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Why Do Iranians And Turks Want Arabs To Fight Jews?

If you want to understand how the debate goes in the Arabic-speaking world and the ways liberals there try to get across their message, there’s nothing better to read than Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed’s article, “Erdogan…Fulfill Your Promises.” It’s also very easy to misunderstand… Continue reading

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The Campaign to Defame Israel

Delegitimization is a political, economic and philosophic campaign aimed at reversing the right of the State of Israel to exist and denying the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their homeland… Continue reading

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Hamas and Hezbollah’s Satellite Channels Continue Broadcasting Via Arab-Muslim and Western Satellites

As part of the battle for hearts and minds, Hamas and Hezbollah invest great resources in operating a number of land and satellite television channels. They use them to spread their extremist Islamist ideology, which includes incitement against Israel, the Jewish people and Western countries… Continue reading

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The Cause Of The Conflict

The nature of the Arab purpose in Palestine was illumined, was indeed dramatized, by the clash between the terrorist organizations and the Jordanian government that began September 1970. Not an ideological confrontation nor the result of a difference of opinion on the proper fate of Israel… Continue reading

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A Garland Of Myths

The distortion of history, ancient and modern, basic to the Arab-British resistance to Jewish restoration, had been fully articulated by 1948. After 1948, the Arabs added greater depth and vehemence in presentation and with it a theme of hatred of the Jews, comparable only to the demonology of medieval Christianity or the excesses of German Nazi propaganda in our own age… Continue reading

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Beginning To Restore The Land

The land, unloved by its rulers and uncared for by most of its handful of inhabitants, whose silences Lamartine had likened to those of ruined Pompeii, and which Mark Twain had compassionately consigned to the world of dreams, began to come to life again with the blossoming of Jewish restoration in the nineteenth century… Continue reading

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The Jewish Presence in Palestine

Promoted by two such powerful forces as Soviet assertions and Arab propaganda, the claim of Arab historical rights has become a central element in the international debate. By sheer weight of noise, it has impressed many otherwise knowledgeable and well meaning people. The facts of history are… Continue reading

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Arab Refugees

Only a George Orwell or a Franz Kafka could have done justice to the story of the Arab refugee problem. For twenty years, the world has been indoctrinated with a vision of its origins, its scope, the responsibilities for its solution. The intent of this picture is, roughly, that in 1948 the Jewish people launched an… Continue reading

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Syria Helps Hizbullah Build Anti-Israel Army in North Lebanon

Syria has helped Hizbullah entrench itself in northern Lebanon with 40,000 long-range missiles and 10,000 militia men, increasing its war capability against Israel, the French daily Le Figaro reported Tuesday… Continue reading

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Why Israel Won’t Define Its Borders In Advance Of Negotiations

First, beginning with the 1993 Israel-PLO agreement, it has been clearly mutually agreed that the issue of boundaries would be settled in negotiations. Negotiations are supposed to be a give and take process: Israel would give more on boundaries if it got more on other issues… Continue reading

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Foreign Minister of Egypt Gheit Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

Israel’s failure to freeze the settlement construction in the Occupied Palestinian Territory would cause the current direct negotiations to collapse. Such a freeze would be a major factor in determining Israel’s intention and level of commitment. Egypt also supported direct negotiations on the Syrian and Lebanese tracks… Continue reading

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Iran Crosses Critical Line For Nuclear-Arming Missiles

Iran has crossed the critical nuclear threshold taking it nearer to being able to arm ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, weapons inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency reported last week… Continue reading

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The Events of the LAF Attack on IDF Soldiers

The Lebanese army August 3 attack on IDF soldiers located 120 meters inside Israeli territory may have been a local commander’s decision, but was influenced by the army’s belligerent attitude toward… Continue reading

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Israel Holds the Lebanese Government Responsible for the Border Incident

Israel views the firing from Lebanon on an Israel Defense Force patrol, which was operating along the Lebanese border in coordination with UNIFIL, as a severe violation of… Continue reading

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Israel Suspects Turkey is Betraying its Military Secrets to Iran

Ankara distanced itself further from the West last week by signing a pact with Iran for the exchange of intelligence in real time in their offensives against… Continue reading

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Hamas plans to liberate Palestine in its entirety

If we could liberate the Negev now, we would continue [our military activity], but our capabilities dictate that after we got rid of the Israeli presence in Gaza, we must finish off the remnants… Continue reading

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Egypt isn’t Israel’s Friend

Hosni Mubarak’s policy is premised on the following principle: Egypt does what’s good for Egypt. Cairo’s foreign minister recently referred to Israel as an “enemy state…” Continue reading

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Cracks In The Islamist Curtain

I am worried about what will happen in the coming decades to the world while Islam is undergoing possible reform and change. Muslims are leaving Islam in large numbers and more will leave. Tyranny cannot last for ever, not even under Sharia Law… Continue reading

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Cruel and Usual Punishment

Every time I tried to find a solution to all the ills of Muslim society, such as jihad, oppression of women and minorities, I was confronted with an Islamic law that stood in the way of a solution… Continue reading

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Now They Call Me Infidel

They criticized me for befriending and marrying an American. They rejected me when I refused to cover my head; something I have never done before. Some even called Americans stupid or naïve for being such an open society… Continue reading

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Abbas: Jerusalem Is The Key To Solve The Conflict

On April 24 Mahmoud Abbas referred to the issue in a speech delivered at the opening session of Fatah’s Revolutionary Council. He said that Jerusalem was the key to solving the conflict and that ending the [so-called] “occupation” of the city would be the basis for… Continue reading

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The Germanification of Israel

A clueless anti Semite attacked the Jewish State on the web in an article with the above title, reviewing a book called Israeli Occupation. INN staff rebutted. Read our answers and… Continue reading

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The US-Israel Crisis and PA’s Refusal to Negotiate

It is important to understand that the current controversy over construction in east Jerusalem is neither a public relations’ problem nor a bilateral policy dispute. It arises because of things having nothing directly to do with this specific point… Continue reading

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Eurabia and Why Europe Hates its Jews – Again

This article outlines precisely how the Euro-Islamic Alliance cult is turning Europe into an Eurabia entity and laying the foundation for a new holocaust against the European Jews and, this time, against a national Jewish State as well: Israel… Continue reading