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Qaddafi’s Foresight

Qaddafi warned the Europeans of the growing threat of African illegal immigration… Read more

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Did the Armenian Genocide Inspire Hitler?

The massacre of the Ottoman Armenians helped persuade the Nazis to exterminate national minorities as well… Continue reading

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Ankara’s Unacknowledged Genocide

The Ottoman Empire tolerated the existence of vast non-Muslim subject populations in its midst, provided they acknowledged their legal and institutional inferiority in the Islamic order of things. When these groups dared to question their subordinate status, they were brutally suppressed, and none more so than the Armenians… Continue reading

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Islamic Supremacy Alive and Well in Ankara

Supersessionism refers to the belief that Christians have superseded Jews in a new covenant with God. Islam, too, sees itself as superseding all previous divine revelation but, unlike Christianity, Islam freely erases history itself… Continue reading

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President Sargsyan Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Turkey has in all ways possible aborted the ratification and implementation of the protocols we initialed in 2009… Continue reading

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The View from Beijing: Growing Chinese Enthusiasm over Turkey

Chinese analysts have been pleasantly surprised by the stupendous growth in their cultural, economic, and political ties with Turkey… Continue reading