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Now Anyone Can Understand That Israel Isn’t About to Attack Iran

Or, as Homer Simpson would explain it, “Doh!”… Continue reading

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Azerbaijan foils Iranian-Hizballah terror strike against Jewish targets

A Hizballah cell backed by intelligence from Tehran and external Iranian terror cells in Turkey, Bulgaria, Georgia and Armenia, was captured in Baku on Jan. 19 by… Continue reading

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Jordan’s King Abdullah meets with Abbas discussing Syria and Israel-Palestinian issue in a rare West Bank visit

Jordan’s King Abdullah II arrived in Ramallah at very short notice for his first visit in more than a decade… Continue reading

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Quadruple Terror Attack Near Eilat; IDF Strikes Gaza in Response

Terrorists opened fire on innocent Israeli civilians near Eilat and IDF soldiers… Continue reading

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Israeli Leaders Succumbed to a “Ceasefire” Deal, but Hamas will Press On with its Terrorist Campaign

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak were expected at long last to instruct… Continue reading

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Netanyahu on Itamar Murder: PA isn’t Educating Palestinians Toward Peace

At the start of Sunday’s weekly Israeli Cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said Abbas’ condemnation of the Itamar murder wasn’t strong enough… Continue reading