trying to get Gulf Arab states to do more to foster an… Continue reading

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Who Won’t Talk? The Palestinian Authority, Not Israel

The effort to make Israel look bad is simply ridiculous. But even in this context, the following lead paragraph caught my eye… Continue reading

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How Many Points did Iran and Islamists Score So Far this Year?

Events in the Middle East have moved so quickly that one almost needs a daily scorecard to keep up. This article will try to give a basic picture… Continue reading

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How The Bizarre World of Middle East Studies Messes Up U.S. Foreign Policy

Engaging in Middle East studies, as Lawrence says about putting your hand in a flame, hurts. The trick “is not minding that it hurts” and… Continue reading

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Arab Political Upheavals: Obsession with Israel Blinded Westerners to the Real Middle East

As we consider the lessons of the dramatic upheavals in Arabic-speaking countries one of the main ones is this: the overriding obsession with… Continue reading

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Why Does the Media Report the Opposite of What’s True in the Middle East?

Here’s one of a thousand examples of how Middle East reality is being misrepresented. I’m told by people that the deputy head of… Continue reading

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Hamas Applauds anti-Israel Position of the New Egyptian Foreign Minister

Hamas applauded Nabil al-Arabi’s statements. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called his positions “honorable” and said he… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Al-Jazeera Changed Coverage to Suit Qatari Foreign Policy

Qatar is using the Arabic news channel al-Jazeera as a bargaining chip in foreign policy negotiations by adapting its coverage to suit other foreign… Continue reading

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Media and Middle East: Wow, These People are Repressive Dictators! Who Knew?

For those of us who have been trying to talk about Middle East dictators for a long time it is amusing to see how people are lining up to be “horrified” by… Continue reading

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Egypt: Qaradawi Tries to Take Charge of the Revolution

Let history show that neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post reported on the return of the world’s single most important Islamic cleric to Cairo… Continue reading

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Address by PM Netanyahu to the European Friends of Israel Conference in Jerusalem 2011

It’s very good to see all of you, to welcome you in Jerusalem. It is a great city that has great significance for each of your countries and for Europe… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Reality of the Muslim Brotherhood

This analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood, written by Tarek Heggy, is one of the best written recently. This analysis might also reflect what Egypt’s… Continue reading

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Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty: Return Policy?

I was supposed to post a “Golden Oldie” today, but I just couldn’t resist doing another cartoon about the events in Egypt… Continue reading

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Upside-Down Journalism: Don’t Believe What You See in International News Media

The weak point here is not what Israel says or does — since even documented reports are ignored or ridiculed — but the credulity, unprofessional behavior, and sometimes malice of the journalists involved… Continue reading

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Repackaging the Conflict

The Islamist war against the Jewish State has been successfully repackaged as an Israeli war against the “Palestinians”. Even Zionist organizations now refer to the conflict as… Continue reading

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The Big Lie: ‘1967 Borders’ is a Fallacy

The term “1967 borders,” the Arab world’s mantra for the borders of a PA state, never existed, says former Ambassador to Canada Alan Baker in a research paper for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs… Continue reading

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NGO Monitor: HRW Again Distorts Middle East Conflict

Yesterday, we published an article about the latest Human Rights Watch report, “Separate and Unequal: Israel’s Discriminatory Treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”, accusing Israel of… Continue reading

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After Dropping Freeze Bid, U.S. Formulates New Turkey-Iran Deal

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had the thankless task of writing finis on the Obama administration’s intense two-year effort to persuade Israelis and Palestinians to discuss peace. Her speech to the Saban Forum early Saturday, Dec. 11 was much awaited as Washington’s first comment on… Continue reading