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Hamas and Hezbollah’s Satellite Channels Continue Broadcasting Via Arab-Muslim and Western Satellites

As part of the battle for hearts and minds, Hamas and Hezbollah invest great resources in operating a number of land and satellite television channels. They use them to spread their extremist Islamist ideology, which includes incitement against Israel, the Jewish people and Western countries… Continue reading

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Vicious Anti-Semitic Speech Justifies The Elimination of Israel and Deportation of Jews

Hamas senior Mahmoud al-Zahar has recently given a vicious anti-Semitic speech to justify the elimination of Israel and the deportation of Jews from the “entire territory of Palestine”. The speech contains themes… Continue reading

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Hezbollah and Hamas Television

A number of satellite companies (including Western companies) continue providing communication services for Hezbollah and Hamas’ television and radio, even though restrictions have been imposed by Europe and the United States… Continue reading