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Obama’s Middle East Speech Stuns Israelis

U.S. President Barack Obama’s declaration in his policy speech Thursday, May 19, that Israel should withdraw to the 1967 lines… Continue reading

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The West’s Foreign Policy Theme – Like Me Before You Kill Me – Applied to Israel

Recently, it was revealed that President Barack Obama had consulted Tom Friedman in formulating his Middle East policy… Continue reading

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The Myth of President Obama’s Middle East Speech

I don’t want to speculate about President Barack Obama’s Middle East speech. I’ll wait to hear it. But the… Continue reading

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Obama: Muslim Outreach 2.0

On Thursday, President Obama will “reach out” yet again to what he insists on calling “the Muslim world.” Think of it as… Continue reading

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The Middle East: The Possible/Probable Main Crisis for 2012

Save this note. Last year I predicted that Egypt’s instability might well be the big story of 2011. Why wait until December… Continue reading

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The Foreign Policy Elite and Bureaucracy Starts Parting Ways with Obama

Perhaps the most important policymaking development of the last month has been President Barack Obama’s increasingly visible loss of… Continue reading

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Terroristische Daad Eist Slachtoffers Tijdens Palestijnse Nakba-dag

Tenminste één persoon gedood en 17 gewond — waarvan twee ernstig — na een terroristische daad door een 22-jarige Israëlische Arabier… Lees verder

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Muslim Brotherhood: Obama’s Chosen Partner for Promoting American Interests in the Arab World

Barack Obama, President of Israel’s best friend and ally, has picked the Muslim Brotherhood movement of the Middle East as his chosen partner… Continue reading

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U.S. Pushes Pakistani Intelligence to the Wall

The Obama administration is presenting the successful Osama bin Laden hit as an epic American solo operation, unparalleled in… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy Toward Palestinian Authority-Hamas Deal: Any Change Coming?

Here’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Hamas-Palestinian Authority deal… Continue reading

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Is there a link between Bin Laden’s killing and the Arab Revolt?

The photos released of the fortified villa in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where Osama bin Laden died on Sunday night, show a… Continue reading

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Osama bin Laden’s Last Haven was a Pakistani Military Town

US military and intelligence sources disclose that Abbottabad, where al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was shot dead Sunday night… Continue reading

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Obama Confirms: Osama bin Laden Killed in Firefight with U.S. Forces

U.S. President Barack Obama has confirmed in a speech to the nation that Osama bin Laden, leader of the Islamic Al-Qaeda terror group, is dead… Continue reading

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Egypt: Pillar of Fire and Political Plagues Are Bad Signs

Gas flames shooting 65 feet high signal the birth of a new Middle East. That pillar of fire, unlike the Biblical one, indicates that Egyptians… Continue reading

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Obama Administration: Eager to Save Syria’s Anti-American Dictator

Before I remark on the idiotic analysis of the day, I have to write a disclaimer. Up to now I usually don’t remark on… Continue reading

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Obama Foreign Policy Is Ignorant and Stupid Rather Than a Conspiracy

The most common question — or remark — that I get from readers is to say that I’m wrong to talk about how Western policymakers… Continue reading

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Why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Will Speak to Congress

To try to turn American liberals and Democrats — and especially Jews — against Israel on the pretext that they are only opposing Israel’s… continue reading

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Syria: Crackdown Begins; West Does Nothing

As I predicted yesterday, the Syrian government has now started a full-scale violent crackdown against oppositionists… Continue reading

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Syria’s Biggest Crisis in 40 Years

Today [April 23] Syria has entered its biggest internal crisis since 1970. The regime has come out to crush the… Continue reading

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Obama’s Passover Message Misses the Message of Passover

There’s some controversy about President Barack Obama’s Passover message. The key passage is this… Continue reading

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Explaining the Middle East to President Obama In One Sentence

How would you explain the Middle East to President Obama in one sentence? Here’s my take… Continue reading

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Libya is A Brave Face on a Farce

In what may become a symbolic photo of the current Libyan intervention, Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was shown on… Continue reading

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Who Won’t Talk? The Palestinian Authority, Not Israel

The effort to make Israel look bad is simply ridiculous. But even in this context, the following lead paragraph caught my eye… Continue reading

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U.S.-backed Egyptian “Moderate” leader Muhammad ElBaradei Threatens War On Israel

Everything has been so predictable. Designated “moderate” and U.S.-backed Egyptian leader Muhammad ElBaradei has made a… Continue reading

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YouTube World View Interview With PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Transcription from the Channel2 and YouTube World View Interview with Israel’s prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu… Continue reading