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WikiLeaks: Iran Elections, Disarray in Both Conservative and Reformist Camps, Moussavi too Unknown for Many

Iranian analysts in Iran and the UK see no clear trends or emerging patterns in the campaigns of candidates for President in the run… Continue reading

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Would Appointing a Turkish Diplomat to Head the OSCE Secretariat Help Anchor Turkey in the West?

Several developments are making Turkey’s role in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) increasingly prominent. The Turkish government… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Polarized Climate Complicates Efforts to Deal with Past and Present Authoritarianism

In the deeply polarized climate that pervades Turkish society, it has become near-impossible to stake out an ideological terrain that… Continue reading

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Turkey and the EU: The Disappearing Vision

On December 31, 2010, Belgium’s six month presidency of the EU closed without any chapters in Turkey’s membership negotiations being opened. It was the first time an EU presidency… Continue reading

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Massive Demonstrations in Egypt; curfew announced

Military deploys in Cairo after mass demonstrations against President Mubarak claim lives of man and woman, al-Jazeera reports. Former IAEA chief ElBaradei placed under house arrest… Continue reading

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Changing Of The Guard: Judicial Reforms Reinforce Concerns About the AKP’s Increasing Authoritarianism

The restructuring of the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), which is responsible for appointments and disciplinary procedures in the Turkish judicial system, was one of the key reforms in the package of constitutional amendments which were approved in a referendum… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Leader Wants A Jihadi Generation That Pursues Death

When the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood–the main opposition group in Jordan and Egypt, and the most powerful Muslim group in Europe, calls for Jihad against the West, people better sit up and take notice… Continue reading

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Increasing Concern Over Impact of Escalating Sanctions Against Iran

The European Union’s decision last week to approve a new package of severe sanctions against Iran’s commerce, finance, energy, and transportation sectors has… Continue reading

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Turkey’s New Political Balance: Old AKP and New Kemalism

Turkey’s protracted political battle between the governing Justice and Development Party, or AKP, and its opponents reached a crescendo this month with the Turkish Parliament’s vote on proposed constitutional amendments… Continue reading

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“Slavery Is A Part Of Islam”

Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan is a leading Saudi Government cleric and author of the country’s religious curriculum and he believes Islam advocates slavery. Remember that Saudi Arabia… Continue reading

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Mohammad Mossadegh – Eccentric Nationalist and ousted Prime Minister

Except for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, father of its revolution, no leader has left a deeper mark on Iran’s 20th century landscape than Mohammed Mossadegh. And no 20th century event has fueled Iran’s suspicion… Continue reading

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Iran Student Day: Origins and Legacy

Iranian authorities warned of crackdowns as they tried to head off possible protests Monday, when the country marks Students Day — the anniversary of the 1953 killing of three university students by security forces. The history of Iranian student political protests began in 1941 with the abdication of Reza Shah and occupation of Iran by the allied forces… Continue reading