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Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire?

In 2005, the National Intelligence Council, or NIC, produced a report called, “Mapping the Global Future: Project 2020.” According to this report, within the next several years, we may expect to see the emergence of a fledgling caliphate, or revived Islamic empire… Continue reading

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Is Iran Creating a Defensive Umbrella for Aggression?

Ahmadinejad’s apparently pacifist-style, peacenik stance at the UN conference fits into his strategy. Nuclear weapons may well provide the umbrella for him to seek regional hegemony with weapons of mass destruction unused but highly visible in his back pocket… Continue reading

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Benjamin Netanyahu Freezes Construction in Jerusalem?

There hasn’t been — and won’t be — any public confirmation of such an understanding, yet it seems quite likely that this has happened. In effect, Netanyahu is saying: We are cooperating in every way possible, so how can you complain about us… Continue reading

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Obama Again Avoids To Use The Word ‘Genocide’ In Armenian Remembrance Message

US President Barack Obama declined, for a second time, to use the word “genocide” to describe the atrocities experienced by Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire a century ago… Continue reading

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The Trust Is Gone

I consider the Obama administration’s recent actions against the Israeli government to be outrageous and a breach of trust. The world knows what happened; nevertheless, I will try to put it into context… Continue reading

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A Further Note on U.S.-Israel Relations

A lot of nonsense has been written about the Obama Administration seeking or deliberately creating a crisis in U.S.-Israel relations. This has little or nothing to do with the actual events… Continue reading

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When Obama Met Netanyahu

On learning that Barack Obama invited Binyamin Netanyahu to visit him on March 23, presumably to discuss such momentous topics as the timing of announcements of housing units in Jerusalem and urging him to make nice… Continue reading

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Occupied Territories

Today a post from the Dry Bones blog. The comparison between Obama and Carter is captious and discouraging at the same time… Continue reading

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NRC Handelsblad accepteert Antisemitisch Thema

Dat de Nederlandse media erg eenzijdig en vol met vooroordelen en onjuistheden berichten over het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict, is ons wel bekend. Maar dat dit gegeven ook doordringt tot in… Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton takes up the Running on Middle East Peace

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, emerged this week as the Washington official taking the running on the battle with Israel over settlements. She held a 43-minute telephone call in which, according to Israeli media, Netanyahu… Continue reading

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Benjamin Netanyahu in desperate effort to appease US

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has held marathon meetings with the six most powerful ministers to come up with a course of action that will satisfy the US, particularly Secretary of State Hillary Clinton… Continue reading

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Hoe Links Europa Regeert

Onlangs werden er twee opmerkelijke uitspraken gedaan door twee van Europa’s hoogste leiders die veelzeggend zijn over wat er werkelijk aan de hand is in Europa… Continue reading

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Het Nieuwe Handvest van Fatah Laat Zien Waarom Vrede Nog Veraf Is

Veel mensen lijken te denken dat het Israëlisch-Palestijns of Arabisch-Israëlisch conflict of het “vredesproces” de belangrijkste kwestie is van deze wereld. Dus wie gaat bepalen of het wordt opgelost of niet… Continue reading

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Fatah’s New Charter Shows Why Peace Won’t Happen

Many people seem to think that the Israel-Palestinian or Arab-Israeli conflict or the “peace process” is the world’s most important issue. So who’s going to determine whether it gets resolved or not… Continue reading

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The Middle East Matrix

What if everything you think you know to be true is a lie, and everything you see is just an illusion? Sounds like a promo for The Matrix, but this is the reality of life in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Gilo is a neighborhood of Jerusalem

Gilo is not a “settlement” and never has been one, unless you consider every Israeli town, city and suburb a “settlement”, including those that were built on legally purchased and registered land, like Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva and Rishon LeZion… Continue reading

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President Barack Obama’s 2009 Cairo Speech to the Muslim World

President Obama’s outreach to the muslim world pledging “to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims”… Read more