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Hamas Remarks About Its Attack Policy and the Recent Escalation

Senior Hamas figures said they wanted the lull to continue and held Israel responsible for the recent escalation in the Gaza Strip. They accused Israel of plotting new “aggression” and threatening a strong Hamas response should such “aggression” occur… Continue reading

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Hamas and Palestinian Authority Remarks on the Anniversary of the UN Partition Plan

The Palestinian Authority’s information ministry sent a press release claiming that the Partition Plan had created the “foundation for the wounds caused by the nakba…which were still open” and the reason the Palestinians had lost “their land and historical legacy”… Continue reading

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Militant Anti-Israeli Campaign being Waged on British Campuses

The twinning of the LSE and Queen Mary College with the Islamic University in Gaza marks another achievement for the militant anti-Israeli campaign being waged on British campuses, which is characterized by demonstrations, protest activities, anti-Israeli propaganda and incitement… Continue reading