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Turkey’s Regional Leadership in the Middle East: Principle or Realpolitik?

In stark contrast to its support for the protest movements in Egypt and Tunisia, Turkey has abstained from taking a principled, democratic stand… Continue reading

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UNSC Authorizes Strikes on Libya, Five Air Forces set to Attack Libya, Gaddafi Threatens Reprisals

The United Nations Security Council voted Thursday to authorize military force against Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadhafi’s forces… Continue reading

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Syria sends Gaddafi arms

As Washington commended the Arab League for approving a proposed no-fly zone over Libya and European powers drew up plans for… Continue reading

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Iran Claims It Produces 30 kg Of 20-Percent Enriched Fuel

Ali Akbar Salehi, Chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said the country has produced roughly 30 kg of 20-percent enriched fuel so far, ISNA News Agency reported… Continue reading