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Iran Goes Ballistic

While discussions of Iran’s growing strategic threat focus almost exclusively on its nuclear capabilities, Tehran’s massive ballistic missile arsenal poses a clear and present danger in the region as well… Read more

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Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al-Khalifa, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Addresses General Debate, 68th session, 2013

Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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The U.S. versus the ‘Shi’ite Crescent’?

Is U.S. Middle East policy aligned with the ‘Sunni bloc’ in a grand sectarian alliance against the ‘Shi’ite crescent’?… Continue reading

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The Iraqi Model: As Good As It Gets

Iraq is in a mess. Violence continues. Factionalism leads to endless bickering. Corruption is at high levels. Christians live in fear or flee altogether. Islamism is constantly creeping forward… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood in the United Arab Emirates

Qatar became a Muslim Brotherhood stronghold in 1954, when a group of its activists found refuge there… Continue reading

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The New Middle East: Arab versus non-Arab Muslims; Sunni versus Shia

The new Middle East strategic battle is heating up and this is only the start… Continue reading

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America and the Arab Spring

A year ago this week, on January 25, 2011, the ground began to crumble under then-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s feet… Continue reading

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Sunni versus Shia: The Middle East’s New Strategic Conflict

Conflicts between Sunni and Shia Muslims are not at all new, but… Continue reading

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After the “Arab Spring”: Will Freedom Take Hold in the Arab World?

At the end of 2011 is anyone in the Arabic-speaking world better off as a result of the upheavals of the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Policy: A Unified Field Theory

Here’s an effort to bring together all of Obama’s regional policy into a single analysis and explaining everything… Continue reading

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Overviewing Shi’a-Sunni Conflicts

As we approach the end of the first year of what has been called the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Iranian terrorist cell exposed in Bahrain

A terrorist cell was recently exposed in Bahrain, which according to the Bahraini and… Continue reading

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Qatar’s Sunni Side

How could Qatar’s foreign policy best be defined during the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Welcome to the Islamist Middle East and It’s Not Going to be Moderate

The New York Times and BBC headlines on the Tunisian elections tell us it is a victory for “moderate Islamists”… Continue reading

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What Gaddafi’s Death Teaches the Middle East…And Should Teach the West

What can we learn from the death of Libyan dictator Moammar Qadhafi… Continue reading

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Assessing Bahrain

Critics have often argued that Western nations have been hypocritical in their policies towards Bahrain… Continue reading

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Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

The UAE has played a vital role in international efforts aiming at protecting the people of Libya… Continue reading

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King Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

There is no doubt that the world is now entering a new era of important changes… Continue reading

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President Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

There’s one issue that stands as a test for these principles and a test for American foreign policy, and that is the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians… Continue reading

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Israel’s Strategic Standpoint: Mid-2011 and Mid-“Arab Spring”

There are two types of strategic perspectives in Israel today. They aren’t contradictory but they have different priorities… Continue reading

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Iran: Reactions to President Obama’s Speech – “It’s all Words”

President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech was met with skepticism in Iran, and said to be an expression of… Continue reading

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Syria Murders Hundreds; “Pro-‘Arab Spring'” West Yawns or Supports Syrian Regime

The situation in Syria is terrible. Hundreds of people have been shot; others arrested and tortured… Continue reading

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And The New Leader of the Free World Is…Saudi Arabia?

Since the United States is not leading the anti-Islamist forces in the Middle East and protecting the relatively moderate Arab states… Continue reading

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Arab Spring: What Does It Really Mean?

There are 20 Muslim-majority political entities in the Middle East — counting the Gaza Strip and West Bank separately… Continue reading