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Tensions Between India and Iran Escalate

This week, Iran’s media have extensively covered the escalating tensions between Iran and India following last week’s announcement by the Indian Central Bank that Iran will not be able to sell oil to India unless… Continue reading

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Iran Self-Sufficient in Uranium Production, Weeks Away From Weapons-Grade Uranium

Production of Iran’s first batch of uranium yellowcake marked just one of Tehran’s two nuclear leaps forward ahead of the resumption of its nuclear talks with the Six Powers in Geneva Monday, Dec. 6, after a 14-month interruption… Continue reading

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Hariri Opens Door to Iranian-Hizballah Takeover of Lebanon’s Armed Forces

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri ended his two-day visit to Tehran Monday with consent for Iranian Revolutionary Guards officers to take part for the first time in coordinating sessions between Lebanese and Hizballah commanders… Continue reading

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Turkish PM Erdogan: Hizbullah Not Involved In Rafik Hariri Assassination

The Lebanese daily Al-Safir reported on Monday that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not believe Hizbullah is connected to the 2005 Rafik Hariri assassination. Rafik Hariri was then Lebanese prime minister and is the father of the current Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri… Continue reading

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Iranian-Indian Relations Tense After Supreme Leader Expresses Support for Muslims’ Struggle In Kashmir

Last weekend, India summoned Reza Ala’i, Iran’s chargé d’affaires in New Delhi, to lodge a protest over remarks made by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in support of the struggle of the Muslim residents of Kashmir, the site of a long-standing territorial dispute between… Continue reading

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Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Hails the Unique and Undeniable Role of Basij

Since their founding by Ayatollah Khomeiny, they were also used in suppressing democratic movements in Iran and opponents of the Ayatollah regime. The Basij helped Ahmadinejad and the security forces to crush the mass protests against the frauduleus elections… Continue reading

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Iran’s Green Movement Needs Strong Leadership

There were 300 of us, maximum 500. Against 10,000 people. It means they won and we lost. They defeated us. They were able to gather so many people. But this doesn’t mean we have been defeated for good. It’s a defeat for now. We need time to regroup… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Guard Inc.

The secretive paramilitary group, according to the U.S., arms both violent Shiite militias in Iraq and Hezbollah. It runs feared prisons inside Iran. The Revolutionary Guard also has a big role that is less understood in the West: an active player in business… Continue reading

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Mousavi proposes a plan to solve the Political Crisis in Iran

In the wake of the Ashura riots, Mir Hossein Mousavi proposes a plan to solve the crisis; the conservatives’ approach is still as aggressive and non-compromising as ever… Continue reading

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Het Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Korps

Het Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Korps (Sepāh e Pāsdārān e Enqelāb e Eslāmi) staat in Iran ook bekend als de ‘Pasdaran’ en als ‘Sepah’. Deze uit ideologisch gedreven en streng geselecteerde vrijwilligers bestaande eenheid – die geheel los staat van het Iraanse leger – werd… Continue reading